The Simple Side Of Human Resource Management

The Simple Side Of Human Resource Management
Learn how to understand some of the more complex aspects of human resource management in a simpler context. If you are interested in understanding human resource management in greater detail, but you are just not in the mood for those stale academic written, hard to understand, boring textbooks, then this book is just for you. If you are simply looking for additional information and wish to supplement your existing knowledge on human resource management, well then this book is for you. For the sake of covering both angles, this book includes the academic writing, as well as simpler written interpretations of the same information. The non-academic people amongst us, or simply those who will benefit from a simpler side of things can benefit none the less. With a pinch of salt, a dash of garnish, this book will help you understand some of the in-depth parts of the human resource management paradigm. You may at some parts feel that you have completely lost your way, but fear not. As I have, and many before us, you will survive the journeys into the paradigms of the business management empire. $1.99 on Kindle. 

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Author: Jan H Pieterse