McCain: The Complete Western Chronicles

McCain: The Complete Western ChroniclesIn a sweeping saga of courage, sacrifice, and redemption, bestselling author B.N. Rundell presents the complete epic journey of Elijah McCain.

From the aftermath of the Civil War to the untamed frontiers of the West, follow McCain’s relentless pursuit of a promise made to his dying wifeto find and bring home their twin sons, no matter the cost.

From the gold fields of Montana to the scorching deserts of California, McCain faces the perils of lawless lands, ruthless outlaws, and vengeful natives, all while wrestling with the ghosts of his past and the uncertain future of a nation torn by war and greed. With each step closer to his sons, McCain discovers that the true measure of a man lies not in his victories, but in his unwavering commitment to honor and family.

Join Elijah McCain on an unforgettable journey through the heart of the Wild West, where every twist of fate brings him closer to an ultimate showdown of courage and destiny.

This complete Western collection includes The Covenant, Last Chance Gulch, Bear Gulch, Naches Trail, Siskiyou Trail, Emigrant Trail, Washita, and Bridger Trail. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Apache Jack

Apache Jack
In 1843, when the Millers steal a secret gold mine in New Mexico, everyone wants to kill them — especially Geronimo. Hatred here is a way of life, but war with Mexico looms. In a lawless time, in a brutal land, where murder is just a popular career, Jack Miller will do anything to take what he can and kill who he must. Free on Kindle.
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The Siege

The Siege

The desert winds brought the marshal to town.

He rode out of the wilderness, his duster flapping like black wings, his hat concealing his face except for the scraggly growth across his chin. A pearl-handled Colt rested in the holster at his hip, and he seemed more shadow than man in his black clothes. Like all great things signaling a shift in the world, he arrived unnoticed by anyone, barely visible through the dust storm.
Kris Jensen only wanted a drink and a night with an accommodating saloon girl, but fate has much more in store for him when a renegade army set its sights on the town of Mimosa. Their purpose? To drive out the settlers and townsfolk from land coveted by a secret enemy.

With the help of wanted fugitive Flynn Brenner, old friend Jack Fenwick and a suicidal conman, Adrian Sharpe, Kris must rally the people of Mimosa to fight for their very existence before it’s too late.

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