The Success Protocol: The 5% That Creates Instant, Permanent Change

The Success Protocol: The 5% That Creates Instant, Permanent Change
Feeling trapped in unhappiness, relationship issues, or unfulfilling work? Struggling with stress, anger, or depression? You’re not alone, and you don’t have to stay stuck. This book offers a proven protocol with efficient techniques for achieving peace, happiness, wealth, health, and personal growth. Learn how to make small yet significant shifts to transform your life permanently by distinguishing between the unconscious ‘puppet’ and the observant ‘puppeteer’ within. Discover the biohacking protocol that improved my health and reduced my biological age by 11 years. Break free from the cycle of blame and scarcity, and embrace a transformative journey based on 40 years of experience in finding lasting change. Stephen, a chemist and Harvard-trained business expert, shares his journey from corporate climber to spiritual seeker and coach.

$0.99 on Kindle.
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30 Rules To Live By: How Small Timeless Habits Completely Change Your View On Wealth, Desire And Everyday Vices To Reach Long-Lasting Happiness

30 Rules To Live By: How Small Timeless Habits Completely Change Your View On Wealth, Desire And Everyday Vices To Reach Long-Lasting Happiness
The problem isn’t that we are unhappy. It’s that we expect to be happy all of the time… In 30-days’ time, the pragmatic wisdom of humankind’s biggest thinkers, accompanied by simple action steps in this book, will serve you to discover: The true secret to happiness and why it continues to elude many people… $0.99 on Kindle.
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Build Your Wealth Like a Pro

Build Your Wealth Like a Pro offers proven and research-based wealth-building habits that will positively transform your perception of handling money to reach your financial goals. $2.99 on Kindle.
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Christmastide: Twelve nights of Christmas spirit for Abundance, Prosperity and Wealth

Christmastide: Twelve nights of Christmas spirit for Abundance, Prosperity and Wealth
What if you could influence your upcoming new year positively?
Set the course for a fulfilled new year between the magic nights from 24.12 until 06.01. Let the new year being the best year of your life. $1.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Jar Spells for Success: A Witch’s Annual Guide to Fulfillment and Prosperity

Jar Spells for Success: A Witch's Annual Guide to Fulfillment and Prosperity
Learn How To Make Jar Spells That Will Attract Love, Health, Wealth, and Prosperity!
Do you believe that you deserve more than you have now? Do you struggle to make your dreams come true? Do you know that the Law of Attraction can work but find it hard to manifest it into reality consistently in your life?

If so, there’s a simple solution: JAR SPELLS.

Imagine thinking of something you want, then simply gathering a couple of ingredients, meditating for a moment before creating a beautiful decoration to look at regularly and help remind you of that intention. Imagine becoming more focused and able to attract more of what you want into your life easily. Imagine being able to live your dreams!

Amazon bestselling author, Cassandra Jade, provides a start-to-finish blueprint for creating jar spells that work. She’ll explain to you, step by step, how to gather ingredients, focus your dreams, state your intention and then put them all together in easy jar spells that are as beautiful as they are magical.

In this book, you’ll receive more than 40 brand-new tips and spells, not previously shared anywhere else before, for developing your spell-making abilities in order to make your dreams reality. What if you don’t believe in that kind of thing? Although jar spells are an ancient form of folk magic, you can think of them as a type of self-hypnosis to help you focus on refining and achieving your goals.

You’ll learn everything from the essentials to more advanced methods. At their most basic, though, jar spells help your heart speak through this process. They also transform thoughts and invisible psychological processes into something visible that you can put on your shelf or carry around in your purse. The process of making jar spells, magic or not, often helps you understand yourself better and is as relaxing as it is fun and meaningful.

In JAR SPELLS FOR SUCCESS, you’ll discover:

More than 30 original jar spells have been created specifically for this book
A month-by-month approach to spell making with specific information and spells connected to Nature and the seasons
How to create spells that work both based on ingredients, emotions, and intentions, which you can adapt and tailor based on your personal biases

Specific tips for gathering spell ingredients locally, ethically, and responsibly
Advanced jar spells such as contacting your Guardian Angel and harvesting love from the universe around you
And much, much more!

Buy your copy of JAR SPELLS FOR SUCCESS today to finally start living the life your heart keeps trying to let you know that you were meant to live! Free on Kindle.
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Faster Safer Wealthier: Skip the Start-up and Buy a Stable Business to Build Intergenerational Wealth

Faster Safer Wealthier: Skip the Start-up and Buy a Stable Business to Build Intergenerational Wealth

High-risk entrepreneurship is a tough route to a rich life and financial freedom. Start-up stress, like relying on a once-in-a-lifetime innovation or setting out on a one-track objective of billionaire status, results in detours and setbacks rather than the financial rewards you desire.

Not all businesses are high-risk endeavours though. Substantial, lasting wealth can be built in the space between broke and billionaire—when you reframe your idea of business ownership.

Skip the risky start-up and walk straight into an already cash-flowing company to create and retain wealth! Dr. Gregory Bott’s structured framework for small business acquisition will mitigate risk, accelerate wealth accumulation, and elevate your business for profitable growth. With this step-by-step guide for both new and seasoned entrepreneurs, you can start on a steady path of incremental gains as a rightful business owner—for safer financial success that lasts generations. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Financial Independence Retire Early: Change Your Future One Simple Step at a Time

Financial Independence Retire Early: Change Your Future One Simple Step at a Time

Would you like to make steps today so you can change your financial future and live life on your own terms?

Do you want to be free from your 9-5 so you can start a business, a hobby, or travel the world?

Are you looking to exit your corporate job as soon as possible?

Do you want to build a life, that provides for financial freedom, giving you the luxury to be able to retire early with passive income streams so you can do what you want?

Many think that retiring early by 30, 40, or 50 is unattainable due to massive debt, corporate restructuring, or because you don’t have the time to dedicate into a strong financial education on financial independence.

The movement of Financial Independence, with the ability to retire early, has turned this ideology upside down, and has exponentially grown in the past couple decades. Many are desiring to be financially free and independent, so they can live life on their own terms. This movement, consisting of saving and investing in passive income sources has many changing the trajectory of their financial future by making small, simple steps and creating a new future. In this book, you will learn:

• Why People are Embracing the Financial Independence Lifestyle Movement, and Rapidly and Heavily Investing in Passive Income Sources
• 23 Practical Steps to Create Wealth with Clearly Defined Steps to so you Can Easily Get on Board with the FIRE movement
• How to Get Started with Investments so you Can Generate Wealth and Change your Financial Future
• How to Calculate your Retirement Date so you Can Taste your Future and Start to Make Retirement Plans
• How to Create Passive Income with the BRRRR Approach to Real Estate Investing so you Can Diversify your Assets
• The Magic of Compound Interest so you can See your Investments Grow
• The Importance of our Mindset and how it Impacts our Ability to Generate Wealth
• How to Overcome Setbacks and Challenges so that you Can Quickly Gain Momentum
• The Impact of Embracing a Frugal Mentality so you Can Boost your Portfolio Forward and see the Day of Financial Independence
• How to Get out of the Rat Race so you Can Enjoy your Life and Live It on your Own Terms
• 9 Side Hustles to Start Today to Propel you Forward in the Journey Faster.
• And more…

There has never been a more important time to learn the strategies and tools, to reach financial independence, so you can retire early, and leave your 9-5, than it is now. With this book, you will have the fundamentals, all in one place, so you can get started on your financial independence journey, creating your future one simple step at a time. $0.99 on Kindle.

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You Can’t Save Your Way to Wealth

This is not your typical book about money, wealth, real estate, and financial freedom. This book is meant to shift your thinking about how YOU can build generational wealth through real estate, take care of your immediate family and fund your retirement, even if you’re an immigrant, have no savings and have bad credit. $0.99 on Kindle
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One Hour Investor: A Beginner’s Guide to Investing Wisely in Stocks, Mutual Funds, and Bonds

One Hour Investor: A Beginner’s Guide to Investing Wisely in Stocks, Mutual Funds, and Bonds
How can regular folks like you and me create real wealth and financial freedom? It’s simple: focus on learning the fundamentals of investing. One Hour Investor covers all sorts of financial instruments as well as basic financial concepts. You don’t need to be a math whiz or have an MBA to understand how to succeed financially. It’s all laid out for you in plain English so you can easily understand how each investment works for you. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Turning Passion into Wealth

Self-Help: Turning Passion into Wealth: Finding Your True Passion and Investing in Yourself
This book is not designed to show you how to make money. The goal of this work is to help you to find out what it is you are passionate about and show you some simple steps which will help you to see how following your passion can help you to build wealth beyond your wildest dreams. It’s easy. But it requires you to take a good look at your life and assess it honestly. Do you love what you are doing with your life, your time, and your energy? If you are not satisfied with where you are in life and what you’re doing with your life, then change it.

Passion is contagious. People can tell if you are passionate about what you are saying or doing. People can feel your enthusiasm, so you should try your best to make it positive. One of the keys to happiness in life is to do what you love. If you do that, everyone with whom you come in contact will sense your enthusiasm and energy and be swept along with it. When you are doing what you love you tap into the wellspring of ideas and energy being provided by the universe and this allows success and wealth to come to you with ease.

Real wealth takes many forms. To some great knowledge is the ultimate wealth because it provides you with an understanding of the world, your place in it, and how to use the resources of this planet to help you and everyone with whom you come in contact to prosper. For others, being self-employed is true wealth. They prize having the freedom to use their time, talent, and energy to build their own business. A business, the direction and growth trajectory of which they have control. They like knowing they and their loved ones will be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor…  Free on Kindle.
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