The Customer Is Always…

the-customer-is-alwaysEveryone hates Monday. 

Including Vincent who, at 9AM, already wants his shift to be over. Ten long hours sit before him, tedious, boring, repetitive. 

Then he receives a phone call from Mr Pierce. A routine call at first, Mr Pierce becomes more aggressive and, eventually, violent and demanding. What started as a standard call has now turned into a deadly game of cat and mouse. As the call develops, it’s clear that Mr Pierce is psychotic and that anything could push him over the edge. 

You see, Mr Pierce has a secret to share with Vincent. A deadly, personal secret which shatters Vincent’s 9-5 world and could change his life forever.

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The Bones of Others

The-Bones-of-OthersSome monsters live in your head. Not this one. 

Brutalized as a young girl by a vile sexual predator, Skye Cree is a survivor. Guided by the visions of her mystical spirit guide to the whereabouts of abducted girls, she uses her unique abilities to turn her horrifying past into a positive force for justice. Fighting the demons that have haunted her for years, she trusts only in herself—until she falls hard for a man for the first time in her life. Now, discovering her abductor is back with a vengeance, she becomes locked in a deadly race against time to stop the horrors of an evil human-trafficking ring that threatens to tear her world—and her new-found love apart.

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Terminal Connection: A Thriller

Terminal-ConnectionIn a setting reminiscent of THE MATRIX and in the man-verses-science spirit of JURASSIC PARK, the players in this mystery and suspense techno thriller novel move between reality and virtuality, finding danger, death, and betrayal in both worlds. 

What if a terrorist were a computer virus, its weapon a defect, and its target the U.S. military’? Welcome to the present, where the lines are blurred between terrorists and governments, virtual worlds and reality. In a war of information, everyone is on the frontline. 

Steve Donovan, founder of NEXUS Corp, has developed a virtual technology that could help his daughter walk again. Riddled with guilt over the accident that crippled Brooke, Donovan buries himself in developing the Nexus. But when a young girl dies using the Nexus and a defect is discovered, NEXUS CEO Austin Wheeler decides lawsuits are cheaper than a recall. Exploiting the defect that triggers fatal seizures, a hacker introduces a deadly virus in the form of a virtual serial killer. Torn between his conscious and his invention, and distracted by a sexy federal investigator and a bottle of scotch, Donovan chases the killer through uncharted virtual worlds, where nothing is as it seems. He discovers a conspiracy that threatens U. S. security and Brooke’s life. As two superpowers face off in global confrontation, Donovan realizes that in order to stop the killer, he must break the TERMINAL CONNECTION.

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Origins: Psychic Unleashed

Origins-Psychic-UnleashedNew Orleans, 1973 – The CIA uncovers two young kids with uncanny psychic ability. A renegade agent wants them for his own. When Ronnie Gilmore and Cassie Reynold fight back, things get deadly fast. 

The ability to Remote View makes Cassie and Ronnie high value assets in the Cold War contest playing out in the early 1970’s. The discovery of their power sets off a battle that ultimately means full scale war between factions within the government. 

Backs against the wall the two young psychics must face overwhelming odds to maintain their freedom and control of their own lives. When push comes to shove, Cassie Reynold proves to be the deadliest 13-year old girl you’ll ever meet.

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CoercionWritten by a former Green Beret and counterintelligence specialist with a decade of experience on the ground in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, Coercion is a Robert Ludlum global conspiracy crossed with a Ken Follett historical drama.

On the eve of perestroika, Alex Ferris stumbles onto KGB General Karpov’s scheme to regain Russia’s superpower status while investigating his brother’s death. After surviving attempts on his life and assembling bizarre clues, Alex settles on a most unusual suspect only to discover that Elaine is a victim herself. Unseen masters are forcing her into traitorous acts through nefarious threats. How many silent slaves like Elaine are out there? What do her tormenters want? Can he stop them?

Alex flies from San Francisco to Siberia to find those answers and avenge his brother. In the midst of that frozen landscape and those tumultuous times, he survives infiltration, interrogation, and romance only to learn that he too is being manipulated as part of a much grander scheme.

“An Entertaining Thriller … with well-paced action, appealing characters and snappy writing.”
— Kirkus (starred review)

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Murder by Moonlight (Dick Moonlight)

Murder by Moonlight (Dick Moonlight)In Murder by Moonlight, Vincent Zandri’s cunning detective Dick Moonlight returns with his toughest case yet: proving an open-and-shut murder investigation isn’t over at all.

Joan Parker is the last woman private eye Dick Moonlight would ever expect to see in his Albany office. From the right side of the tracks—neighboring Bethlehem—she bears her upper class upbringing as effortlessly as a string of pearls. She also bears a scar running down her head and face—a brutal reminder of the ax attack that took the life of her husband. Her twenty-one-year-old son, Christopher, now sits in jail charged with the crime.

According to the official report—based on Joan’s answers to police when they arrived at the house and found her barely alive—she identified Christopher as the culprit. But sitting in Moonlight’s office, she reveals that she has no recollection of the event, yet is certain of one thing: Christopher didn’t do it.

Moonlight knows a thing or two about being nearly dead. And he also knows the tragedy of the police jumping to the wrong conclusions—a past case of a falsely accused client still haunts him—so he agrees to take the job and get to the truth of what happened that day. At first the trail of clues—from the crime scene to Joan’s original accusation—keeps the finger pointed at Christopher. But soon Moonlight turns up something he never expected, something more sinister than anything he’s ever come up against.

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