Red Card: A Bet You Can Win!

Red Card: A Bet You Can Win!
“Red Card By Tony Kelly Award a 5-Star Book Review given by Readers Favorite ~ A unique and fantastic sports biography by Mr. Kelly!”

Former UK professional soccer star Tony Kelly lost it all, but he stands today as someone who is unbreakable!

Having lost most of his wealth, house, and eventually his partner, Tony refused to be broken and fought back. Through years of pain and suffering in silence, somehow, Tony managed to turn his life around in a positive way as his journey from disaster to redemption and triumph is nothing short of amazing.

Tony has literally been to hell and back, but through hope, and his family and friends’ support, professional help, his renewed faith, and sheer courage, he is now in a position to help others, which is something he could never have envisioned six years ago. A tragic yet uplifting and inspiring tale of one man’s journey through gambling addiction. It’s a must-read for those who feel lost and without hope, as Tony’s story is testimony that all is not lost and that this is a bet you can win! $4.50 on Kindle.

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Running for Nan

Running for Nan

In 2016, I was on the verge of losing everything, my Nan lay seriously in hospital, my family had deserted me and I was about to be made homeless. Running, was the one thing that kept me going. At 21 I ran my first marathon, it was the ultimate challenge, and over twenty years later I would be faced with my toughest challenge ever.

Running, has been there for me all of my life, through the good times and the bad, but now I needed it more than ever, not only if I was to survive but my Nan too. In the last four years, running has not only saved my life but given it purpose and direction.
This book isn’t just about running, it’s about the love of a grandparent, having hope when all is lost, baring your soul and reaching out to others, getting out of your comfort zone, and never giving up.

Let me take you on an emotional roller coaster, from the depths of despair to pushing through and surviving, and coming out the other side a stronger person. $0.99 on Kindle.

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