Free: Transform Your Mind and Change Your Life: A Guided Journey Toward Living Your Dream Life

Transform Your Mind and Change Your Life: A Guided Journey Toward Living Your Dream Life
Rewrite your story and craft your destiny: Discover how you can reinvent yourself using this 5-step plan to help you shape your life with meaning and purpose…

You know, deep down, that you’re destined for a greater life—one filled with purpose, fulfillment, and the joy of living your dreams.

But as each day goes by, you struggle with the thought that you’re not living up to your full potential. You crave for a change that will give your life purpose, yet as time goes by you see that light of hope go dimmer and dimmer, and slowly start to fade…

Only a few people know this, but there is a solution that can guide you toward the life you were always meant to live.

And the answer is in this book you’re holding…

This book is your beacon of hope. It speaks directly to those who know deep within their hearts that they deserve more—a life that aligns with their capabilities, talents, and gifts.

With the wisdom in these pages, you will discover how to reignite that glimmer of hope, empowering you to live the life you were meant to lead.

Within the pages of this book lies the power to unlock a better, more purposeful life. The transformative steps outlined inside hold the potential to unleash the truest version of yourself, enabling you to transcend your limitations and embrace the limitless possibilities that await.
Free on Kindle.
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Free: Death of a Yellow Page Salesman: From Lost to Found — Filled to Overflowing

Death of a Yellow Page Salesman: From Lost to Found — Filled to Overflowing
Paul Neustrom the author of “Death of a Yellow Page Salesman”

Having advised and consulted over 10,000 business owners never prepared me for hitting the lowest point in my career. For over 40 years working mostly in marketing and advertising in yellow page directories, I found Google had effectively destroyed my career. Recovering from that was not an instant process but I describe the struggles and triumphs of that journey in this book. My mission now is to help entrepreneurs and business owners to dominate in marketing through:

Among the vast array of self-help books that promote their own methods of being successful, very few speak of an understanding of effective communication and why these principles work. It is transformational when we understand the way we communicate with others, which is oftentimes governed by how we talk to ourselves. Marketing is my specialty, and I am writing this book to show how the power of words will change your life.

Through this book, you will learn how to grow and transform your business and life by gaining inspiration from the small, still voice of God. Going from lost to found is something; not only business owners do, but that we can do for our own lives. Filled to overflowing is a whole other story.

See my #1 Bestselling Book on Amazon called “Coaching Inc” with lead author Ray Brehm. My chapter was his favorite and is called “TOPGUN Coaching.” Free on Kindle.
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Free: BLINK TO OBLIVION—IT’S BEGUN: A Spiritual Timeline For Hope

BLINK TO OBLIVION—IT'S BEGUN: A Spiritual Timeline For Hope
FAIR WARNING: When you dive in, you won’t come out. Should you by chance happen to, you won’t be the same.

For an immeasurably long time, deeply hidden, deliberately Frozen Truths remained on ice until life imploded upon the author with its long held secret agenda.

This true story weighs in heavily on how one may seemingly be calling the shots to their own life, for pretty much the entirety of their whole life, until there’s an “in your face” . . . Wake me up! Shake me up! You best be standing at attention . . . and right now.

BLINK TO OBLIVION — IT’S BEGUN: A Spiritual Timeline For Hope takes the reader on an introspective free-fall dive questioning of the wherefores and whys of her journey while connecting to God, who had been simmering on the backburner for a profoundly long time. It morphs solidly, and remarkably, miraculously, and even supernaturally, into her “Testimony of Faith.”

This Book proves to you that you have a “Calling” with an Obligation attached and that is to bring the ideas she reveals, to help bring momentum of a crucial difference to the lives of others, particularly those most lost, wounded, afraid, confused, despaired, dismayed or mired in Spiritual desolation.

She offers a in-depth look, well beyond the Unordinary, everyday life of Jan Jackson, with Life Lessons and no room for wiggle; if you pay attention.

Ultimately, upfront, center and culminating, a full-blown “Testimony of Faith” is forthcoming of unfathomable importance for the Spiritual and Physical Preparation for these Definitive Times, we’re now living in. Free on Kindle.
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Free: God Is Not A God Of Religion

God Is Not A God Of Religion
God is not a God of Religion is Gods word for this next decade. Having a relationship with everything and everyone else we have lost sight of our most important relationship which is with our creator. This book has been inspired by God to show that there is a distinct difference between religion and relationship. For far too long God has been defined synonymous with religion which has led people to a great deception. The reason being is that the false form of something can never give you the tangible substance of that which you seek after. This is why we must detach ourselves from religion because it is the false form of God. Religion provides you with rules but no relationship. This book is designed to put the focus back on relationship with God! No matter where you are in your life; whether you have a strong relationship, no relationship, lost relationship, weak relationship, don’t even know where to start….. this book is for you. The powerful thing about this book is that it covers all spectrums no matter where you are and most importantly if you are bound by religion this book will truly destroy that bondage! Free on Kindle.
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Free: Wounded No More!: An Individualized Plan to Heal Church Wounds

Wounded No More!: An Individualized Plan to Heal Church Wounds
God sees, God knows, and God cares about the wounds that many have suffered in the church. The path that leads away from the church house door has been filled with the tears of those who have suffered- often in silence. This book offers individualized hope and healing while also taking an honest look at what is going wrong in our churches. Included are practical actions steps and worksheets to guide the reader in their healing process. God longs to restore his people back to Himself and back into fellowship with others. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Feelings and Reason: Activating Your Heart as Compass Despite the Ego’s Interference

Free: Feelings and Reason: Activating Your Heart as Compass Despite the Ego’s Interference
Learn from a trauma psychologist the wisdom of real people challenged with the task of overcoming severe adversity. Integrating their insights into a complete picture of the human experience Ernie L. Vecchio reveals a developmental understanding of how adversity becomes an opportunity for self-correction, growth, and healing. By acknowledging that the human ego is only one-third of a larger system, people learn not only what is observing their life, but why and where it is intending for them to go. The problem is we’re stuck in between life as it is and life as intended with whatever the ego considers interference. But there is good news, a unifying intelligence within everyone that wants nothing more than to liberate our fullest expression. Bringing continuity to how this unfolds, we learn there are ten absolute truths of being human.

The process begins with a logical and sensible path to emotional maturity – we are what happens first. All humans are spiritual beings born into a psychological world (first premise). You are human (second premise). Therefore, you are psychospiritual. In this context, giving station to what we are in the beginning means we no longer have to be at the mercy of a misguided ego. What follows is a reciprocal relationship with the self and all of life. More than reducing people to their strengths and weaknesses, Vecchio proposes that every human being is a hopeful expectation for the future. He reminds that the path forward has always been inward. Often called the road less traveled, he provides people with a pragmatic and reliable Map to Becoming. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Feelings and Reason: Activating Your Heart as Compass Despite the Ego’s Interference

Feelings and Reason: Activating Your Heart as Compass Despite the Ego's Interference
Learn from a trauma psychologist the wisdom of real people challenged with the task of overcoming severe adversity. Integrating their insights into a complete picture of the human experience Ernie L. Vecchio reveals a developmental understanding of how adversity becomes an opportunity for self-correction, growth, and healing. By acknowledging that the human ego is only one-third of a larger system, people learn not only what is observing their life, but why and where it is intending for them to go. The problem is we’re stuck in between life as it is and life as intended with whatever the ego considers interference. But there is good news, a unifying intelligence within everyone that wants nothing more than to liberate our fullest expression. Bringing continuity to how this unfolds, we learn there are ten absolute truths of being human.

The process begins with a logical and sensible path to emotional maturity – we are what happens first. All humans are spiritual beings born into a psychological world (first premise). You are human (second premise). Therefore, you are psychospiritual. In this context, giving station to what we are in the beginning means we no longer have to be at the mercy of a misguided ego. What follows is a reciprocal relationship with the self and all of life. More than reducing people to their strengths and weaknesses, Vecchio proposes that every human being is a hopeful expectation for the future. He reminds that the path forward has always been inward. Often called the road less traveled, he provides people with a pragmatic and reliable Map to Becoming. Free on Kindle.

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