Free: The Thaddeus Marcell Chronicles

Thaddeus Marcell has a very mixed reputation – mercenary, pirate, information broker, former slave, and crazy Earth-searcher. He’s spent most of his adult life trying to find his way back home to Earth, the world he was abducted from but is believed to be a myth by the galaxy.

After years of fruitlessly chasing down Earth rumors, he finally uncovers a genuine clue: a woman he knew from Earth, whom he served with aboard a luxury cruise liner in Earth space before his abduction, who is now a slave. To rescue her, he must risk everything: his reputation, his crew, his starships, and his life. Along the way, he must come to grips with some very ugly truths about who he’s become. But he will emerge from deep pain and heartbreak, reformed into the hero the galaxy — and Earth — deserve. Free to $0.99 on Kindle

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Free: The Safekeeper

The Safekeeper
Her job is to keep their secrets safe.

A secluded Retreat Center full of preternatural clientele. A talking crow who thinks she knows everything. A new boy in town asking a lot of nosy questions. Sound like a lot to handle? Not for fifteen-year-old Macy Steward, who lives at the Center and helps her parents run the highly unusual retreats.

For Macy, this is simply normal routine. And it’s all going exactly as expected, that is until the guests become dangerously unpredictable, the talking crow goes suspiciously missing, and the new boy turns out to be so much more than he first appeared.

“Here comes trouble.” That’s the last thing the crow says before disappearing.

Even though she doesn’t scare easily, Macy has to admit the crow was right. Because soon enough, she finds herself trying to keep a lot more things safe than just secrets…Free on Kindle.

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Sentience: A Science Fiction Exploration of AI Through An Epic Turing Test

Sentience - sci-fi

Running from a violent past, Leo Knox desperately decides to participate in a scientific experiment conducted by the infamous and greedy tech-giant, AlgorithmOS. Soon, Leo learns that she has agreed to take part in a Turing Test, a test that measures the ability of artificial intelligence to blend in among humanity, but what she doesn’t know is that the test set to take place is unlike any other of its kind.

Leo enters Eden, the contained preserve where the test will occur, with twenty-three others. While everyone appears to be human, four of the individuals are an indistinguishably advanced form of humanoid AI. The task is simple: identify the AI while trying to survive. The twist? The four AI are completely unaware of their nature, causing every participant to question what they know as reality.

The group embarks on a journey within the preserve, rigged with obstacles devised by the controllers of the experiment to elicit human response and emotion. Quickly, madness ensues and divides form, partnering Leo up with Avery Ford, a Marine who wears his demons on his sleeve. Romance falls together for the two as the world around them falls apart, revealing the lengths people will go to protect those they love, to achieve monetary gain, or simply to survive.

Back at AlgorithmOS, the story unfolds on the screens of Nathan Aimes, a scientist responsible for monitoring the experiment’s surveillance cameras. Nathan studies the humans involved as they wrestle with where they stand on the polarizing issue of AI and its applications. He watches the AI unknowingly fight to prove their humanity just to leave the experiment unscathed. All the while, Nathan is intimately aware of his company’s plans to weaponize or commodify the AI should they pass the test, and he must reconcile this with the chaos that plays out before him. $3.99 on Kindle

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Free: The Clockwork Chimera

The Clockwork Chimera
Rudely yanked from cryo-sleep to find herself among a crew of modded humans in deep space, and on a burning spaceship, no less, Daisy’s world just got a whole lot more complicated. And it was only going to get worse.

As if the creepy cyborg and the mechanically-enhanced human crew weren’t bad enough, what was supposed to be a simple flight home to Earth was going horribly wrong. A deadly plot was unfolding. One that could jeopardize the entire human race. And Daisy found herself stuck in the middle

It wasn’t her job, saving the world, and she sure as hell didn’t want it. But the snarky young woman didn’t have a choice. But with Daisy reluctantly coming to the rescue, did humanity even stand a chance?

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Concealed Power

Concealed Power
Life hasn’t been easy for Riley Anbar but after a pair of encounters with two mysterious men, she finds herself thrust into danger as both human and alien forces converge on her once-ordinary life. But in this war, there is no clear boundary between good and evil. Caught between the two men who have captured her heart, what choice will Riley make when she discovers neither side is in the right? $.99 on Kindle

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Star Child

Star Child
Star Child is the first person born in space, in a world where birth location decides powers and unauthorized abilities mean death. Out of fear, his strange abilities become his darkest secret. But when his mother is kidnapped, Star Child has no choice but to act. $0.99 on Kindle

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Terminus (Fringe Worlds #1)

Terminus (Fringe Worlds #1)
Being the sole survivor of humanity’s first bloody encounter with the alien Vacra had cost Gant Maker his military career. However, upon the Vacra’s return, Maker is reinstated and – assisted by a band of military rejects (including a blind sharpshooter, an unstable psychic, and a genetically-engineered killing machine who refuses to fight) – ordered to hunt this enemy down on a distant world. $0.99 on Kindle

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Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One

Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One
A thousand years of effort to keep the UnknownWorld hidden is unraveling and the Patriarch is tired. He needs to find someone to take over.

He finds Bethany Anne.

Unknown, untested and untried she sets out to accomplish the impossible while forging a new future. One that no one knew was in danger.

And she does it with an attitude that will make you stand up and cheer!

They say a dress can make a woman, but in this case, the dress is Death, and Death Becomes Her very well indeed. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Technopia Full Box Set

Free: Technopia Full Box Set
Sam Adamson would do anything to leave the climate-ravaged wastelands of Earth…even if it means working for pirates. So when he’s offered a job repairing a derelict spaceship’s computer, he jumps at the chance to head to the Kuiper Belt, an area at the edge of the solar system reviled for its lawlessness and tenuous ability to sustain life? Free on Kindle.

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Free: Metamorphs Prequel: Legion’s Gambit

Free: Metamorphs Prequel: Legion’s Gambit
The President’s life hangs in the balance…

Seven legendary heroes are his last hope…

Superpowered terrorists want the President dead. They’re all that stand in the way. The stakes have never been higher…

Can the Council halt their evil plot? Free on Kindle.


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Mantis Force Retribution

Mantis Force Retribution

Decades after global infanticide wiped out millions on the planet Ramah, deep scars remain in the hearts and minds of the survivors. Though the massacre is over, the merciless Necrogog legions who committed the atrocity still threaten multitudes of star systems, following their primary objective: to kill the promised

Mantis messiah, whose birth mother is a member of the Holy Order, Marium Kahnet.

Jazrene Vallo, a member of the Order, lost her beloved family during the Necrogog attack. Now she devotes her life to her sisterhood, following the instructions of a divine messenger to restructure the Holy Order and keep at bay the enemies within the Ramah government who are seeking ways to prosecute her for war crimes. But her plans are interrupted when she receives a report regarding a group of wayward sisters who left Ramah seeking retribution against those responsible for the slaughter of their families, namely the Kravjin—the master sorcerers who orchestrated the attack on Ramah. Out of desperation, Jazrene hires the services of elite mercenaries to capture the deadly rogue sisters and return them to Ramah for assimilation back into the sisterhood. For if she can’t halt their mission, the Order will forever carry a shameful bloodstained blemish.

Unbeknownst to Jazrene Vallo, the wayward sisters have already set unimaginable destruction in motion that cannot be stopped. $2.99 on Kindle.



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Fathers And Daughters (Sci-fi)

Fathers And Daughters (Sci-fi)

A terrorist assault by the Children of Sydelle results in the paralysis of Youssou Hadebe’s village and the abduction of his mother. This is the latest in a lifelong series of depredation against his family. Youssou has had enough. He needs Jamai, the only woman to ever foil the evil schemes, and she’s serving a life sentence. After Youssou succeeds in securing her conditional release, he finds he must face his unresolved pain, as well as reunite with an enemy he wasn’t even aware existed.  $3.99 on Kindle.


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Primordial Threat

Primordial Threat

*** A USA TODAY Bestseller ***

The year is 2066 and the world is oblivious to the threat it faces.

The fate of humanity lies on the shoulders of Burt Radcliffe, the new head of NASA’s Near Earth Object program.

He’s been rushing the completion of DefenseNet, a ring of satellites that are both part of an early-warning system as well as the means to eliminate incoming threats.

Yet Burt knows that despite the world’s best efforts, nothing can be done about the alert he’s just received.

Coming out of deep space is a danger that’s been approaching since the dawn of time. A black hole. An unstoppable threat that promises death for all in its wake.

Dave Holmes was a modern-day Einstein. As the original architect of DefenseNet, he’d had visions of this Primordial Threat before he disappeared, yet he’d left behind no details on how the problem might be solved.

Can Holmes be found, and if so, will his solution even work?

The world has less than a year to find out. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Endless Online: Oblivion’s Blade

Endless Online: Oblivion’s Blade
Val loved the idea of starting over in virtual reality. But when a friend goes missing after chasing that same dream, Val quickly learns that Endless is no simple game.

With a room full of dead bodies and a madwoman behind him, Val knew his only chance was to jump through the gate, into a world of peril and power. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: The Victory Perspective

Free: The Victory Perspective
Author E.J. Kellett is here to turn your world upside down. Asking questions so daring, not many before her have had the courage: Are we right to assume our ‘God’ and creation were perfect and impeccable? If you are bold enough to follow this path, you can start a journey of discovery with a book that presents the Bible in the mirror. Turning the classic creation story on its head, this thrilling and thought-provoking dystopian novel pushes the boundaries of our preconceived notions. Free on Kindle.

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Free: The Hydro Gene

Free: The Hydro Gene
In this contemporary fantasy, David discovers that aliens are just the beginning of what awaits him out in the universe.

David and fifteen other ordinary Canadians have been chosen by the gods (they’ve already tried everyone else). But, while David concentrates on the duty at hand, the world around him plays against him in the background and his closest allies start to work towards their own goals.

Together with the new acolytes of love, war, truth, and more, he charges into battles straight out of myth.

As David fights the Hydra, traverses the river Styx, and encounters the snake with no end, he gradually realizes that their godly mentors are hiding some secrets of their own.

In this mysterious world, the biggest question is still unanswered. Why do none of them wonder what is going on? Free on Kindle.

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Free: Zombie Bot (Spyware Book 1)

Free: Zombie Bot (Spyware Book 1)
Zombies, hackers and U.S. Senators—what could be scarier?

A modern sci-fi political satire where cable news & social media is used to infect the brains of the American public! Hacker Eddy Pending has discovered the virus, but is forced to run from the deadly Men in Rose Coloured Glasses.

“the tension-ridden tale progresses…until its stellar ending”—Kirkus Reviews. Free on Kindle.

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Free: The Divine Dissimulation

Free: The Divine Dissimulation
When God dies, a villain takes his place.

In the distant future, the wealthy villain Abraham Goldstein funds a top-secret project to travel to heaven and meet God. Upon reaching heaven, he finds out that God is dead. He also finds the technology necessary to take gods place and become a god in the eyes of men. Many years later Abraham and his group of angels, a group of genetically engineered super soldiers, rule Eden; an artificial world simulating the Holy Land during the Bronze Age. They rule with terror and fear following the ancient laws. One day, an accident turns Abraham’s closest angel Lucifer against him, an event that plants the seed of Abraham’s destruction. Meanwhile, an ancient force is conspiring in the background to make its return to our world. Free on Kindle. 

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Untold Deception

Untold Deception
I looked up. The executioner pulled the lever, her body fell, and the crowd cheered. I couldn’t watch the rest, so I lowered my eyes to the ground.

‘I think I understand now. I get it, Mom, I now know what it means to grow up.’

Salan, born an Abomination, a societal term referring to a mixed-race person. Salan is half human and half Felis (cat-like). Being an Abomination, Salan is discriminated against and treated as a social outcast. He lives in the slums with only his mom. Due to Salan’s genetics, he can control aura. This aura has an external smoke-like appearance that can morph into dangerous weapons. After the first day of high school, Salan makes his first friend, Seraculus. Her dominant gene being Minyades, a bat-like race of people. She is the only other Abomination. After school, the landlord asks for an outrageous amount of money for rent that his mother cannot afford. Salan kills and sells an endangered species pelt illegally to pay rent.

The royal guards find out about the pelt and torture Salan in the town square. This cruelty sparks a revolution. $3.99 on Kindle.

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Two young women receive powers they never asked for. Caught in the chaos of a changing world, they become entangled with the renegade hero Radiant and the authorities that made him. But sometimes, even the heroes fall… $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Phantom Pact – The Bearer’s Burden

Free: Phantom Pact – The Bearer’s Burden

In this fresh new take on Science Fantasy fiction, a war veteran’s family is taken, and his world is in the grip of a hostile alien race. He must bond with phantoms of the dead to seek the truth and keep the world from meeting the same fate before the last of his sanity slips away. Free on Kindle.

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Battle Harem

Battle Harem
Jason gets his mind scanned and wakes up in the body of a war machine. Trapped in an alien wasteland with no idea why he’s there, or what the hell he’s supposed to do, he teams up with other machines he encounters along the way. Unfortunately, half the time his new friends can’t decide whether they want to fight with him, or against him. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Immortal Genesis

Free: Immortal Genesis
The sequel to Ken Brosky’s sensational sci-fi adventure “The Proving” takes readers on a new journey to a new world where nothing is as it seems! As the last remnants of humanity seek a new home, they find themselves hounded by the Specters, a ghostly alien race. For Gabriel Martinez and his ragtag crew, this is just the beginning. After their ship suffers catastrophic damage, they’re forced to land on an unfamiliar planet … and the creatures that live there might have a terrifying connection to the human race! Free on Kindle.

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Not Alone

Not Alone
Aliens exist, the government knows, and Dan McCarthy just found the proof.

When Dan McCarthy stumbles upon a folder containing evidence of the conspiracy to end all conspiracies — a top-level alien cover-up — he leaks the files without a second thought.

The incredible truth revealed by Dan’s leak immediately captures the public’s imagination, but Dan’s relentless commitment to exposing the cover-up and forcing disclosure quickly earns him some enemies in high places.

For his whole life, Dan McCarthy has searched for a reason to believe. Now that he finally has one, he might soon wish he didn’t… $0.99 on Kindle.

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The Seers (The Enlightened Series Book 1)

The Seers (The Enlightened Series Book 1)
Nora, a genetically enhanced probability expert, is being hunted by a futuristic army. To escape the enemy, she must put her faith in a man she can’t remember. $0.99 on Kindle.

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