Jewish identity can be seen using the imagery of a three level structure: bottom, middle, and top. The psychodynamic school of psychology focused on the bottom level of the human soul through the “light” of instincts, impulses, and passions; the cognitive school focused on the middle level through the light of the intellect, consciousness, and thinking; and the top level with the upper light – the spiritualmoral dimension, on which this book focuses. The power of this light will enlighten the other levels and the entire structure. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to identify the unique components of Jewish identity, those that form the top level – the spiritual realm – in the new structure, and to highlight a different aspect of this identity, in addition to the faces illuminated by the classical theories. This is a very fine book which elucidates basic theoretical concepts as well as practical issues. The author, professor Rafi Vaaknin has done a superb job in synthesizing Judaic principals and psychological knowledge. He uses his knowledge and understanding in creative ways which constitutes a major contribution to psychology and education. Professor Aharon Rabinowitz, Bar Ilan University. This book provides a significant contribution to contemporary Jewish education, clearly and scientifically presenting its main objectives and goals, while establishing an impeccable psychological basis. The book discusses the stages of human development from the “maternal experience” to the completion of adolescence, exploring the dimensions of Jewish identity by reviewing the various approaches prevalent today, while emphasizing parents’ responsibility in forming their children’s identity. Free on Kindle.
Free: Jewish Identity: A psychological study using Jewish sources
Conscious Calm: Keys to Freedom from Stress and Worry
Stress relief can be elusive. With stress and anxiety so common, many people worry too much and wish the stress relief tips they’ve tried would work better. But while there is plenty of real, external stress, there is also what we do on the inside with stress, often without noticing it. Conscious Calm: Keys to Freedom from Stress and Worry reveals the internal world of stress and lasting stress management. This practical book describes the internal stress traps you can fall into without even knowing it, and shows you how to get free from those traps for good. Combining psychology and wisdom from both East and West in clear, accessible language, psychologist Dr. Laura Maciuika describes 9 Stress Secrets that keep you stuck in stress and worry cycles, and reveals 9 Keys to Conscious Calm, with simple steps for lasting, natural stress relief.
This book also includes a free, downloadable Action Steps guide to help you transform stress and worry into greater calm, inner peace and happiness.