Free: Ripped Off!: Overtested, Overtreated and Overcharged, the American Healthcare Mess

Ripped Off!: Overtested, Overtreated and Overcharged, the American Healthcare Mess

Your share of your health insurance premium and the amount you are paying for your yearly deductible, co-pays, and prescriptions are soaring. Don’t forget that your employer’s share of your premium is coming out of your salary. And unfortunately, you are not alone. What can you do to avoid unnecessary costs and encourage American healthcare reform?

Ripped Off! is your guide to better understanding the problems of the American healthcare system—and what you can do for yourself and how to help enact change. Gilbert Simon, MD, has been a primary care physician for over 50 years. He has seen how the corporate takeover of medicine created a costly, bloated, complex, profit-driven bureaucracy. He explains that the current system is out-dated, unsustainable and that we have come to the time for major reform.

Ripped Off! shows you how healthcare spending will only increase until major legislative and administrative changes are made and how, like other industrialized countries, America can provide high-quality and equitable service to all of its citizens.

After reading this book, you will:

Recognize the need for healthcare reform

Feel confident demanding a better and more affordable healthcare system

Discover the truths of overspending with American healthcare

Call for a new system that keeps you healthy while keeping your paychecks higher Ripped Off! demands the need for a more cost-effective healthcare system. It answers questions like, “How can a universal healthcare system work?” and “How can we find the money to do it?” It is time to make a change and save billions of taxpayer dollars. With this book, you can gain the knowledge and courage to make effective healthcare reform a reality before it’s too late. Free on Kindle.
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Pianist in a Bordello

Pianist in a Bordello

Pianist in a BordelloWhat would happen if a politician decided to tell the truth—the whole truth? Richard Youngblood, aspiring Congressman, is about to find out. He’s running on a platform of honesty and transparency—and against the advice of his friends and advisers he’s decided to start with himself. His autobiography will lay his entire life bare before voters just days before the election.And what a life he’s had. Born in a commune and named Richard Milhous Nixon Youngblood as an angry shot at his absent father, Richard grows up in the spotlight, the son of an enigmatic fugitive and the grandson of a Republican senator. He’s kidnapped and rescued, kicked out of college for a prank involving turkeys, arrested in Hawaii while trying to deliver secrets to the CIA…Dick Nixon Youngblood’s ready to tell all. He’ll even tell his readers about the Amandas—three women who share a name but not much else, and who each have helped shape and define the man he’s become. Are voters really ready for the whole truth?Are you?Pianist in a Bordello is a hilarious political romp through the last four decades of American history, from a narrator who is full of surprises. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Pianist in a Bordello

Pianist in a Bordello. What would happen if a politician decided to tell the truth—the whole truth? Richard Youngblood, aspiring Congressman, is about to find out. He’s running on a platform of honesty and transparency—and against the advice of his friends and advisers he’s decided to start with himself. His autobiography will lay his entire life bare before voters just days before the election.And what a life he’s had. Born in a commune and named Richard Milhous Nixon Youngblood as an angry shot at his absent father, Richard grows up in the spotlight, the son of an enigmatic fugitive and the grandson of a Republican senator. He’s kidnapped and rescued, kicked out of college for a prank involving turkeys, arrested in Hawaii while trying to deliver secrets to the CIA…Dick Nixon Youngblood’s ready to tell all. He’ll even tell his readers about the Amandas—three women who share a name but not much else, and who each have helped shape and define the man he’s become. Are voters really ready for the whole truth? Are you? Pianist in a Bordello is a hilarious political romp through the last four decades of American history, from a narrator who is full of surprises. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: A Citizen’s View

A Citizen's View

This book explores five issues that are central to American political life and culture.

The economy, education, race, energy and health policy are examined with an aim to bridge the differences that presently divide so many Americans.This work also offers novel and innovative solutions to the looming challenges that are before us and credibly attempts to explain how we came to this point in our history. It offers a viable if controversial approach to treating psychological disorders such as PTSD, depression, opioid addiction, alcoholism, and rape trauma through the therapeutic use of hallucinogenic agents and describes the inner transformative power of these plant-based compounds.

This work offers more hope than criticism and posits an encouraging message for all Americans.

“An often well-reasoned, if sometimes speculative, challenge to American political orthodoxy.” —Kirkus Review June 2021. Free on Kindle.

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Embracing Stoicism in Modern Times: Your Actionable Guide To Living A Tranquil And Meaningful Life (Stoicism Mastery)

Embracing Stoicism in Modern Times: Your Actionable Guide To Living A Tranquil And Meaningful Life (Stoicism Mastery)
Do you admire those who seem to have it figured out and keep their cool, no matter what’s happening all around them? The fact is modern living can be mentally taxing as well as emotionally draining. For millennia, Stoicism has cleared a path for practitioners through the maze of difficulties and distractions that make living such a challenge. $0.99 on Kindle.

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The Day the Government Banned Bacon: The Last Straw Before Violent Revolution Kindle Edition

The Day the Government Banned Bacon: The Last Straw Before Violent Revolution Kindle Edition
Take our guns. Take our freedom. But don’t take our bacon. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Leading for Justice

Leading for Justice

Leading in organizations working for justice is not the same as leading anywhere else. Staff expect to be treated as partners and demand internal practices that center equity. Justice leaders must meet these expectations, as well as recognize and address the ways that individuals and organizations inadvertently replicate oppression. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Bring Back the Poll Tax! – The GOP War on Voting Rights

Bring Back the Poll Tax!-The GOP War on Voting Rights
In this book author Ofari Hutchinson explains:

*How Trump won the White House with vote suppression
*The GOP Plan to take Back Congress and the White House in 2022 and 2024
*How Major Corporations Bankroll voter suppression laws
*Florida and Georgia’s purge of thousands of Black and Hispanic voters prevented the election of Black Governors in those states
*How Felon vote bans still disenfranchise millions of Blacks in nearly all states

$0.99 on Kindle.

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“But, Prime Minister…”

"But, Prime Minister..."
An insider’s story of his association with Benazir Bhutto, the world’s first Muslim woman Prime Minister and one of Pakistan’s most enigmatic politicians.

“..a memoir that is part confessional, part creative non-fiction which is as engrossing as history can be..” – Navid Shahzad, Author of “Azlan’s Roar”

“…a most enjoyable and informative read” – Owen Bennet Jones, author of “The Bhutto Dynasty: The Struggle for Power” $2.99 on Kindle.

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Brainwashed: How the Media and Government Misread, Misinformed and Mismanaged the COVID-19 Virus


Brainwashed: How the Media and Government Misread, Misinformed and Mismanaged the COVID-19 Virus

Has the government intentionally misinformed the people about Covid-19? If so, why? Or was it just a continual series of mistakes?

Has the media over-blown the facts about Covid? Was it to get more viewership or for another reason? And why was so much credible research not reported on? Did the news outlets and social media companies restrict or censor the science that didn’t adhere to their political narrative? If so, why?

This book digs into all these questions with information and data from credible sources that were minimally reported or ignored. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Make Enterprise Great Again: The Gods Must Be Crazy!: Cradle of Communism to Catacomb of Capitalism

Make Enterprise Great Again: The Gods Must Be Crazy!: Cradle of Communism to Catacomb of Capitalism


It’s halftime America!

Ay Yi Yai Yi! We are in the middle of The New World Order!

Empires rise, decline, and fall. History has witnessed this cycle with the Romans, the Ottomans, and the British. They have all toppled, and if we are not careful, the US will be the next. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Taking Action for a Better Tomorrow

Taking Action for a Better Tomorrow
There are monumental and exponential changes occurring. Looking at ourselves, our governments, our societies, humanity, and the general world, many questions and concerns come to mind. Let us explore these deep questions so we can find answers that will ultimately help us survive the intense upheavals of today. Free on Kindle.

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Our Common Values

This book dismantles some of the common hate narratives that divide American citizens today and reintroduces an enlightened and egalitarian view of human nature that has informed churchmen, statesmen, and civil rights leaders for centuries.

Central to humanity’s arduous journey on the road to enlightenment has been the role of the Church. Some people think the world would be better off without religion. This book dispels that fantasy, showing the Church’s indispensable role in the progression of free world ideals.

It is easy to take basic rights for granted, like free speech, due process, freedom of religion. But how many people know that all of our unalienable rights began as biblical doctrines championed by devout people of faith throughout history? Many people would call them “fanatics” today.

Still, these are the spiritual giants upon whose shoulders our founding fathers stood—forgotten heroes that have laid the foundation of a just and free society for all people. The free world owes an immense debt of gratitude to them, for without their dauntless devotion and religious fervor, the world would be a very dark place. $5.19 on Kindle.

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Killer Politics: A Satirical Tale of Homegrown Terrorism

Killer Politics: A Satirical Tale of Homegrown Terrorism

Killer Politics: A Satirical Tale of Homegrown Terrorism is laced with razor-edged political satire aimed at a thinly veiled Trump-like president. Inspired by President Tower’s divisive rhetoric, Hoss, a white supremacist and terrorist, launches a bid to incite martial law and defend the “American way of life.” $0.99 on Kindle.

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The Mega Maga Mind Meltdown

The MEGA MAGA MIND MELTDOWN VOL. I and VOL. II take a highly biased & deeply objective look at the psychological pitfalls, propaganda-tricks, and logical fallacies contributing to that utterly irrational, frequently flabbergasting, and often outright dangerous behavior of MAGA-minds in Trump’s America. The two-volumes of this book provide you with all the necessary background on the psychological and propagandistic schemes behind the gobsmacking irrationality of your MAGA-hat wearing neighbors, family-members, friends, and colleagues – as well as with a number of practical options to successfully identify and counter most of the Trumpministration’s and Trumpists’ arguments and debate-strategies. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Beyond 2020: A Story of Liberty Lost, Hope and Recovery

Beyond 2020: a story of liberty lost, hope and recovery
What could have derailed the President’s plan, denying him a victory in November 2020? In the months and years that followed, the voices of Talk Radio sounded the warning that the New Socialism would methodically suppress the freedoms promised in the Constitution, but it would take an America at the brink of revolution to restore what was lost. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Shitolian



black and white drinking fountains…


or so the label would suggest
and as i watch
where the waters crest

a clearness
flows through me

you see
i really understood
what these markers meant


is not dark nor dense
a reflection of my murky tint

a constant projection

of the contraptions they invent
in an attempt
to convince
the masses
that we are
of separate classes

you drink from a different spring
called white

but don’t you know
that these fountains flow
from the same pipes

which exposes the truth in life
that is always protected
through structural designs
and misleading signs
that disguise this point
for the neglected

wake up America


is always


Free on Kindle.
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Free: Wha’ Hoppen? A Politically Incorrect Look Back at the 2016 Presidential Campaigns, the Election and Aftermath

Wha' Hoppen? A Politically Incorrect Look Back at the 2016 Presidential Campaigns, the Election and Aftermath
“Oh No-o-o-o-o,” you say, “Did we really need another ‘What Happened’ book?” Hillary Clinton’s memoir promised an intimate view into her thoughts and emotions as she fought to save America from the likes of “you-know-who.” Then after beating Bernie in the Democratic primary and winning the nomination, she had to face the tallest challenge of her political career: FBI Director James Comey. WHA’ HOPPEN? is a politically incorrect look back at the 2016 presidential election, offered up in an edgy style and with just a touch of humor. Free on Kindle.

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Women Behaving Courageously

Women Behaving Courageously
Since time began women have stepped forward to say ‘no’ or enough or ‘there has to be a better way’. This is the story of 25 female warriors and dozens of female heroes. It’s the story of ordinary women who have changed the face of families and communities. It’s the story of a small group of courageous women who changed an entire country. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Who the F*** Wants to be President?!: My Year of Living Politically

Free: Who the F*** Wants to be President?!: My Year of Living Politically

Could a no-name scientist from Florida have a shot at the Oval Office? This is the story of finding that answer. Told by a psychologist and former civil servant, this book sheds light on the ecosystem of national politics, interwoven with JJ Walcutt’s own experience campaigning across the 50 states. Free on Kindle.

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Independent’s Guide to Overthrowing the Two-Party System

Independent’s Guide to Overthrowing the Two-Party System
Sick of red vs blue arguing, but don’t know what to do? Don’t give up on politics, change it for the better! This fun, easy-to-understand guidebook will give you all the nonpartisan explanations and resources you need to formulate your own political game plan to help America’s government function better and end political polarization. It’s time to feel better about politics, and think for yourself! $0.99 on Kindle.

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Sovereignty With All Its Intricacies: Or, a Discussion of the Vague Desires for Quebec Sovereignty

Sovereignty With All Its Intricacies: Or, a Discussion of the Vague Desires for Quebec Sovereignty

In Quebec, everybody is familiar, at least ostensibly, with the notion of sovereignty. In fact, the notion has been so widely used by independentists that it doesn’t seem to bear any semantic ambiguity, as if its meaning, as well as its conceptual implications, had become a no-brainer. By becoming a sovereign state, Quebec will at last, have they been harping on for the last fifty years, be able to take charge of its own destiny. But by focusing constantly on what they expect from the thing to yield, i.e., total legislative, judicial and executive power, they have neglected talking about the thing itself, where it comes from, where it goes, and how it works. Yet, there is already an effective sovereignty in place in Quebec, and it is very possible that, despite their subversive work, they have not been able to make it less immanent there than in the rest of Canada. $4.56 on Kindle.

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AMERICAN LYNCHPIN: The Spirit of Freedom and The Second Civil War

AMERICAN LYNCHPIN: The Spirit of Freedom and The Second Civil War

Eight out of ten people polled say they believe that the country is “mainly” or “totally’ divided.

There is a growing sentiment, in the majority of people in America, who believe that given our current state of affairs, we have never been more divided as a country. It is not only a political rift but it seems to be generational and cultural. People are starting to realize that they have nothing in common with their fellow countrymen. There is no common ground for compromise. That is remarkable considering all the instances of polarizing events that have occurred in our past, such as civil rights, abortion and the Vietnam War, just to mention a few. However, none of those controversies were divisive enough, to actually split the country apart.

Nevertheless, there is a precedent that did exactly x just that–tore this country asunder; resulting in four bloody years of slaughter that had brothers killing each other. It was the ultimate schism. The American Civil War was unquestionably one of the darkest times in our nation’s past.
The first Civil War is the blueprint for how a country becomes so divided, that it tries to annihilate itself. We must recognize it as such. We would be wise to study it, dissect it, deconstruct it and learn the lessons that it has to teach us, if we have any hope for the salvation of our country in the future.

We must take the words of Mary Chestnut to heart on the eve of the Civil War. “We are divorced, North and South, because we have hated each other so.” We must regard her words as a harbinger. $3.99 on Kindle.

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AIPAC’s Grassroots Path to Congress: How Isaiah Kenen Built AIPAC to Be A Powerhouse

AIPAC’s Grassroots Path to Congress: How Isaiah Kenen Built AIPAC to Be A Powerhouse
This book looks at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s origins, foundations, and organizational structure.

Isaiah “Si” Kenen, AIPAC’s founder and long-time leader, created what can be described as the organization’s three-dimensional inverted pyramid, giving it far-reaching influence and impact.

Following Kenen’s work through AIPAC’s inception and reaching into the mid-1970s, the book looks at key moments and decisions in the years under Kenen’s leadership. These decisions helped a small lobby with minimal manpower and resources become a well-established network of organizations, individuals, and communities spanning the entire United States and advancing American relations with Israel.

From Israeli and American archival materials and protocols, interviews, news articles, and academic papers, the book analyzes Kenen’s decisions and AIPAC’s structure. Using the lens and language of management and human resources, the author sheds new light on the topic in this adaptation of his Thesis dissertation. The dissertation was awarded top honors on the Dean’s List for 2020. $0.99 on Kindle.

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A View of British Politics

A View of British Politics
Read why Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party lost the 2019 General Election so decisively – and the reasons are not what the majority of politicians think. Ken Ross explains what is needed to get the keys to Downing Street and he offers some surprising conclusions. $0.99 on Kindle.

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