Free: David’s Chants to God: Prayers and Poems

Free: David’s Chants to God: Prayers and Poems
I write this book from the depths of my soul, my spirit and my being.
Dear readers, it is time for you to take off the masks and paint off your faces, and be true.
Become kind and honest people, with compassion, tolerance and justice!
The land will be darkened at noon and then – God shall fulfill our dreams. Free on Kindle. 

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Help for Hysterical Humans Who Hope to Be Happy in Heaven or Here

Help for Hysterical Humans Who Hope to Be Happy in Heaven or Here

Savor a delectable collection of recipes for making merry in one minute or many. Often shameless, sincere, and sublime at the same time, this vivacious volume of verse distills and delivers the best of James’s efforts to examine, enjoy, and enhance for new friends the adventure of human existence. Help for Hysterical Humans earns its adjectives and inspires its readers to add a few more. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Hiraeth Phoenix

How often do things end in life and you wish for just one more conversation, one chance to say what you needed to say, ask what has been burning in your heart, and hear the other side of what it was really like, who you really were? Poetry, prose and essays take you through the journey of Hiraeth and Phoenix. They choose to give each other the gift of the other side of the story and what follows is a dialogue that cuts to the core of the reality they created and called their own. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free “Why Poetry Can Save The Planet”


“Joe Sottile is on a mission to bring poetry back to the people. And why not? It makes us more civilized and brings out the best in us. ‘Why Poetry Can Save the Planet’ is his impassioned manifesto.” –JustKindleBo0ks

How can poetry cause dramatic changes for the better in our lives and for the planet? Find out inside. Free from 10/18 to 10/19.
