Find The Best In U

Find The Best In U
A Quick guide to personal style, positive attitude and inner strength. With combination of outer appearance and inner strength find the best in you. Simple and effective ways to have a positive attitude and winning personality $0.99 on Kindle.

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Red Light Therapy: Miracle Medicine for Pain, Fatigue, Fat loss, Anti-aging, Muscle Growth and Brain Enhancement

Red Light Therapy: Miracle Medicine for Pain, Fatigue, Fat loss, Anti-aging, Muscle Growth and Brain Enhancement

Imagine a world without toxic drugs and endless lists of side effects. A world where a revolutionary new technology is used to accelerate healing of virtually all disease and conditions. Imagine red light therapy.

Red light therapy has been proven effective in over 50,000 scientific studies to date for dozens of diseases and conditions. The best part? Not a single negative side effect has been reported in the literature to date. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Rational Empathy

Rational Empathy

Reimagining the field of moral philosophy through psychology, Rational Empathy explains how knowing morality helps us understand, master and control our own feelings, creating happiness in life! Prepare to question the basics we were all taught as you read this radical take on morality, touching on the most intimate and meaningful topics in life. $0.99 on Kindle.

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I’m Rising

I’m Rising

“I’m Rising” is an empowering self-love poetry book that re-ignites our drive to become the best version of ourselves. It encourages us to conquer our fears to build inner strength and resilience. The prose urges us to own and celebrate our power, with a call to action to harness our self-confidence to achieve the goals we were destined to shatter. $2.99 on Kindle.

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The Complete PTSD Healing Process: A Life-Changing Step-by-Step Blueprint to Triumph Over Trauma and Reclaim Your Life with Tapping (EFT)

The Complete PTSD Healing Process: A Life-Changing Step-by-Step Blueprint to Triumph Over Trauma and Reclaim Your Life with Tapping (EFT)
The Complete PTSD Healing Process gives a step-by-step blueprint to triumph over trauma, reclaim your life, and drastically reduce PTSD using Tapping (EFT). David gives an overview of the trauma healing process, how to manage emotions on a daily basis, and how to clear the emotional charge from trauma at its root so you can feel better with lasting results and move on with your life. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Better than Before: A Guide to Living a Happier Life

Better than Before: A Guide to Living a Happier Life

This guide will help you get out of a mundane, monotonous life, and teach you to live a life that is fulfilling, exciting, and peaceful. Included are more than 60 tools and techniques to help you along your personal development journey. Created not to be binge read, but to read one chapter every day over a 2 month period. This will not take much time each day, but the results will be life changing. Included within the pages are spaces to take notes which allows you to self reflect and grow as an individual. You will be challenged to think at a deeper level, soul search, and explore techniques to have a more meaningful existence. Once you begin your personal growth and development journey, you will feel more valuable, mindful, intentional, positive, and more alive than you’ve ever felt before! $4.49 on Kindle.

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Free: Fear is a Liar

Free: Fear is a Liar

Do You Struggle With Anxiety And Worry? Slay Your Giants With The LOVE Plan.

You want to live in the present but worries about the future steal your joy. You’re tired of fear controlling your life and hurting relationships. Anxious thoughts occupy your mind and you can’t stop overthinking things. Satan has stolen your self-confidence and you want it back. Now.

In his latest book, Dr. Lancaster explores the origin of our deepest fears and why they trap us. Then, he shares an easy-to-follow biblical plan to crush your fears. This is no “quick fix” book, but you will learn a simple, powerful way to defeat worry – anytime, anywhere. Free on Kindle.
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One Can Heal

One Can Heal
This world is unforgiving
to many, but that doesn’t
mean you can’t shine
and spark the lives
around you.

The poetry of One Can Heal takes the reader on a heartbreaking journey where one finds strength to overcome and heal the unintended wounds. This collection focuses on the hardships in life such as grief, loss, depression, family, heartbreak, and the value of self-love and acceptance. One Can Heal explores the darkness many can face in life and shows that scars do not define anyone. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Roads to Meaning and Resilience with Cancer: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer

Roads to Meaning and Resilience with Cancer: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer

Facing one’s mortality, patients with cancer develop an urgency to find meaning in life. They struggle with the illness, its emotional impact, and the consequences of treatments. But, with time, reflection, and support from others, they develop resilience. Cancer patients often are not passive. Instead, they choose different strategies to maintain and restore their health. They also leverage a variety of approaches to cope better with their struggle. The book tells the stories of 39 patients with incurable lung cancer and aims to help patients, family, and healthcare providers understand the experience of living with cancer. The author is a family doctor, teacher, and researcher who is also a stage 4 lung cancer patient himself. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Roads to Meaning and Resilience with Cancer: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer

Roads to Meaning and Resilience with Cancer: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer

Facing one’s mortality, patients with cancer develop an urgency to find meaning in life. They struggle with the illness, its emotional impact, and the consequences of treatments. But, with time, reflection, and support from others, they develop resilience. Cancer patients often are not passive. Instead, they choose different strategies to maintain and restore their health. They also leverage a variety of approaches to cope better with their struggle. The book tells the stories of 39 patients with incurable lung cancer and aims to help patients, family, and healthcare providers understand the experience of living with cancer. The author is a family doctor, teacher, and researcher who is also a stage 4 lung cancer patient himself. $3.99 on Kindle.
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A Family Caregiver’s Guide: 7 Secrets to Convert Negative Triggers to Positive Emotions

A Family Caregiver’s Guide: 7 Secrets to Convert Negative Triggers to Positive Emotions

In “7 Secrets to Convert Negative Triggers to Positive Emotions,” you’ll discover how to:

1. Identify your current state of emotion (and emotional triggers)
2. Create a deliberate positive emotional state
3. Free yourself from automatic negative thoughts (ANTs)
4. Prevent family miscommunication and manage conflict
5. Boost your physical, mental, financial, and emotional well-being
6. Choose to act the love
7. Plan your post-caregiving future/find your life purpose. $2.99 on Kindle.

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The Happy Mind: A Simple Guide to Living a Happier Life Starting Today

The Happy Mind: A Simple Guide to Living a Happier Life Starting Today
From the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Unlimited Memory comes a new book on finding happiness in life using the power of your mind. Happiness is more than just a feeling—it’s a learned skill. In The Happy Mind, you’ll discover valuable insights for lasting happiness instead of being driven by short-term pleasure seeking. When you master the habits of happiness, your life will be filled with more peace, purpose, and passion. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Revitalize, Refresh, Renew & Revive Your Spirit Now

Revitalize, Refresh, Renew & Revive Your Spirit Now

“Revitalize” is spiritual refreshment for all who navigate busy and demanding lives. Drawing from her own experiences, Carole Brewer’s 10-minute devotionals are a medley of stories, scriptures, songs, prayer prompters, and soul-searching questions making it an effective six-week formula for spiritual health and personal growth.

CAROLE BREWER: (B.A. in Music, M.A. in Education) is a speaker, author, teacher, singer/songwriter, and radio host who shares Bible-inspired messages. Carole’s greatest joy has been to help women feel loved, experience freedom from past hurts, and understand what it truly means to have their identity in Christ. Free on Kindle.

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Fulfillment: A Journey Through a Spiritual Life

Fulfillment: A Journey Through a Spiritual Life
Fulfillment is a book for your soul.

We have a feeling that something is missing. We look back, we look forward, and we cannot say what it is, but we know we must find something that will bring us peace. Many of us are engaging in a journey that we can compare with “The Golden Rush.” We do not look for gold, we look for happiness, but soon we realize that happiness is not something that we can find but instead we can achieve. What is it? What we are looking for is called fulfillment, a journey through a spiritual life. $1.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Twisting in Headstands and Heavy Drinking

Free: Twisting in Headstands and Heavy Drinking

In an unruly Midwest town, Tristan – a college fraternity president – pinballs between failed relationships in an unholy battle with depression. Locked in savage self-abuse at the hands of booze and cigarettes – and surrounded by a collection of part-time degenerates he calls, “Brothers” – Tristan must confront his own inner turmoil, as he searches desperately for some main vein of American life in the swirling backdrop of mental illness. Free on Kindle.
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Organizing Her Life: How My Journey Can Help You Declutter Your Spaces and Your Life

Organizing Her Life: How My Journey Can Help You Declutter Your Spaces and Your Life

In Organizing Her Life, Laura Souders, Professional Organizer and motivational speaker, invites us into her personal journey, traveling through her struggles and triumphs, to create a meaningful life. She shares how small steps led her to big change that positively impacted her physical space as well as her life path.

Organizing Her Life is for people who want to improve their lives, without getting bogged down by reference books about organizing.

In Organizing Her Life you will:

• Learn Laura’s 4 Step System to organizing any space
• Discover ways to change your mind set about things you own
• Gather easy to use, applicable tips to organize
• Gain knowledge to help find your passion
• Be inspired to improve your life

Learn how to transform not only the rooms in your home, but the spaces in your life, to have that calm, inspired existence we all desire.
$0.99 on Kindle.

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The Talking Cure

The Talking Cure

This is a book about normal people, their hidden struggles and the life-changing power of therapy. The authors introduce us to their patients, fictional amalgams of real-life cases, and reveal how the art of talking and listening helps us to understand deep-seated issues that profoundly influence who we are in the world and how we see ourselves in relation to others. $10.52 on Kindle.

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The Irritability Cure: How To Stop Being Angry, Anxious and Frustrated All The Time

The Irritability Cure: How To Stop Being Angry, Anxious and Frustrated All The Time
If you want to be happier, healthier, and more peaceful, this book is for you! Dr. Mort Orman has been studying irritability and the impact of anger on your health, success, and life for years. In his research, he found a proven strategy that works for getting rid of anger and irritability fast, without drugs or medications. When you eliminate negative thoughts and energy from your life, you’ll feel a sense of calm an inner peace like you’ve never felt before. Learn how to reprogram your mind and subconscious habits and never have another unnecessary argument again! $0.99 on Kindle.

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2 Hours Unplugged: Unplug & Reconnect – The Next 90 Days to a Glass Half Full Lifestyle

2 Hours Unplugged: Unplug & Reconnect – The Next 90 Days to a Glass Half Full Lifestyle

Self Help Author Chris Edwards of Napa Valley, does it again, after the success of his “90 Days to a Glass Half Full Lifestyle” he returns penning a step by step playbook, taking you on a journey to transform your life to reconnect with yourself and others to a more positive life. No matter your stage in life, or when you started, this book will provide an education and tools to help you achieve your goals more rapidly than you ever thought possible

Edwards’s has mentored hundreds of people in his professional career to believe in themselves and live a life of passion and success.

In this book, Edwards’ reveals how the smart-phone and apps suck the life around us making us Zombies without us even realizing it. He refers to the history of the technology, its adoption and crafts a plan with you to take back 2 hours of your life daily to reconnect with yourself and those around you.

In these pages, through plain conversational English and inspiring stories you’ll discover…

  • The story of smart-phone and Apps creation and their impact on us. 276.1 million automobiles are registered and on the roads in the US, with projected smart-phone adoption rates; the number of people owning and using a cell phone will exceed the number of Americans owning cars.
  • Strategies and benefits to unplugging for 2 hours a day and reconnect to yourself and others.
  • The 3 simple steps to reconnecting to yourself and your family.
  • The benefits of “me time”
  • 90 days of affirmations and a plan forward with a support workbook for success to help you master the mindset of positivity and experience the fulfillment in life you deserve.

This book is part 2 in the series that began with “90 Days to a Glass Half Full Lifestyle”; a book of affirmations and stories of individuals that overcame drugs, homelessness and incarceration and found a second chance through gainful employment and self love. This book is part education, part history lesson, part affirmation but all about a path forward to the positive. $6.99 on Kindle.

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The Light in His Soul: Lessons from My Brother’s Schizophrenia

The Light in His Soul: Lessons from My Brother’s Schizophrenia

Call Richmond, Jr. went missing. Twenty years later he showed up on a family member’s doorstep: homeless, broken, and suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. For the next 14 years, his sister Rebecca took on the struggle to restore him as they faced the dark traumas and painful memories of their past together.

Rebecca Schaper has written a gripping new memoir in which she shares a stunningly candid chronicle of rescuing her lost brother from homelessness and mental illness, and her long, emotional fight to again make him a part of her family. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Beyond Positive Psychology: A Journey From Burnout to Enlightenment

Free: Beyond Positive Psychology: A Journey From Burnout to Enlightenment
The ability to change and adapt quickly in today’s unpredictable world is more critical than ever before for creating and retaining abundance, health, meaning, and happiness.

Whether you want to escape the rat race, find happiness, change your career, solve demanding health problems, understand the path to authentic meaning and fulfillment, or just live fully by getting in touch with your true inner self, Beyond Positive Psychology is the blueprint.
Free on Kindle.

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Free: I Disagree: How These Two Words are the Secret to Thinking Differently and Taking Control of Your Health

Free: I Disagree: How These Two Words are the Secret to Thinking Differently and Taking Control of Your Health
Everybody has a story—it’s a unifying factor that we can all relate to and learn from. When it comes to health, that story can be tragic or transformational (and sometimes both.)

What’s your story? Has a medical professional ever told you:

Nothing can be done.
It’s all in your head.
Just take this and you’ll be fine.
All of the Above?

You are not alone. Chronic conditions are at an all-time high. Despite medical advancements, we are sicker than ever. Something needs to change! It’s time to disagree.

What you’ll find in this book is a story that is changing lives across the country and empowering people to think differently. Thinking differently is where perspectives are transformed, improvements are made, and changes take place. And from Dr. Patrick Flynn’s experience with thousands of patients, these changes are for the better.

Heavily inspired by his wife and her journey through medicine, Dr. Flynn developed his unique approach and mode of thought. In these pages, Dr. Flynn shares their story and the resulting mindset that is impacting the health and lives of countless people. The “I Disagree” way of thinking understands that just because something is common, does not mean it’s normal. Through his work, Dr. Flynn and The Wellness Way clinics are changing lives, restoring hope, and getting results. By the time you finish reading, he hopes you find the strength to disagree too. It’s time to embrace your life and take control of your health! Free on Kindle.

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The Year Of The Alpha: 366 Lessons On Adding Meaning To Your Life

The Year Of The Alpha: 366 Lessons On Adding Meaning To Your Life

Are you ready to take your life from Zero To Alpha? Are you ready to adopt the mindset of the truly “fiercely free?” Then this book is for you. Let me explain why. My name is Alex. Although I’m not terribly remarkable, I have, in fact, defeated a brutal depression and anxiety, ditched my suicidal tendencies, and repaired tons of other insecurities. How? Self-development.

Over the course of three years, I discovered countless, invaluable life lessons that I believe are universally effective. Now imagine you had access to these lessons, available to you in one simple click. This book will ensure that your mindset is ahead of most people your age. These life lessons will grant you the clarity, confidence, and calmness of mind that you need to move to the next stage in your life. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Prioritize Fun: A Manifesto for Those Who Want to Enjoy Life, Not Endure It

Prioritize Fun: A Manifesto for Those Who Want to Enjoy Life, Not Endure It
Prioritize Fun is a simple but very powerful idea. By having more fun — deliberately, purposefully, and with extreme prejudice — you become happier by default. Fun is that fundamental catalyst we’re missing in our lives that makes happiness seem so elusive. And by actually prioritizing fun as much as we prioritize all of the other important things in our lives, we can finally find the joy we crave. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Riding Solo

Riding Solo
Men don’t bring you happiness – you do. And being single is when it happens.

Riding Solo is about shifting your mindset from one of needing a man to wanting a man, but not until you’re ready. This book helps you learn how important it is to embrace being single in preparation for finding that awesome guy! $0.99 on Kindle.

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