Free: Emerging From the Dark: Stroke…The Untold Stories

***** “A Masterpiece“
– Bridget Ball – Amazon, Goodreads & Bookbub Reviewer

***** “A Rememberable Read!“
Teresa James – Poet & Author

This book has been a labor of love, a journey through the shadows and into the light for both me and those who have shared in this experience. It was my greatest honor to tell the inspiring stories of fellow stroke survivors, and I am so grateful that the book has been so well received! — Terence Ang

Emerging From the Dark: Stroke…The Untold Stories is a collection of moving stories from people in all stages of stroke recovery. In these pages, you will find tales of unimaginable courage and determination.

Most of all, these are stories of fighters. These are people who reject the idea of being a victim. Instead, they are fighting with everything they have to return to a normal daily life, even if the new normal is different from their old normal.

This book will change the way you see people recovering from strokes!

These are positive people with positive stories. They don’t want or need pity—they just want their stories to be heard. Grab your copy today, because the odds are that one day you or someone close to you will experience a stroke and this could be the most important book you will ever read!

GET IT. READ IT. AND BE AMAZED READ NOW: #Stroke #Survivors #Inspiration #Courage #Memoir #Motivational #SelfHelp #resilience

Follow at:@GratefulSteps

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“Bipolarized” is a heartfelt memoir that explores the intense journey of supporting a loved one with bipolar disorder. It likens the experience to riding an unpredictable tsunami, capturing the emotional highs and lows faced by families. Through a mother’s perspective, the book offers a deeply personal look at the challenges, joys, and resilience encountered while caring for a son with this complex condition. It’s a story of love, strength, and the indomitable human spirit amidst the tumult of mental health struggles. $0.99 on Kindle.
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A Home Called Brent’s Place

A Home Called Brent's Place
“A Home Called Brent’s Place” showcases the journey of a family united in their fight against cancer, revealing the immense power of community support. This book delves into a story of transformation, highlighting how collective compassion and strong familial bonds provide solace and hope amidst adversity. An inspiring read for anyone touched by cancer, it offers insights into creating positivity from loss, the impact of communal support, and the strength found in shared struggles and triumphs. Discover the uplifting power of helping others and witness the resilience of the human spirit in overcoming life’s toughest challenges. $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Girl Who Didn’t

The Girl Who Didn’t
100% of every sale will be donated to War Child via Work for Good.

This is a poem that does not rhyme, because life-changing moments do not rhyme, or fit perfectly in order. Each line of the 22-line poem, conveys a multitude of lived experiences, and is stacked like the title for emphasis. To sit with the title (without even opening the book), and the question it prompts, would be more than enough – to jump start a shift in perception about the pathways of life, where we intersect at heart and meet for a virtual cup of tea. The stories we share (and those we don’t) tells other people how we wish to be remembered, sincerely. In chaotic times, we are shaken but we survive. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Swimming with Dolphins

Swimming with Dolphins
Swimming with Dolphins celebrates the world of water, which has been Susan’s training ground for personal and spiritual growth, and throughout her life, a constant source of renewal and joy. Hikes on Peru’s Inca trail and swims in seas and oceans around the world illuminate the author’s love for and connection with the natural world.

This swimming memoir celebrates Susan’s unique friendship with a group of wild bottlenose dolphins in San Carlos, México that began when they started interacting and chattering with her in dolphin speak during her morning swims in the Sea of Cortez. It explores the intelligence and playfulness of these amazing creatures and calls upon all of us to protect and defend the wildlife that surrounds us, no matter where we live.

“The flash of a dark, shiny dorsal fin raises my heart rate another notch and transforms a Sea of Cortez swim from enjoyable to unforgettable.” $0.99 on Kindle.
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A Soldier Against All Odds: A Memoir by LT. COL. Jason G Pike

A Soldier Against All Odds: A Memoir by LT. COL. Jason G Pike

A brutally honest tale of a soldier’s unorthodox life, a rogue career, and an often-maverick character not easily aligned with the military credo. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Diary of a Platonic Co-Parent: One Man’s Search For an Alternative Family

Diary of a Platonic Co-Parent: One Man's Search For an Alternative Family
Nick Farrow’s honest, touching and humorous memoir will show you how one man’s desire to have a child of his own led him to explore a whole new concept in platonic co-parenting that would change his life forever. $0.99 on Kindle.
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My Twin Flame Journey of Separation, Surrender, and Release: Unconditional Love Through Spiritual Lessons and Healing

My Twin Flame Journey of Separation, Surrender, and Release: Unconditional Love Through Spiritual Lessons and Healing
An enlightening memoir that presents the deepest pain and highest love along V.C. Pitt’s path. Forgiveness is necessary to heal. Are you ready to drop your ego and pride and heal core wounds through unconditional love too? $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Secret of Life: A Memoir Of Getting Younger

The Secret of Life: A Memoir Of Getting Younger

The story of a cancer survivor, who began competing in triathlon in his sixties, showing that everybody can realize his dreams and becoming ageless! $0.99 on Kindle.
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Wisdom Keeper: My Extraordinary Journey to Unlock the Sacred Within

Wisdom Keeper: My Extraordinary Journey to Unlock the Sacred Within
GOLD WINNER Memoir: 2022 Living Now Book Awards — Books for Better Living
FINALIST New Age Nonfiction: 2022 International Book Awards

Psychic dreams and visions, remembering past lives, and becoming an intuitive shamanic healer—this is the story of an ordinary woman’s extraordinary journey. With raw honesty, Chloe shares her story of awakening to her Divine purpose, healing herself and her journey to heal others. WISDOM KEEPER reveals the Divine pathway to a more peaceful, happy, fulfilled and healthy life.

Chloe’s connection with Spirit Guides in other dimensions bring cosmic knowledge to her ancient wisdom. Her extraordinary journey is filled with visions, lucid and prophetic dreams, parallel universes, collective dreaming and knowledge of past lives. She healed herself from deeply embedded trauma, an incurable illness, and serious medical conditions.

Chloe shares significant spiritual experiences she had in Ecuador, Europe, Mexico and Asheville, North Carolina, including an invitation to become a Spiritual Grandmother. She has performed intuitive shamanic healing and mediumship sessions in Ecuador, Mexico, and the United States.

“Chloe’s heartfelt journey is the real deal here to inspire us all. She takes the reader on a journey of darkness to light, struggle to freedom, fear to love. A must-read for all who want true transformation.”—Dr. Shannon South, Award-Winning Therapist & Best-Selling Author
“There is a healing purpose in every experience written by Chloe in this spiritual memoir. Chloe reveals to us the importance of connection with the spiritual and physical world, and our past lives to the present. This book is truly for everyone.”—Eduardo Morales, Shamanic Curandero, Tepoztlán, Mexico
“WISDOM KEEPER is filled with wonderful personal experiences on the power of healing, visualizations, dreams, and listening to our inner voices.” River Guerguerian, Sound Immersion Healer, Musician, Composer & Educator

$0.99 on Kindle.
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Midnight Calling: A Memoir of a Drug Smuggler’s Daughter

Midnight Calling: A Memoir of a Drug Smuggler's Daughter
A daughter shouldn’t have to choose—her father or her life. Fans of Educated and The Glass Castle will love this jaw-dropping true story about family bonds, addiction and the price of holding on when it’s time to let go. $0.99 on Kindle
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WISDOM KEEPER: My Extraordinary Journey to Unlock the Sacred Within

Psychic dreams and visions, remembering past lives, and becoming an intuitive shamanic healer—this is the story of an ordinary woman’s extraordinary journey. With raw honesty, Chloe shares her story of awakening to her Divine purpose, healing herself and her journey to heal others. WISDOM KEEPER reveals the Divine pathway to a more peaceful, happy, fulfilled and healthy life.

Chloe’s connection with Spirit Guides in other dimensions bring cosmic knowledge to her ancient wisdom. Her extraordinary journey is filled with visions, lucid and prophetic dreams, parallel universes, collective dreaming and knowledge of past lives. She healed herself from deeply embedded trauma, an incurable illness, and serious medical conditions.

Chloe shares significant spiritual experiences she had in Crete, Ecuador, France, Greece, Mexico, and Asheville, North Carolina, including an invitation to become a Spiritual Grandmother. She has performed intuitive shamanic healing and mediumship sessions in Ecuador, Mexico, and the United States.

“Chloe’s heartfelt journey is the real deal here to inspire us all. She takes the reader on a journey of darkness to light, struggle to freedom, fear to love. A must-read for all who want true transformation.”-Dr. Shannon South, Award-Winning Therapist, Best-Selling Author, and Founder of the Ignite Your Life

“Every experience written by Chloe in her spiritual memoir has a healing purpose. She reminds us we are essential in the Universe; when we heal, our loved ones, people around us, and the Earth also heal. This book is truly for everyone.” -Eduardo Morales, Shamanic Curandero, Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico

“WISDOM KEEPER is filled with wonderful personal experiences on the power of healing, visualizations, dreams, and listening to our inner voices. This book inspires the reader to go deep within themselves and invite their own personal self-healer to emerge.”-River Guerguerian, Sound Immersion Healer, Musician, Composer, and Educator

  • GOLD WINNER for a memoir written by a female – 2022 Living Now Book Awards—Books for Better Living.
  • FINALIST in New Age Nonfiction by the 2022 International Book Awards

$1.99 on Kindle.
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I Hear the Black Raven: A Petite Memoir

I Hear the Black Raven: A Petite Memoir

I Hear the Black Raven is a different kind of memoir… It is a story of poetic redemption. It is a harrowing epic of self-discovery. Claire’s mental illness takes her on a journey that is full of mishaps and scenarios that we all can identify with. We are invited into her world, a world that she does not initially understand, but learns to accept.
$0.99 on Kindle.
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It Started at The Savoy

It Started at The Savoy

Bill Pullen is a brilliant storyteller. He invites the reader to pull up a chair and join him as he recounts his anecdotes of friends, family, and a myriad of celebrities, from his five decades in the hospitality industry. From historic country inns to five-star hotels on three continents, he conveys his experiences with great humor and insight. $5.99 on Kindle.
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The Life and Times of Angie Bardot

The Life and Times of Angie Bardot
This relatable story written in a unique satirical style of sadness mixed with humor, is told with courage and brutally raw honesty, that gives an unabashed insight into the weakest and strongest moments of what it is to feel human. Written in two parts, it tells the tragic “down then up” story of a divorced woman attempting to reinvent herself by diving head first into the dating arena in an effort to find her inner goddess, resulting in madness, mayhem and disaster. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Tackle Life Head On: A Playbook on Defeating Life’s Obstacles

Tackle Life Head On: A Playbook on Defeating Life’s Obstacles

“I’m one of the ninety-percent who, for a brief time, got to live like the one percent.”

Ask a group of little kids what their dream job is and most will tell you they want to be a professional athlete. Their chances of actually becoming one, however, are less than one percent. Of those who do make it, the vast majority won’t last for more than three years.

Jeff Ogden was one of those rare few, overcoming a series of obstacles to have a five-year career with the Dallas Cowboys, Miami Dolphins, and Baltimore Ravens. Growing up in the small town of Snohomish, in Washington State, Jeff appeared to be the last person who would play in the NFL, due in large part to the physical challenges he faced from birth. It was through a lot of hard work, inner reflection, faith, and the love of family that he entered the exclusive world of professional sports and played alongside some of the best athletes in the world.

This book is a mix of anecdotes from his life—many uplifting and funny, others heartbreaking—and exercises designed to help the reader to identify and overcome their own challenges. Told with humor, humility, and gratitude, Jeff’s story is a testament to what the ordinary person can do when they are willing to do the work. More importantly, it is a playbook for anyone who thinks their goals are unattainable or their challenges insurmountable. $0.99 on Kindle.

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A short memoir from a unique perspective.

BITTERSWEET – the one-word definition of life. You need to survive the bitterness to experience the sweetness of life. If you’re feeling down or need some inspiration to adjust the lens and focus on the brighter sides of life, this short memoir with lessons of life will be worth a read! $2.99 on Kindle
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Sudden Widow, A True Story of Love, Grief, Recovery, and How Badly It CAN Suck!

Sudden Widow, A True Story of Love, Grief, Recovery, and How Badly It CAN Suck!
Sudden Widow is a Raw, Authentic, & Inspiring Book about Grief, Recovery, & Hope. It is a book for widows/widowers and anyone trying to make sense of an unbearable loss. Bella Lynn Thompson offers understanding for widows in a world where many don’t comprehend the all-consuming grief and magnitude of change after losing a spouse. Reading this authentic, personal book, readers feel seen, heard, and supported. The inspiration of powering through an inexplicable life event is evident on every page. Perhaps most importantly, other widows will feel validated and less alone. $8.99 on Kindle.

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Lamlash Street: A Portrait of 1960’s Post-War London Through One Family’s Story

Lamlash Street: A Portrait of 1960's Post-War London Through One Family's Story
Explore a world that can’t be visited anymore—South East London, 1963.

On Lamlash Street, Cockney families have more life and character than money, living among the bombed out and condemned buildings. Post WWII London will evolve swiftly into the era of The Beatles, Twiggy, and modern, swinging London.

Experience the lively true story of a girl on her way to being a young woman, coming-of-age at a moment in London’s history unlike any other. It’s a time when a local factory shutting down could mean families torn apart and relying on questionable yet quirky neighbors as they find inventive ways to survive the trauma of the past.

Enjoy a heartfelt historical memoir. If you like non-stereotypical female characters, working-class endurance, and rallying from abundant loss, then you’ll adore Jill Phillips’ moving recollection. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Little Pink Roses

Little Pink Roses

Little Pink Roses is a story based upon real-life events about a young girl begging to be loved, seeking acceptance, and overcoming loss and abandonment.

Through the Cycle of Life as a youngster, the Author shares events in a humoristic fashion as she endures challenges and blossoms into a young lady. From hanging out with celebrities to starting a field fire, each chapter poises a different experience sure to keep anyone’s attention. $9.99 on Kindle
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Free: Being Authentic

Being Authentic

Our existence is fragile. I learned that in many intricate ways, so I do not take today for granted. I do not know what tomorrow will bring. I do not even know if tomorrow will come.

On the eve of Thanksgiving 2016, I received the diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer. Next to dying, I fear the spread of cancer to my brain and losing my ability to think, speak, or write. This loss would be devastating to me.

The fragility of our life made me want to be authentic. Therefore, I am writing this memoir to be authentic—we become our true selves when we author who we are.

I am afraid of being forgotten. Death does frighten me. But more than dying, I am scared of having no one remember me or, even worse, of being recognized differently from who I was. At the same time, I have never thought that I was entitled to ask others not to forget me. But, not to be forgotten is precisely what I yearn for.

While I am writing for the other, I am simultaneously writing for myself. I am one of the readers and will test the subject as it gets written. My criteria are stricter. I want to say, “This is my narrative.”

I need to be able to say, “This is my narrative.” Free on Kindle.

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My Life My Story My Journey & A Tall Tale

Winner of the Canada Book Award
Literary Titian’s – Silver Book Award

Dark night of the Soul, Spirituality, Ascension. These were all new concepts to K.R. A whole new world had opened up to him. Willing to explore this new world, KR embraced the future with an open mind. And then there was Theresa the catalyst that awakened him, sending him on a quest for answers that led him to a juncture of two paths, where anything could be manifested. Remembering her last words: “I’ll see you soon….” $5.99 on Kindle

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The Three Kitties That Saved My Life

The Three Kitties That Saved My Life
“This is like drinking tea and honey on a cold day.” When tragedy struck, I thought for sure that my own life was at an end. I was wrong. This is the true story of how two stray rescue cats and a woman named Kitty, whom I finally met after a wild ride of internet dating, brought love, romance, and laughter back into my life. $0.99 on Kindle

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The (un)Lucky Sperm

The (un)Lucky Sperm
The (un)Lucky Sperm is a funny memoir—a collection of honest, harrowing, and absurd accounts. If you like stories full of sarcasm and observational humor, then you are going to love this book. $0.99 on Kindle
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Recipes for a Sacred Life: True Stories and a Few Miracles

Recipes for a Sacred Life: True Stories and a Few Miracles
A quiz sparked Rivvy Neshama’s decision to live a different kind of life — and in this unique memoir, she shares the encounters that taught her how. “Written in the spirit of Elizabeth Gilbert or Anne Lamott, Neshama’s stories (and a few miracles) are uplifting, witty, and wise.” (Publishers Weekly) $0.99 on Kindle

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