Free: Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things

Free: Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things

Ember is a lonely girl with an affinity for the dead and a new power that might kill her. Mace is a soulless killer and the only one who can save her. When her father dies, Ember’s taken to a supernatural town in the Florida panhandle where she’s living with her reaper cousins, a pack of wolves, a faerie and a human genius and her powers grow more out of control each day. Can she learn to trust Mace to save the new family she’s managed to piece together before it’s too late?  Free on Kindle.

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The Chosen

The-ChosenThe neighbouring kingdoms of Oscia and Arcathia have been at a tentative peace for three years after centuries of warfare. Prince Severin of Arcathia has been brought up to put duty before all else and as the only son of the King and Queen, it is his duty to marry and produce an heir. His parents want him to marry an Oscian princess to cement that tentative peace. Unfortunately Severin isn’t interested in princesses. Now, if he had his pick of princes that would be another matter.

Havyn has been a slave all his life. When his aptitude for wizardry is discovered, he finds himself purchased and freed by Prince Severin and apprenticed to the royal wizard, Ildar. His duty is to stay chaste to keep his powers strong, but his feelings for Severin sorely test his resolve.

With kingdoms at war, the throne hanging in the balance, magic in the air, and outside forces trying to keep them apart, can the two men find happiness together, or is duty more important than love?