Financial Epiphany: Discover Your Ability to Multiply Money and Reimagine Your Financial Life

You’ve likely got money concerns, including how to save it, where to invest it, and how to break free of the constraints of debt. These can be lifelong challenges.

Traditional financial advice is impersonal—we place our money into the stock market, but then what? The key to success with money is to make it personal. It’s about you discovering your potential and ability to multiply it. It’s time to activate this financial superpower of yours to grow money, because now is the most powerful opportunity you’ll ever have to affect your financial life.

In Financial Epiphany, Scott Yamamura walks you through how to experience a mental miracle with your money. If you have a decent income yet find yourself overspending, undersaving, or feeling overwhelmed by debt, this book is for you. Scott breaks down six common financial obstacles that hold people back, and he flips the script on how to reach financial freedom in a delightfully unconventional yet simple way.

As a certified financial coach and communications professional, Scott uses his expertise in forming creative, effective messaging to cut through all the noise of the financial world to deliver this practical guide to understanding your money.

In this book, you’ll learn how to:
Through motivating lessons, awaken your “money-multiplying superpower,” and discover how it can turn even small investments into substantial rewards.
Become empowered through three rules of thumb that tell you how much your money can grow simply based on your age.
Eliminate debt through a novel approach that’s easy to follow, freeing you of financial fear, guilt, and regret.
Experience a personal breakthrough with investing basics, and take confident action with your 401(k), Roth IRA, index funds, and more.
Align your financial goals with your life’s purpose so that every dollar you save and invest has a deeper meaning.

You have the ability to multiply money exponentially. Let’s unleash it. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Money Games: 12 Playful Experiments to Heal Your Money Story and Unlock Financial Freedom

#1 Amazon New Release – January 2025
in Personal Money Management AND Self Help Self Management?

A Genie. A Time Machine. An Alien Abduction. A Film Noir Detective Story.
This isn’t just another personal finance book, it’s Adventure Therapy for Your Wallet??!

$0.99 on Kindle.
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Financial Literacy Essentials: A Dollars and Sense Guide for Young Adults

“Financial Literacy Essentials: A Dollars and Sense Guide to Budgeting, Saving, Investing, and More for Teens and Young Adults” is the ultimate companion for anyone looking to build a solid financial foundation without the stress or confusion. Written in plain, straightforward language, this guide demystifies money management, covering everything from creating a budget, understanding credit, and building savings to finding a job or starting a business, becoming a smart shopper, paying for college, and investing with confidence. Designed for teens and young adults—or anyone new to personal finance—it provides practical, actionable advice to help readers master smart financial habits, avoid common money mistakes, and gain independence. Learn how to control your money instead of letting your money control you! $4.99 on Kindle.
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The Unlikely Investor: A Path to Financial Freedom Through Real Estate

The Unlikely Investor: A Path to Financial Freedom Through Real Estate
“The Unlikely Investor” is your guide to financial independence through real estate, offering proven strategies and tools for all experience levels. Discover how Grant Francke built an $8 million portfolio with a high school education. Learn to cultivate an investor mindset, find and finance deals, manage properties, and partner for growth. Achieve financial freedom with practical advice and real-world examples. $0.99 on Kindle.
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The world’s greatest investors had strategies. Here’s yours… all condensed into an easy-to-understand roadmap to success. Do you have discipline and patience?

Then you have two of the key skills that made Warren Buffet the billionaire he is today. It’s difficult not to look at the field of investment and wealth management and think there’s too much to learn to make a success of it… and indeed, there are a great many in-depth books out there that make it seem even more daunting. You could study finance to a deep level for years, and still continue to learn something new. But do you really need to? Thankfully, the answer is no. There are shortcuts, and these shortcuts rely on using the work of others who’ve gone before you.

Franck Normandeau has been in the game for over 20 years, and he’s done all the background reading for you. So if you have a thirst for reaping the rewards of investment but lack the passion for trawling through heavy finance literature, you’re in luck. You can see success in the financial arena with just the smallest amount of background reading – all you need is someone to pinpoint the most important points for you and condense them into digestible, easy-to-manage nuggets of wisdom.

And that’s exactly what you’ll find between these pages. Inside, you’ll discover:

  • The 9 traps that are getting in the way of your success – and how to sidestep them with skill and efficiency
  • Essential tips for making sure your emotions never get the better of wise financial choices
  • When doing nothing is the answer to building something big – discover how to master this art for big rewardsWhat the system doesn’t want you to know about pension plans – and a better strategy for making sure your retirement years are paved with gold
  • Relatable analogies that make even the driest of financial concepts easy to understand
  • The single most common investment that really isn’t an investment at all… uncover the secret most investors miss (and make a better decision)
  • Bears, bulls, and pigs – get to grips with the animals of the stock market and understand what they really mean
  • 4 rules of building the perfect portfolio (without falling into common traps)

And much more. Successful investment is about being aware of the hazards that lie ahead and knowing the most important gameplays… So if you thought you needed years of studying to uncover the skills you need to succeed, think again. All you need is someone to boil it all down to its very essence – the most important things you need to know to open the doors to success. And lucky for you, someone’s done just that… $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Financial Freedom for Black Women: A Girl’s Guide to Winning With Your Wealth, Career, Business & Retiring Early – With Real Estate, Cryptocurrency, Side Hustles, Stock Market

Financial Freedom for Black Women: A Girl's Guide to Winning With Your Wealth, Career, Business & Retiring Early - With Real Estate, Cryptocurrency, Side Hustles, Stock Market

Did you know that only 2% of black households have a net worth of more than $1 Million?

That’s compared to more than 14% of white households.

That’s what an Economic State of Black America report recently discovered..

Unfortunately, as Black Women, these statistics don’t come as a surprise to us..

However, you’re likely reading this because you want to improve your financial wellbeing, and not because you want to sit around & feel sorry for yourself..

Maybe you’ve been dreaming of landing a higher-paying career ($150K+), or starting a profitable online business/side hustle?

Perhaps you want to finally learn what you were never taught about real estate or the stock market?

Or maybe you want to take a chance on Bitcoin & Crypto – WITHOUT losing everything..

The financial world can seem confusing, and it’s that way for a reason.

Inside our newest book, here’s just a fraction of what you’ll discover:
The #1 investment to own to survive the next recession (HINT: It’s not Gold Coins)
The most untapped side hustles to take advantage of (nobody knows about #4)
Never make this one rookie error with the stock market.
3 x fastest growing industries for high-paying salaries this decade..
The #1 secret to consolidating and paying off your credit card debts.
A complete primer on cryptocurrency investing (best coins/tokens, hot wallets vs. cold storage, using exchanges & investing in NFT’s).
4 budgeting strategies to beat high inflation, while still having fun..
How to attain the highest “multiple” when you want to sell your online business?
Understand exactly how much $ you’ll need to retire at the age of your choice.
How some Black Women are taking home $500K+, with one simple hack?
… and many, many more secrets.

BONUS – In Chapter 8 we’ll uncover exactly how we sold our latest online business for 45x it’s average profit margin – receiving a wire transfer of 4 years-worth of future income, in one day.

Consider this book the financial education that school never gave you. Once you absorb what’s inside – you’ll be far ahead of 97% of other individuals and well on your way to a net worth of over $1M and beyond..

So regardless of your current net worth, or any financial errors you’ve made in the past, we’ll reveal the exact strategies we used to grow our wealth from 0 to over $2M and counting. Why?Because you too, deserve financial independence from the system that has been so designed to hold us back.

So, if you’re a Black Woman who’s serious about becoming financially free this year..

Get this book for free today! Free on Kindle.
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Free: Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Investing: Top 10 DeFi Altcoins to Change the World and Your Finances, Blockchain, Cold Storage, NFT & Mining Explained, Smart Contracts, Decentralized Finance for Swing Trading

Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Investing: Top 10 DeFi Altcoins to Change the World and Your Finances, Blockchain, Cold Storage, NFT & Mining Explained, Smart Contracts & Decentralized Finance for Swing Trading
Discover That Getting Into Bitcoin and Crypto Doesn’t Have to Be So Terrifying! – Try Out New Investment Ventures With This Book That Will Teach You the Ropes of Decentralized Finance, Hassle-Free!
So, you’ve heard about Bitcoin and how profitable it is, and you want to try your hand at it, but you aren’t sure where to start.

In our digital age, saying that you “don’t have enough knowledge” is not an excuse anymore. There are so many resources out there to help you learn the basics. Free on Kindle.
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Day Trading For Beginners: Discover Step By Step The Best Trading Rules, Patterns and Indicators To Maximize Profits

Day Trading For Beginners: Discover Step By Step The Best Trading Rules, Patterns and Indicators To Maximize Profits
Ready to Day Trade Like A Pro?!

Day trading is one of the best investment strategies that can help you grow your income with small wins. With as little as $100 you can start growing your income. In this beginner-friendly book, you will learn effective and easy-to-use trading steps. Whether it’s to find the right stocks to trade or how to develop a proper trading plan, the steps in this book are easy to understand from start to finish. $0.99 on Kindle
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The Sharper Investor: The Winning Formula That Boosts Your Returns

The Sharper Investor: The Winning Formula That Boosts Your Returns
Success and investing tips from Richard Thalheimer, former CEO of The Sharper Image. Go behind the scenes to learn Thalheimer’s formula for predicting success. After twenty years picking winning products for the Sharper Image brand, he now applies his system to picking investments – with results that consistently beat the market. If your goal is 30-50% returns across your investments, than The Sharper Investor is for you! $1.99 on Kindle
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Money Milestones: A Twelve-Month Personal Finance Journey

Money Milestones: A twelve-month personal finance journey

“Money Milestones: A twelve-month personal finance journey” is an exploration of personal finance as it relates to different events, seasons, holidays, and cultural rhythms across the year. Designed for people beginning their journey to build wealth, each chapter corresponds with one month of the year. We discuss everything you need to know about the financial habits of the economy, like in January when Americans are seeking motivation and opportunity in the new year. $3.99 on Kindle.

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Common Sense Investing With Stock Screeners

Common Sense Investing With Stock Screeners
In Common Sense Investing With Stock Screeners, investor and author James Pattersenn draws on thousands of hours of stock investing research, and decades of stock trading experience to teach you about stock screeners and how to effectively use them to pick stocks like the pros. In this investment guide, you will learn to screen for and pick top stocks using time-tested trading and investing strategies that work and will work for you!

In This Exciting Investment Guide, You Will Discover:
• What stock screeners are, and how they work
• The best free online stock screeners available today
• What criteria the investment gurus look for in potential stock candidates
• Free powerful online tools to help you become a better investor or trader
• How to use proven screening strategies to find the next great stock
• How to build your own custom stock screens
• Easy-to-follow investment strategies of the pros
• Eight predefined stock screens based on the strategies of famous gurus
• Bonus information to help you to become a better investor or trader
• And more! $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: XITPRO SYSTEM: Positioning Small Business Owners for Breaking the Mold and Successfully Selling Their Business

Free: XITPRO SYSTEM: Positioning Small Business Owners for Breaking the Mold and Successfully Selling Their Business
Business owners are not building something from scratch. They have a company, they have a product or service, distribution channels, customers, they generate revenue, have some staff and infrastructure. All they need to do is tweak a few things to go from closing the company’s doors to receiving a substantial amount of cash when they sell the company. But small business owners are reluctant to spend thousands of dollars to have a consultant analyze their company and suggest ways for them to increase their company’s value. This book presents an easy to use and understand the methodology to help the business owner make their company more transferable and sustainable — two elements a business must have in order to be salable, and save thousands of dollars in consultant fees. This book will provide you with a roadmap to help identify the strengths and weaknesses of your company. This book is actually a “workbook” complete with forms and tools to make the task easier. Most small business owners have not given any thought to the sale of their business. This book will help them improve those elements of a business that appeal to bankers, investors, and business buyers. Free on Kindle.

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Free: From Debt to Destiny: Creating Financial Freedom from the Inside Out

Free: From Debt to Destiny: Creating Financial Freedom from the Inside Out
Want to eliminate debt, build savings and create opportunities for financial freedom?

Genein shows you how to go from $100,000 of debt to building wealth. This book uses hilarious stories and step-by-step strategies to guide you in creating the financial freedom you deserve.

From Debt To Destiny will show you:

-How to stop debt ruining your life
-How to prevent high-interest rates from eating away at your savings
-How to avoid the “salary penalty” of a low-paid job
-How to not get suckered into the worst deals on cars and other expenses
-How to deal with debt and decrease your loans while in college
-How to invest while still paying off debt
-How to stop living a money-stressed life and start living a life of purpose!

If you’re ready to stop being a slave to your money and live a life in which your money serves you, your family and your mission, this is the book for you! Free on Kindle.

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