Eat So What! The Power of Vegetarianism

Eat So What! The Power of Vegetarianism
Are you vegetarian since birth or practicing vegetarianism for health issues? Vegetarian foods can prevent you from many diseases, it adds valuable and healthy years to your life. Many diseases can be prevented with Food Therapy.

Research Scientist and Registered State Pharmacist La Fonceur has worked closely with drugs and based on her experience she is throwing light to the fact that how plant-based healthy vegetarian foods are the remedy to most of our daily health problems.

Eat So What! The Power of Vegetarianism is the Nutrition Guide For Weight Loss, Disease Free, Drug-Free, Healthy Long Life. $0.99 on Kindle.

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What’s Wrong With My Body Now? Tools for Living with Autoimmune Mysteries and Chronic Pain

What’s Wrong With My Body Now? Tools for Living with Autoimmune Mysteries and Chronic Pain
My discoveries and insights may help if you, or someone you love, has a hyperactive immune system, allergies, or chronic pain. This book describes the non-traditional tools that I use to manage my runaway immune activity. Some of these tools and ideas might provide you with comfort and support while your immune system works on a Coronavirus infection.

This body had a defective immune system when I moved in so immune hyperactivity has been a lifelong affliction for me. Immune system responses can affect different body areas but the system uses the same mechanisms whether it is working on a toxin or a virus. The Autoimmune reactions made me feel like I always had some degree of the flu, along with its overall achy pain and fatigue. But doctors wouldn’t help me because it was much easier for them to say that “it’s just in your head.”

Since a magic pill wasn’t available, I found tools that I could use to actively manage the reactions’ effect on my life and to make this body as comfortable as is possible. The book includes chapters about Autoimmune and allergic reactions, using food as medicine for IBS, essential oils, cold therapy, medical marijuana, PTSD, and dog allergies. It also has a Resources chapter with links to supplemental information and personal stories from people with similar experiences.

My immune reactions have included a mini-stroke and a heart arrhythmia episode with a near-death experience, which is described in the book. As we are all exposed to higher levels of chemical toxicity and viruses, those of us with sensitive immune systems are experiencing illnesses that could be a harbinger for people with healthy bodies. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Fine, Thanks

Fine, Thanks
Mary Dunnewold was a yoga-practicing, organic-food-eating health geek. But six months after a clear mammogram, she was diagnosed with stage-three breast cancer. She had six tumors. The largest was the size of a summer plum. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Get Healthy

Free: Get Healthy
Why a high-fiber, whole-food, plant-based diet may be the best diet for excellent health and permanent weight loss. A unique motivational program with many links to short videos. A radically simple way to prepare healthy, satisfying meals using frozen vegetables and a microwave oven. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Clear

Free: Clear
In Clear, you´ll discover:

6 DIY science-backed remedies you can create in less than 30 seconds to clear your skin within 10 weeks
Acne 101: Why dirt isn´t causing your acne and what it is instead.
Should you cut fried and greasy foods? (the answer might be surprising, check page 15)
The myth about diets, toothpaste and makeup demystified
Why you are making your acne worse if you squeeze your pimples
The Do´s and Don´ts for your daily routines
The fatal consequences of having the wrong face wash routine
SOS: What to do if nothing works. Pro´s and con´s of medical treatments
And much more. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Your Beauty Advocate: A No-Nonsense Guide to Age-Defying Skincare Products and Procedures

Free: Your Beauty Advocate: A No-Nonsense Guide to Age-Defying Skincare Products and Procedures
Beauty industry overwhelm is REAL. And as time marches on, many of us wonder what the options are available to achieve a more timeless and vibrant look to our skin. In a seemingly endless world of “miracle” creams and ever trendy aesthetic procedures, you may find yourself asking “what really works and what doesn’t?”.This is where Christy Hall, PA-C, MPAS and leading expert in skincare and aesthetic medicine steps in as your beauty advocate. Through empowering you to write your own story on how you want to work with the aging process, Christy brings real world advise and straight talk to an industry that can be anything but transparent. By demystifying HOW your skin works and illuminating the different phases of aging, a pathway forward begins to emerge based on your personal goals and educated expectations. Skin health is the absolute backbone of this guidebook. From nutrition to topical procedures, you will find incredible advice for a variety of skin conditions that accompany us through the different phases of life. It’s time to stop wasting money and build confidence by learning what skincare products and procedures work… and what doesn’t. It’s time to learn why skincare ingredients matter, and why skin rejuvenation lasers and lights are invaluable. And for those interested, it’s time to learn why injectable dermal fillers and neurotoxins can be your best aesthetic investment yet. Priorities are important when creating a more timeless look, so it is vital to invest in yourself wisely. Let Your Beauty Advocate be your ally in creating the best skin of your life! Free on Kindle.

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The Vail Method

The Vail Method
Dr. Matt Ehrlich’s lifestyle guide outlined in his book, The Vail Method: Dr. Ehrlich’s Guide To Getting Better Not Just Older, is a practical, holistic approach to getting and remaining healthy for your lifespan using scientifically proven methods and evidence-based medicine. $1.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Kick Your Fat in the Nuts

Free: Kick Your Fat in the Nuts

Not only will Tony have you laughing out loud while he reveals the secrets behind weight loss and how the human body functions, you will also learn how to look at your own body chemistry to understand the underlying cause of YOUR weight issues. Since the reasons for weight gain vary from person to person, once you understand what is going on with your chemistry, this book will help you understand what foods, supplements, or lifestyle changes could eliminate your need to continue buying bigger pants. Free on Kindle.

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More Than A Diet Book: 7 Steps I Took to Lose 40 lbs, Find Joy and Peace Even While Working 40 Hours (Never Stop Learning Lifestyle Series)

More Than A Diet Book: 7 Steps I Took to Lose 40 lbs, Find Joy and Peace Even While Working 40 Hours (Never Stop Learning Lifestyle Series)

Are you overweight and feeling overwhelmed about which direction to go? Are you tired of trying and failing the latest sure weight loss programs that leave you weighing more than you started? Tired of feeling like a prisoner to your diet but don’t have the time to fix it? Just know that you are not alone. We all are struggling with these same issues of improving our diet and health. As we age and take on more responsibilities, it becomes difficult to eat healthy in a way that fits into our lives.

Its time to escape your internal prison and start living your best life now, and you hold the key. Here is the bottom line: No one is coming to fix your diet and save you. To change your nutrition and health is 100%, your responsibility. Here is another fact: You can accomplish amazing things that you set your mind to achieving; it all starts with you changing how you think. Anything that you think about consistently, you will act out in your life. Anything that you do invariably will lead to habit formation, which is how you became a prisoner to your diet in the first place, bad nutrition ideas. So if you are up to here with feeling defeat, overweight, depressed, and overwhelmed, you can become your self-health coach and make it out. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Sickened: How the Government Ruined Healthcare and How to Fix It

Sickened: How the Government Ruined Healthcare and How to Fix It

Are you afraid you won’t be able to afford an unexpected medical bill in 2020? Are you working just to pay for your health insurance? Have either kept you up at night?

There’s a better way! go from Anxiety ~> Empowered with Shawn’s practical 6-Step Solution. Bringing hope to so many to #ThinkOutsideTheSystem because #OptimalHealthMatters. #ItsTime. $0.99 on Kindle.

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The 7 Day Yogic Detox – Body

The 7 Day Yogic Detox – Body
The present-day approach to detox, as a ‘physical cleansing through liquid diet’ is a very simple, primitive and a one-dimensional look at a much more intricate healing technique, which could have miraculous health benefits when done properly.

Yogic Detox takes a more complex, multi-dimensional approach to detox, viz, body detox (physical detoxification, the scope of this book), mind detox and spirit detox. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Overcoming A Mysterious Condition

Overcoming A Mysterious Condition
In 1991, Don Shetterly found himself caught in a medical nightmare that felt like it would never end. A mysterious condition suddenly came on that left him paralyzed – unable to walk and barely able to speak. Pseudoseizures, a multiple sclerosis misdiagnosis, and multiple emergency room and doctor visits left his family wondering how to help him. Find out what Don did to heal his life. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Take Command of Your Total Health: A Woman’s Guide to Fearless Aging

Take Command of Your Total Health: A Woman’s Guide to Fearless Aging

You Can Reverse Disease, Gain More Energy, Increase Mental Clarity and Nourish Your Body From The Inside-Out!

It’s never too late to improve your health and transform your life. The roadmap you need to master this journey reveals itself as you turn each page of “Take Command of Your Total Health: A Woman’s Guide to Fearless Aging.” You’ll discover that only about 10 percent of your ill-health is determined by genetics.

* Make YOU your top priority with no apologies
* Heal from past traumas to establish a deeper connection with self
* Find your inner doctor using your intuition when dealing with health issues
* Use functional medicine to uncover the root cause of your health challenges
* Live with clear intention and eliminate negative people and influences from your life $0.99 on Kindle.

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What To Do When Online Dating Sends You Running For Cover

What To Do When Online Dating Sends You Running For Cover

Find true love with the right man and end the cycle of meeting and dating losers!

The issue isn’t with online dating, it’s with not knowing exactly what type of man you’re looking for and then being able to articulate that in a way that weeds out the players.

That’s why I wrote When Online Dating Sends You Running for Cover! $0.99 on Kindle.

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Who Will Hold Me?

Who Will Hold Me?

In this powerful account, Sophie shares her path to liberating herself from society’s unrealistic and often detrimental expectations of single moms. If you are challenged by traumatic circumstance, toxic relationships, or crippling self-doubt, you’ll find the inspiration you need to rise above your suffering and loneliness. $2.99 on Kindle.

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The Sugar Demons

The Sugar Demons

The Sugar Demons covers my entire journey from realizing I have an addiction, to the “Ah-ha!” moments that put me back in control of my life. In this book, you’ll learn:

-The key breakthrough that gave me the edge I needed in my battle with addiction.
-My step-by-step plan for breaking sugar addiction.
-How I reduce cravings until they are silent.
-Why “discipline” and “willpower” are ineffective.
-A list of (optional) supplements to “hack” your body out of its dependence on sugar.
-How to control your food environment so it doesn’t control you. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Overcoming A Mysterious Condition

Overcoming A Mysterious Condition
In 1991, Don Shetterly found himself caught in a medical nightmare that felt like it would never end. A mysterious condition suddenly came on that left him paralyzed – unable to walk and barely able to speak. Pseudoseizures, a multiple sclerosis misdiagnosis, and multiple emergency room and doctor visits left his family wondering how to help him. Find out what Don did to heal his life. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Say Goodbye to Indigestion and Heartburn Forever

Free: Say Goodbye to Indigestion and Heartburn Forever
Are you suffering from pain and discomfort right after eating? Do you feel bloated,lethargic and tired even after hours of eating? Then this short book will be of immense help to you. Have a glance at the natural remedies and tips for Indigestion and Heartburn in this book to help reduce discomfort and pain.

Indigestion is a debilitating digestive system disorder that occurs when stomach acidic content flows back into the esophagus. It’s the most common issue which involves a feeling of burning and bloating, accompanied by abdominal pain.

Heartburn — one of the symptoms you may experience with indigestion. Although indigestion & heartburn is not a life-threatening issue, it might affect your quality of life.

These can be triggered due to several things including food, drink, smoking, or medication. So, it’s vital to opt for certain lifestyle changes to avoid serious complications in the future. Well, many cases of indigestion and heartburn can be averted with proper diet, exercise, and important lifestyle modifications. “Say Goodbye to Indigestion and Heartburn Forever” provides useful and indeed easy-to-follow tips to prevent heartburn and digestive disorder — Easily& Effectively! If you’ve tried every treatment and still haven’t gotten any result, or you have read tomes but everything sounds confusing and you end up not knowing where to begin; read my short but comprehensive guide to find some natural remedies for indigestion and heartburn. Applying these natural solutions regularly can help reduce the intensity and frequency of acid reflux and strengthen your digestive system. Free on Kindle.

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The Way In: 5 Winning Strategies to Lose Weight, Get Strong and Lift Your Life

The Way In: 5 Winning Strategies to Lose Weight, Get Strong and Lift Your Life

The Way In will help you:

• Lose weight for good without eliminating any of the foods you truly enjoy. (Yes, you read that right.)
• Develop a strong, lean physique without working out like it’s the Olympic trials.
• Learn how to be your own personal coach rather than your most dedicated critic.
• Make friends with food again.And the mirror. (Again, yes,you read that right.) $2.99 on Kindle.

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Free: The Depression and Anxiety Workbook

Free: The Depression and Anxiety Workbook
5 brilliant methods to improve your mood and change your thoughts!

Learn about Neuroscience, Mindfulness, Positive psychology, Dialectical and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to transform your life!
Free on Kindle.

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Free: Heavy Metals Detox: The simple approach to removing Aluminum, Mercury, Lead, Arsenic and Cadmium from the body

Free: Heavy Metals Detox: The simple approach to removing Aluminum, Mercury, Lead, Arsenic and Cadmium from the body
Depression, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, brain fog, weakness, it doesn’t matter what your doctor calls it, it ALWAYS involves toxicity — Dr. Sherry Rogers.

Rest assured, this book contains everything you need to keep your health on track. Inside you will learn what heavy metals are, how they get inside us, and what you can do to remove them.

When aluminum, mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, and chromium are gently purged from the body, a stronger, clearer-thinking version of YOU comes to the surface. As an added bonus, detoxification helps protects against accelerated aging and sickness.
In 1974 the World Health Organization reported that 82% of all chronic degenerative disease was caused by toxic metal poisoning.

Since then, heavy metals continue to find their way into our food, our water, and even the air we breathe! Free on Kindle.

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Red Light Therapy: Miracle Medicine for Pain, Fatigue, Fat loss, Anti-aging, Muscle Growth and Brain Enhancement

Red Light Therapy: Miracle Medicine for Pain, Fatigue, Fat loss, Anti-aging, Muscle Growth and Brain Enhancement

Imagine a world without toxic drugs and endless lists of side effects. A world where a revolutionary new technology is used to accelerate healing of virtually all disease and conditions. Imagine red light therapy.

Red light therapy has been proven effective in over 50,000 scientific studies to date for dozens of diseases and conditions. The best part? Not a single negative side effect has been reported in the literature to date. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: By The People, For The People: The Gathering to get Health Care Now

Free: By The People, For The People: The Gathering to get Health Care Now
How to create local health care cooperatives that produce universal health insurance for members and are within the current laws and regulations. It is also a discussion of medical economics and organization of medical groups that support the cooperatives. Free on Kindle.

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Tired and Hungry No More

Tired and Hungry No More
If you’re dealing with a health situation, a weight issue or simply want to feel better every day, Tired and Hungry No More was written for YOU!

Whether you’re mentally, emotionally or physically exhausted, or starving for more satisfaction in your life, Tired and Hungry No More will guide you through effective, easy-to-follow ways to make lasting positive changes in your life. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Today’s Choices, Tomorrow’s Health

Free: Today’s Choices, Tomorrow’s Health
A health reboot including: ways to curb your hunger, learn to exercise (My personal blueprints on weightlifting and cardio that helped me lose 25 lbs), ways to strengthen your financial health, 3 types of fasting, reducing headaches, exercises for back pain relief and lessons learned from 5 years in China and 11+ years as a chiropractor.

Rebooting your health is intimating to most people. As we make correct choices each day, habits are formed and great health is achieved. This book lays out the blueprints to tip the scales in your favor. Free on Kindle.

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