The Success Protocol: The 5% That Creates Instant, Permanent Change

The Success Protocol: The 5% That Creates Instant, Permanent Change
Feeling trapped in unhappiness, relationship issues, or unfulfilling work? Struggling with stress, anger, or depression? You’re not alone, and you don’t have to stay stuck. This book offers a proven protocol with efficient techniques for achieving peace, happiness, wealth, health, and personal growth. Learn how to make small yet significant shifts to transform your life permanently by distinguishing between the unconscious ‘puppet’ and the observant ‘puppeteer’ within. Discover the biohacking protocol that improved my health and reduced my biological age by 11 years. Break free from the cycle of blame and scarcity, and embrace a transformative journey based on 40 years of experience in finding lasting change. Stephen, a chemist and Harvard-trained business expert, shares his journey from corporate climber to spiritual seeker and coach.

$0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: The Divorce Upside: Finding You After Losing Him

The Divorce Upside: Finding You After Losing Him
Shift your mindset and start seeing divorce as a gift of self-discovery even if right now, it feels like your world has been turned upside-down.

There is a reason why traditional stress scales class divorce as one of the biggest challenges human beings can face.

When divorce happens, everything you took as a given that your kids would live in your home all the time, that you would have a lifetime companion in sickness and in health, your financial security are all called into question.

Whats more, one of the pillars of your identity is being a spouse and parent, and when divorce happens, it can seem like you have no idea which direction to take.

It is so easy to judge yourself as a failure when in fact, half of all first marriages end up in divorce, and second and third marriages end at a far higher rate.

Know that the happy ever after doesn’t have to involve a prince.

Your story starts within you and you are its protagonist.

Divorce gives you the chance to discover that you and only you are responsible for your happiness.

You choose how to interpret life and present yourself to others, and you decide the things you give value to.

You can choose to see villains and victims in your narrative, or be grateful for what you have (and what you had) and decide to build a beautiful, complete, and dynamic life.

Consider this book as a guide, shared by someone who has been through the same rollercoaster of emotions you are going through. It contains vital life lessons and a recipe to stop seeing your divorce as a failure and start seeing it as one of the greatest opportunities for growth you will ever receive. Free on Kindle.
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Flight of Freedom: Finding Freedom and Happiness Within

“Flight of Freedom: Finding Freedom and Happiness Within” is an inspirational and transformative guide that draws parallels between the life of a butterfly and the human experience. This book invites readers on a profound journey of self-discovery, resilience, and joy, using the metamorphosis of a butterfly as a metaphor for personal transformation. At its core, this work explores the idea that, much like a butterfly emerges from a cocoon, individuals can find liberation and happiness within themselves, even in the face of life’s challenges. The book is a fusion of motivational insights, practical strategies, and real-life stories, offering readers a roadmap to navigate their metamorphosis toward a more fulfilling life. “Flight of Freedom” is not just a book; it’s a guide, a companion, and an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and joya journey toward finding freedom and happiness within. $8.49 on Kindle.
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No One Is Coming To Save You

In “No One is Coming to Save You”, it urges readers to embark on an introspective journey amid the backdrop of seemingly ordinary lives plagued by a sense of emptiness. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Happiness Comes In Threes

Happiness Comes In Threes

Transform Your Life’s Narrative, Embrace Happiness

We all yearn for greater happiness—a life brimming with health, love, and purpose. Yet, on this journey, we encounter adversaries, challenges we must confront. Within the pages of this book, you’ll discover these adversaries and the keys to overcoming them.

‘Happiness Comes in Threes’ unveils a transformative path guided by Dan Garbati, an ICF Certified professional coach with thousands of hours of experience coaching and mentoring. Through the art of reflective journaling, he invites you to embark on a profound exploration that will empower you to:

  • Unearth and conquer the self-limiting stories that have held you back from realizing your dreams.
  • Equip yourself with invaluable tools to challenge and reshape those persistent thoughts that have anchored these stories.
  • Awaken the hidden reservoirs of strength within you, propelling you toward a future filled with success.
  • Replace those self-imposed limits with narratives that inspire and guide you toward the life you’ve always desired.

This guided framework is the cornerstone of your journey, a steadfast anchor of self-reflection. By embracing intentional introspection through the written word, you’ll craft a life of deeper meaning and lasting positivity.

If you stand ready to embark on a personal odyssey of growth, transformation, and the cultivation of new happiness habits, then this book is your steadfast companion on the path to change. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: The First Happiness System: A Self-Help Book to Embrace Happiness and Transform Your Life

The First Happiness System: A Self-Help Book to Embrace Happiness and Transform Your Life

Unlock the secret to lasting joy with our groundbreaking book on the First Happiness System. Discover that happiness isn’t stumbled upon—it’s a skill you can master! Follow a captivating real-life journey that led to a simple, universal system for a fulfilling life. Get practical tips, gain motivation, and be inspired by heartwarming illustrations from the author’s daughter. Start your own journey to sustainable happiness today! ? Free on Kindle.
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Soul Salary: 4 profoundly impactful steps to aligning your time and energy with what feels joyous and fulfilling

Soul Salary: 4 profoundly impactful steps to aligning your time and energy with what feels joyous and fulfilling

Soul Salary is a remarkable book that will take you on a meaningful journey towards allowing your soul to experience warmth, joy, passion, happiness, and fulfillment. It’s not about the financial salary you earn from your job, but rather the salary you pay yourself and your soul. When we prioritize a high Soul Salary, we make a profound impact on ourselves and the world around us. $1.99 on Kindle.
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FIERCE Mothers: Create The Life Of Your Dreams

FIERCE Mothers: Create The Life Of Your Dreams

For some, being a mother may feel like a sacred blessing — a lifetime commitment that will bring them joy while for others, it is all about sacrifice, unconditional love, and selflessness but one thing is certain, motherhood encompasses several different realities of women. In this book, Ugochi Onyewu shares the reality of motherhood through her experiences that can inspire you to create the life of your dreams while leading a meaningful and fulfilling life as a mother.

Create the Life of Your Dreams captures all the angles of becoming a mother — from struggles, self-discovery, and happiness. It is one of the books that will remind you not to lose yourself in motherhood. After all, part of taking care of your family is taking care of yourself too. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Finding Your Path: 5 Steps to Discover Your Unique Happiness

Finding Your Path: 5 Steps to Discover Your Unique Happiness
“I am not happy.”

Wrong. You aren’t happy. Yet.

Truer words have never been uttered. Then again maybe you’ve yet to say it out loud, still trapped in the cycle of “I’ll be happy when…”. Maybe you can point to moments that you’ve felt happy, and recently, but then they pass with the next and you feel like you’re back to square one.

In Finding Your Path, Rebecca shows us the insights she has about happiness and how to achieve it. By breaking down the cycle we go through when trying to achieve happiness, she gives us the tools to be able to identify and create the proper responses to find genuine happiness and fulfillment. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: The Sweet Spot: The Moments That Can Transform An Ordinary Life…Into An Extraordinary Experience

The Sweet Spot: The Moments That Can Transform An Ordinary Life...Into An Extraordinary Experience
“The Sweet Spot” is a book of stories. Not the stuff found in a novel, but real life experiences.

Though we measure time in the hours, days and years…our lives are really more about the moments. It’s in the best of those moments where a fuller meaning and appreciation of one’s life can be uncovered. The sweet spots.

Are you here by happenstance…or is there a greater meaning and purpose to this existence? We have all been born and one day we will all die. In the end what will this experience mean for you?

Join the author on a reflective journey that will eventually take you to a very special place. The moments where you experienced the love, laughter and tears of this thing we call life. Free on Kindle.
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The Joy of Finding FISH: A Journey of Fulfilment, Inspiration, Success and Happiness


What if the life you have is already more than enough? Our relentless pursuit of ‘more’ never seems to reach ‘enough’. Rather than joining the line of books trying to change your life, The Joy of Finding FISH offers the belief that the life you have is already enough. The secret to a more fulfilling, inspiring, successful, and happy life is the realisation that it is about being those things, rather than chasing them.

Filled with strategies to create your purpose, live your values, and pursue your Greatest Imaginable Challenge, The Joy of Finding FISH offers insight and inspiration to grow in a way that is personal to you. Each chapter is rich with stories, swimming through topics such as resilience, embracing courage, celebrating achievements, exploring gratitude, and integrating your life roles in the pursuit of FISH. In the midst of his own personal trauma, Christopher Miller shares his wisdom with deep love and honesty. His words offer hope grounded in reality, and demonstrate the joy that comes from living a life well-lived. $6.49 on Kindle.
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Free: What Good Luck Bad Luck

What Good Luck Bad Luck

This delightful children’s book Talks about happiness is a choice that you make. The two groups of clovers are rivals for the children’s attention, and gradually the clovers realize that conflict is not the answer. They then start thinking happy thoughts and start being happy. Do I fit in? This fun book explores diversity and inclusion.
Free on Kindle.
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Free: Guided Meditation to Happiness

Guided Meditation to Happiness

What is it that every person is looking for? What is it that ultimately drives all of our actions? The answer to these questions is happiness. When we move beyond our rationalizations and justifications, what we find is that all of us are doing the best that we can to become happy.

In today’s society, happiness is becoming more difficult to find as we face numerous challenges, especially in a world where technological advances have consumed our daily lives. As a result, we are spending less time looking inward and reflecting on the deeper meaning that is the true backdrop of our lives.

In Guided Meditation to Happiness, you will find guided meditations that will direct you to a sacred place where everything that we experience originates. That sacred place is within you. When you transform your inner world, you will transform your outer world. More importantly, you will discover the unshakable happiness you have been looking for. Free on Kindle.
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Unplug Your Robot: The Secret to Lasting Happiness

Unplug Your Robot: The Secret to Lasting Happiness

Are you fired up in the morning, ready to jump out of bed and embrace the day with enthusiasm? Do you feel a sense of daily
excitement? Of purpose? Or are you wondering right now if those things are even possible? They are. All that is required is to unplug your robot. The robot is the part of you that wakes up at the same time and eats the same breakfast day after day. It’s the part of you that considers busyness, competition, scarcity, anxiety, and fear as a normal part of life. Life is about much more than this. In Unplug Your Robot, Karin shares her system for creating the life you were meant to live, not the one your parents, your college degree or society thinks you should be living. In Unplug Your Robot, you’ll get the roadmap to feel more empowered and excited right now. You’ll discover how to unplug from unconscious routine and conditioning and live each moment with clarity and purpose. $2.99 on Kindle.
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THE LAST SELF HELP BOOK that you will ever need to be happy

THE LAST SELF HELP BOOK that you will ever need to be happy

What kind of supreme arrogance allows someone to call their book “The Last Self Help Book: that you will ever need.” It is a catchy title, isn’t it? Maybe it will grab people’s attention. And, what if, it happened to be true? Or at least some part of it turned out to be true? The whole book, in one way or another, is working on the same premise: Control physiological arousal levels so we can be relatively free of most mental illnesses, anxiety, depression and be happy. Dr. Miller’s experience and multiple studies quoted in the book find that depression almost always precedes periods of high tension and anxiety.

Chapter One defines stress and provides multiple ways to reduce tension/stress to be happy. A chapter on parenting that repeatedly shows how anger and harshness drastically compromises the potential for success in children; how to be nice to your kids and still get them to do whatever you want. Want to solve America’s drug problems? See chapter “Teen Rescue.” The Anger Management chapter tells you step-by-step how to turn yourself and other people in your world into nice guys (and girls or ladies). There are two chapters on how to use fantasy in therapy, harking back to millennia-old story-telling techniques.

In the chapter on “Pain” is tension reduction that will reduce pain levels. Ahhh, sleep. The many dangers of not getting enough sleep, are discussed in the Insomnia chapter, along with ways of adding to restful snooze times. Then there is the formula for stopping procrastination. Finally, a chapter on love and some secret reasons (yes, pheromones) why it happens. Dr. Miller wants to apologize in advance for the repetitions. You may read different variations of what the devices in lie detectors do, what we can learn from the measure of tension. Please look at these repetitions here and there, as a way to review some of the important lessons of tension control. It will often be the same advice in different words. Hopefully, repetition will help some concepts stick in your brain better. You may get tired of the “apologize” recommendation for so many different situations, especially anger management. But it turns out this is a very powerful defusing technique and allows you to spend zero time with obnoxious people.

This book includes and ties together information from multiple disciplines including anthropology, neuro-anatomy, various facets of Eastern religion including Zen, biology, physiology, biophysics, chemistry, social science, geology, archeology, meteorology, zoology, human biology, cell biology, psychology, astronomy and a few others. It is hoped that multiple perspectives from multiple disciplines will give a broad, and as inclusive as possible, perspective on humanity. $2.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Wiccan Protection Spells

Wiccan Protection Spells: A Defense Manual for Banishing Negative Energy with White Magick, Reversal Magick, and Binding Spells
Have you ever wondered how to rid yourself of the negative energies that are causing you unhappiness?

Wiccan Protection Spells will help banish negative energy from your life. It will teach you to protect yourself against psychic attacks, as well as keep your body and mind free of unnecessary distress. This guide will show you numerous ways of protecting yourself from psychic attacks and negativity. You will learn to create a space that is balanced with positive energies that are friendly towards prosperity, love, health, and happiness. Free on Kindle.
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Ah, Brain, Why Do You Trouble Me So Much?

Ah, Brain, Why Do You Trouble Me So Much?

Happiness and balance can often feel just out of reach. While we strive to build the perfect home and enjoy our work and a thriving family, often the first sacrifice is our own heart and body. External expectations can bury our authentic self, causing disconnect between our inner and outer world.

Create harmony between your inner and outer life by harnessing the power of your thoughts, emotions, and energies—without fighting circumstances or changing your surroundings! With a practical method to synergize your mindset and break free from boundaries built around you, you can alter your perspective of success and healthy living—from the inside out. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Hygge: The Danish Secrets of Happiness: How to be Happy and Healthy in Your Daily Life.

Hygge: The Danish Secrets of Happiness: How to be Happy and Healthy in Your Daily Life.
Do you need a hug?

Is your life messy, house cluttered, and your mind racing from thought to thought?

Would you like to be able to retreat from a world that bombards you with facts, deadlines, and bad news into a sense of comfort and security?

We are living in a very uncomfortable world. The time has come to create our own cozy, warm, and secure lifestyle to combat stress and uncertainty.

The Danish concept of hygge is not new. It’s not even a well-kept secret. Anyone who has cuddled up in a blanket by a toasty fireplace knows how important it can be to take a break from the outside world and find coziness and contentment.

But, with all the stress we experience every day, how can we incorporate calm into our lives?

In Hygge: The Danish Secrets of Happiness: How to be Happy and Healthy in Your Daily Life, you will discover:
· Why being “cozy” is so important
· How to create a hygge get-away in your home
· Easy tips for bringing a little bit of hygge into your workplace
· Hygge elements that can be incorporated into your current lifestyle

While there’s no way to eliminate stress altogether, you can start to add a few elements of hygge and the concept of coziness to your regular routine. In fact, with the included 21-Day Hygge Challenge, you might find that it’s easier than you expected to wrap your mind, body, and family in the warmth of a hygge-based lifestyle.

Even if you’re not able to make huge life changes, there’s no time like the present to start thinking about how you can bring more comfort and coziness to your life. From easy recipes to helpful hints, even the smallest changes can impact your mental health in a big way.

If you’re ready to discover the secrets to living a cozy life, then scroll up and click “add to cart” NOW! $0.99 on Kindle.
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Journey of the Heart: Awakening To Love: Channeling the Teachers of the Light

Journey of the Heart: Awakening To Love: Channeling the Teachers of the Light

Discover profound wisdom from the Teachers of the Light and enjoy a life of peace, happiness, and hope.With an authentic, insightful, and deeply inspiring tone, Journey of the Heart offers readers a meaningful path to wellbeing, drawing on a wealth of enlightening lessons and knowledge channeled from a divine and profoundly spiritual source. $1.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations: Positive Thinking to Boost Your Self-Love, Success, Health and Happiness, Free Yourself From Negative Self-Talk and Experience the Rich Life You Deserve
Over 1,700 positive affirmations to help you receive and achieve all the love, success, health and happiness you deserve! Are you looking for fun, inspiring, and effective ways to challenge yourself and grow as an individual? Do you want to start using positive language that will help you uplift your mindset and set you up for success? If you’ve answered yes to these questions, then this is the book for you! Free on Kindle.
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Spirituality for Badasses The Workbook

Spirituality for Badasses The Workbook is a multi-media (300-Page Book and 25 Audio-MP3s) do-it-yourself, masters-degree course for finding your truest inner spiritual badass. If you’re stressed, depressed, anxious, unhappy, alone, bored, lost or feel like life just isn’t good enough, Spirituality for Badasses The Workbook offers very specific techniques, exercises, lessons and methods for changing, growing and getting unstuck. Based on the best-selling and award-winning book, Spirituality for Badasses Book 1, Spirituality for Badasses The Workbook expands on every exercise, delivers them in an easy-to-follow fashion, and presents them in a practical and down-to-earth style.

You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll thank the gods of irreverent self-help. Once again J. Stewart Dixon delivers the goods in this workbook version of Book 1: Irreverent, potty-mouthed, no-holds-bar, in-your-face, wild, engaging and transformative. There’s no way you’ll escape this one without an Aha!, Major Insight or Holy-S#%! moment. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Three Things Matter Most: Linking Time, Relationships, and Money

Three Things Matter Most: Linking Time, Relationships, and Money

You’re only here once. Make it count.

If you were asked to tell your life story, would it be one of a life well-lived? According to author Brett Atlas, as our lives evolve at an ever-increasing pace, we have become detached from the universal truths which define our existence. As a result, we risk prioritizing the immaterial while neglecting the essential.

In Three Things Matter Most, Atlas explains that how we approach time, relationships, and money has the biggest impact on our lives. The way we balance these three precious resources makes the difference between a life filled with meaning and a life rife with disappointment. Drawing from centuries of wisdom, philosophy, and psychology, as well as from personal experience, Atlas offers an easy-to-follow road map to self-fulfillment and happiness. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Ah, Brain, Why Do You Trouble Me So Much?

Ah, Brain, Why Do You Trouble Me So Much?Happiness and balance can often feel just out of reach. While we strive to build the perfect home and enjoy our work and a thriving family, often the first sacrifice is our own heart and body. External expectations can bury our authentic self, causing disconnect between our inner and outer world.

Create harmony between your inner and outer life by harnessing the power of your thoughts, emotions, and energies—without fighting circumstances or changing your surroundings! With a practical method to synergize your mindset and break free from boundaries built around you, you can alter your perspective of success and healthy living—from the inside out. $0.99 on Kindle
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The Happiness Recipe

We are born to be happy. Somewhere along the way, our lives get cluttered.

To find your recipe for happiness, you need to know what matters most to you; have strong beliefs to support taking the necessary next steps; and actually do the kinds of things you want to, while letting go of the rest. You also need to be willing to share your desires with the world—something that is often challenging. This is where The Happiness Recipe comes in. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Dig Deep, Stand Tall: How to Connect with Your Heart, Take the Limits Off of Life, and Finally Reach Your Dreams

Dig Deep, Stand Tall: How to Connect with Your Heart, Take the Limits Off of Life, and Finally Reach Your Dreams

This is a book about lasting change. It will teach you how to look deep inside yourself and do the work necessary to build the life you’ve always dreamed of. $0.99 on Kindle.

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