Free: UNAPOLOGETICALLY ECO-FIERCE: The Unfiltered Guide to Crafting a Conscious Brand

Did you think you had to choose between success and soul? Think again! Your brand is about to be part of a bold new wave of change.

Is it really possible to build a brand that’s both memorable and meaningful – eco conscious and primed for growth and success?

Many business owners say no… They’ll fight tooth and nail to build an unforgettable brand, out to make money whatever the cost… and the cost to our planet is huge.

You know there’s a better way.

You know you can build a brand that will remain in the public consciousness at the same time as treading ethically and working to protect the environment.
Free on Kindle.
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Health and Wealth is Always Green

Health and Wealth is Always Green

Health and Wealth is Always Green is a book that has steps a person need to take to become a licensed Cannabis Dispensary in a restricted state here in the United States. It give detailed accounts and solutions to what is to come when running a dispensary. This book also gives business advice to any current Entrepreneur in business on how to be successful. Health and Wealth is Always Green is also a motivational book to never give up even when the challenges is many. $3.99 on Kindle.
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