Financial Epiphany: Discover Your Ability to Multiply Money and Reimagine Your Financial Life

You’ve likely got money concerns, including how to save it, where to invest it, and how to break free of the constraints of debt. These can be lifelong challenges.

Traditional financial advice is impersonal—we place our money into the stock market, but then what? The key to success with money is to make it personal. It’s about you discovering your potential and ability to multiply it. It’s time to activate this financial superpower of yours to grow money, because now is the most powerful opportunity you’ll ever have to affect your financial life.

In Financial Epiphany, Scott Yamamura walks you through how to experience a mental miracle with your money. If you have a decent income yet find yourself overspending, undersaving, or feeling overwhelmed by debt, this book is for you. Scott breaks down six common financial obstacles that hold people back, and he flips the script on how to reach financial freedom in a delightfully unconventional yet simple way.

As a certified financial coach and communications professional, Scott uses his expertise in forming creative, effective messaging to cut through all the noise of the financial world to deliver this practical guide to understanding your money.

In this book, you’ll learn how to:
Through motivating lessons, awaken your “money-multiplying superpower,” and discover how it can turn even small investments into substantial rewards.
Become empowered through three rules of thumb that tell you how much your money can grow simply based on your age.
Eliminate debt through a novel approach that’s easy to follow, freeing you of financial fear, guilt, and regret.
Experience a personal breakthrough with investing basics, and take confident action with your 401(k), Roth IRA, index funds, and more.
Align your financial goals with your life’s purpose so that every dollar you save and invest has a deeper meaning.

You have the ability to multiply money exponentially. Let’s unleash it. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Financial Literacy Essentials: A Dollars and Sense Guide for Young Adults

“Financial Literacy Essentials: A Dollars and Sense Guide to Budgeting, Saving, Investing, and More for Teens and Young Adults” is the ultimate companion for anyone looking to build a solid financial foundation without the stress or confusion. Written in plain, straightforward language, this guide demystifies money management, covering everything from creating a budget, understanding credit, and building savings to finding a job or starting a business, becoming a smart shopper, paying for college, and investing with confidence. Designed for teens and young adults—or anyone new to personal finance—it provides practical, actionable advice to help readers master smart financial habits, avoid common money mistakes, and gain independence. Learn how to control your money instead of letting your money control you! $4.99 on Kindle.
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Money, Balance, Joy

Money, Balance, Joy
“Money, Balance, Joy: Improving Your Life Story” by Michael Sakraida reveals the often-missed essence of achieving a rich life. It addresses the common pitfalls in wealth management and the broader financial industry’s failures, not just for individuals but also for advisors aiming to enrich their clients’ lives. This book offers a clear path away from the negative impacts of the financial sector, using Sakraida’s insights from working with elite clients. Learn to navigate beyond harmful decisions and traps towards a fulfilling life of wealth, balance, and joy, demanding better from financial services. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Portraits of Childfree Wealth

Portraits of Childfree Wealth

Have you ever wondered what people without children do with all their free time and money? Do you assume that they must have a lot of both? The truth is more complex than that! Childfree people come from as many different backgrounds and life circumstances as people with children do. Some are partnered, and some are not. Some are well-educated, some aren’t. Some are independently wealthy, and some are just scraping by. Dr. Zigmont’s “Portraits of Childfree Wealth” is a collection of 26 vignettes based on interviews with Childfree people. He adds his own significant insights, as both a fellow Childfree professional and a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™. This book is an eye-opening look at the lives of people in the United States who deliberately chose not to become parents, and if you’re in the same boat, you’ll find a lot to relate to here. If you have children, you’ll learn how the other half lives. And if you’re a finance professional, you’ll see how money still plays a role for people who don’t have to worry about leaving assets to their children.

In Portraits of Childfree Wealth, Dr. Jay Zigmont, CFP®, interviews 26 individuals and couples to understand their lives. Each portrait provides a different perspective on Childfree Wealth from a diverse population across the US. There are stories from people who are barely making ends meet and others who have achieved FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) or FILE (Financial Independence, Live Early). Being Childfree does not automatically make people rich, as we still suffer from income disparities. The difference is that if a Childfree person is barely making ends meet now, they would have drowned if they had a child.

Some key findings:

• The reasons for being Childfree are as varied as the people themselves.
• There are very few or no regrets from people being Childfree.
• Being Childfree does not automatically make you rich.
• There is a relationship between growing up in poverty and poor and being Childfree.
• Childfree Financial Independence is simple: 1. Get out of debt 2. Max out retirement plans.

About the Author, Jay Zigmont, Ph.D., CFP® Dr. Jay, and his wife are Childfree and live in Water Valley, MS. He has a Ph.D. in Adult Learning from the University of Connecticut and is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and Childfree Wealth Specialist. He is the founder of Live, Learn, Plan, and Childfree Wealth, a life and financial planning firm specializing in helping Childfree Individuals. He has been featured in Fortune, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Business Insider, Woman’s World, Investors Business Daily, and many other publications. Visit Childfree Wealth at $0.99 on Kindle.
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Don’t Pour Money Down The Drain: The Ultimate Money Management Strategy to Save More Cash and Handle Your Money Better

Don’t Pour Money Down The Drain: The Ultimate Money Management Strategy to Save More Cash and Handle Your Money Better
Groundbreaking lessons that will save you money and help you build the future you deserve. Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck, worrying about whether you can afford your rent? Is debt piling up and adding an extra layer of stress to your life? Let’s get something straight, saving money isn’t rocket science. With the help of this handy guide, you can say goodbye to debt and become a financially independent person. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Fight Club Finance On Fire

Free: Fight Club Finance On Fire

Go from nothing to financial independence with 3 easy stages!

With strategic, smart financial choices, simple living, and self-reliance you can achieve your dream of financial independence and early retirement in ten years or less! Free yourself from the shackles of a 9-to-5 job and start enjoying the good life of an early retirement with Fight Club Finance on FI[RE]. Get started setting up a strategic financial plan, so that you can make the most of your working years and make good choices with your money. Free on Kindle.

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