Little Crazy Children are Jangling the Keys of the Kingdom: The Estrangement Epidemic in America

Estrangement is the banning of a family member from the family. It is like shunning and equally as devastating. Parents or parents can be banned from seeing their children and grandchildren. A sibling might never communicate with another sibling. A father can be banned from the family for divorcing the mother. Disagreements over the grandchildren can be the source of an estrangement. Whatever the reason, the estrangement epidemic in America is affecting many Baby Boomers. The angst between Generation X, Generation Y, and the Baby Boomers over many issues is a major cause of the epidemic. Psychologists are partially responsible for this epidemic by advising their clients to “get rid of toxic people in your life,?? and that includes parents.

Estrangement is the ousting of a family member from the core group. Parents and grandparents have become victims of estrangement from their children. People are silent about their situations because of the shame and embarrassment associated with this phenomenon. Although psychologists have written several books for the estranged to help them with their situation, few have been written by the persons who have been estranged and the effects of that estrangement on them. Crazy Little Children are Jangling the Keys of the Kingdom is written by one who has been estranged, and it is a personal account of the effects of that estrangement. It is also written to the estrangers, those who do the estranging, and those who have suffered the same fate. It is a heartbreaking story that is being duplicated throughout the country. Most psychologists cannot get their heads around the explosion of estrangement in American Society, especially to those considered great parents. This is an account for those who have found themselves in an estrangement situation and will help them find a way to heal. $4.99 on Kindle.
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