Free: A Light in the Darkness: Transcending Chronic Illness through the Power of Art and Attitude

A Light in the Darkness: Transcending Chronic Illness through the Power of Art and Attitude
Diagnosed with a rare, debilitating immune disorder (dermatomyositis (DM)), singer-songwriter Lisa Sniderman struggled to maintain a normal life with a body in revolt. An inspirational story of the healing power of creativity and finding your true purpose, and a light in the darkness to anyone struggling with chronic illness or life challenges. Free on Kindle.
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Finding Joy with an Invisible Chronic Illness: Proven Strategies for Discovering Happiness, Meaning, and Fulfillment

Do you deal with a chronic, frequently debilitating, or invisible condition? In spite of continuous physical suffering, how can you experience good emotions, enjoy satisfying relationships, and get the most out of your healthcare? As a school psychologist and chronic illness patient, Christopher wants to inspire you to do just that. This psychology self-help book takes a comprehensive, holistic, and very practical approach offering tools to manage the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social aspects of living well with chronic illness. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Parasites, The Truth Behind The Myth

Parasites, The Truth Behind The Myth

So many people struggle with illnesses that do not respond to conventional treatments. Physical or mental fatigue, weight control issues, aches and pains—problems that seem simple but just will not go away. While medical solutions offer expensive and often temporary treatments, a change in lifestyle can provide a natural and long-lasting solution to these everyday complications. Increasing knowledge of the parasites and worms that regularly hijack immune systems can allow a better quality of life for anyone willing to make the simple changes outlined in this book. Revitalize yourself, and enjoy the new you that you never thought possible! $2.99 on Kindle.

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