Free: Unstoppable Influence–Be You. Be Fearless. Transform Lives.

Free: Unstoppable Influence–Be You. Be Fearless. Transform Lives.
Get Ready to Discover Your Mission, Spread Your Message and Make a Meaningful Difference In the World!

In Unstoppable Influence, attorney, speaker, and business coach Natasha Hazlett takes you on an unfiltered, comfort-zone-stretching journey to becoming the Unstoppable Influencer you were created to be!

One decision helped this uninspired, unmotivated entrepreneur on the verge of abandoning her business to finally ditch her limiting, self-sabotaging beliefs and uncover her radiant Truth. Now she’s helping thousands of others do the same.

Read this book if you want to:

Kick your approval addiction and negative self-talk to the curb
Reboot and recharge your life and business to make the money you deserve without working longer hours
Welcome true happiness, freedom, and abundance into your life

People are waiting for the special message that only you have, so let’s get going! Free on Kindle.

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Cyber Economics: Digital Resources are Changing the World

Cyber Economics: Digital Resources are Changing the World
This business strategy book delivers a fresh perspective of the dynamics of digital transformation. Writing for professionals and focusing on the global business leader’s point of view, António Belo Santos identifies and reviews current dynamics generating key strategic consequences for businesses emerging from the generalized adoption of digital resources by society as a whole.

Focusing on the dynamics of Cyber Economics for the business strategist, António Belo Santos reviews critical strategy developments emerging from digital transformation in agriculture, artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, cyber security, education, fashion, Fintech and banking, health and wellness, insurance, marketing and the consumer, real estate, transportation and smart cities, tourism and hospitality.

Adopting a keenly direct approach and using concise, straight forward language, António Belo Santos contributes to a holistic perspective of the dynamics currently operating in the marketplace as a consequence of widespread digital transformation. See price on Kindle.

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