Free: The 7 Figure Realtor

Free: The 7 Figure Realtor
Are you looking to build a consistent 6 figure and more real estate business but not sure how? Are you wanting to make real estate a career full time and not just try to make some extra part-time money? Are you thinking about starting a new career? Do you have an up and down real estate sales business like a roller coaster? Do you have a desire to own your own business? Are you trying to make money in Real Estate? Did you recently get your Real Estate license and don’t know what to do? Looking to make more money as a real estate agent? Real estate agents who want to be able to get in front of more prospects and increase sales, this book is for you. Learn how to get 3 Listings in 30 Days without costing a fortune, no matter what kind of market you’re in. Free on Kindle.

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Free: The 7.0% Solution: Guaranteed Growth in a 0.7% World

Free: The 7.0% Solution: Guaranteed Growth in a 0.7% World
Keep your funds insured and safe, while earning interest rates that are far above average. Author leverages 30+ years of experience in the banking/securities/insurance world to ferret out the best places for safety and growth, available to rich and poor alike. The first few weeks of 2016 saw over $6 Trillion of value vaporized from investors’ accounts before the end of January. Readers invested in the products and strategies discussed in this book have lost nothing, have kept their earnings rates up, and their money insured. Also includes a chapter discussing alternative assets, and how they can be used to protect legacy goals. A valuable resource for every family library; especially those at or near retirement, who need income but do not want to risk their nest egg to a volatile market, or run out of funds because of interest rates at a 5000-yr low… Free on Kindle.

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Free: BLOCKBUSTER–How to Build a Million Dollar Tax Business

Free: BLOCKBUSTER–How to Build a Million Dollar Tax Business
So How Does a Guy with NO Tax Experience Come into a Small Tax Office and … Build a MILLION Dollar Tax Preparation Business in Just a Few Short Tax Seasons?

Well, it’s a “secret” that’s been kept under-the-radar … until now.

You see, What Most Tax Professionals DON’T Realize is …. Even The Most Tax Law Knowledgeable, Highest Paid Credentialed Professional And The Hardest Working Tax Business Owner On The Planet, Will Live With An Average Or Even Below Average, Disappointing Income Without A Consistent, Steady Flow Of New Clients Coming Into Their Tax Office!

If you buy into the line that since you are a tax professional everyone in town needing tax help is going to beat your door down looking to give YOU their money because you’ve got the most tax experience or you’ve gone to more tax seminars this year or you have some extra letters behind your name etc. — you’re just not living in reality!
There is a different, much more productive (profitable) way to be SUCCESSFUL in your tax business. And once you’re freed up in your mind that it’s OK to be different than your competition, you’ll be on your way to growing your tax practice to the next level of success! Free on Kindle.

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Free: Scale–How to Grow Your Business by Working Less

Free: Scale–How to Grow Your Business by Working Less
Your Business Needs to Scale In the author’s own words: “I remember the day it hit me. “I was in Kiev when I got a call from my wife. She was in the hospital, having driven herself there during the middle of the night. She hadn’t realized quite how ill she was, but in fact she needed surgery. Meanwhile, I was halfway around the world, and my children, who fortunately weren’t very young, were alone. But they had to get themselves fed, and off to school; their mother was in the hospital and their father was far from home. I felt helpless, and like a terrible husband and father. It took me three days to get home, three days during which I thought about the price of success. ”

Although I had created the successful business I had aspired to create, I was trapped. I couldn’t make personal time for anything that was important to me if I expected to deliver the products and services I had promised to my clients. My physical presence was required, and there was no substitute. No one could fill in for me; no one could take my place. Of course, this gave me job security, but it came at the cost of not being able to take a vacation or nothing would get done. I was living the life of a successful businessman, but it was not the life that I had intended. My physical presence was required at home, too. While I was on the road, I missed seeing my children grow up, let alone participating in their development. The concept of scale had become personal for me. Free on Kindle.

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Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising

Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising
Growth hackers have thrown out the old playbook and replaced it with tools that are testable, trackable, and scalable. They believe that products and businesses should be modified repeatedly until they’re primed to generate explosive reactions.

Bestselling author Ryan Holiday, the acclaimed marketing guru for American Apparel and many bestselling authors and multiplatinum musicians, explains the new rules and provides valuable examples and case studies for aspiring growth hackers. Whether you work for a tiny start-up or a Fortune 500 giant, if you’re responsible for building awareness and buzz for a product or service, this is your road map. $1.99 on Kindle.

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Destiny Defining Decisions

destiny-defining-decisions“What was the thought process behind the best life decision you have ever made?” This is the central question answered in “Destiny Defining Decisions” which explores the keys to happiness, inspirational living and business success. It offers new and established entrepreneurs and self-improvement enthusiasts the opportunity to receive inspirational and practical guidance from 11 best-selling business experts. 

Discover the 7 key skills of success, 10 guidelines for entrepreneurial and life happiness and a simple 5 phase step by step business plan to start-up or enhance your passions based small business immediately. 

The list of guests include experts who run multi-million dollar companies, who publish New York Times Bestselling books (with some individual titles having sold more than 1 million copies on their own) and who have a combined net worth of over $300 million.

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