Your Gold Mind

Your Gold Mind

Have you ever felt overwhelmed or burnt out because you never give yourself any time to discover what you really want or set personal goals?

Do you have relationship goals, health or wealth goals? Do you feel like you are always digging for someone else’s gold and never searching for your own? This practical course will teach you easy ways for goal improvement and realization.

Our subconscious mind has been programmed with habits which make our current Paradigm – the best part is, the bad habits like our, self-doubts, compulsive addictions, negative self-talk and bad eating habits, are all habits – which means we can change them and install a brand-new paradigm. These negative parts, can be reworked into empowering beliefs that will allow you to remember that you have something to say – that is different from everyone else.

There is gold in your mind waiting to be excavated and expressed in a way only you can do. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Words That Change Minds

Free: Words That Change Minds
Words That Change Minds is an international bestseller, available in 15 languages.

You will discover how people unconsciously get motivated, process information and make decisions. Find out the words to use and not use to have the impact you want, and avoid saying the wrong thing. Free on Kindle.

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Podcast 101

Podcast 101
Start your own Podcast easily and grow your business with a proven system.

What if you could create your podcast in a few short weeks? What if you could use your podcast to grow your business with a few simple steps? Imagine becoming a podcast host while growing your business and achieving your life-long goals.

Thirteen-time Amazon bestselling author, Paul G. Brodie, offers this comprehensive guide on how to start your own podcast and grow your business with a proven system that works. $0.99 on Kindle.

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SAIL YOUR BOAT – Success is a Lifestyle and a Journey

SAIL YOUR BOAT – Success is a Lifestyle and a Journey
To live successful lives, we must first define success correctly. The definition I posited argues that there are universal metrics of success irrespective of what our individual pursuits are. After a lucid definition, we have to understand how the life of success we desire can be achieved. Critical to this is the realization that the social laws of success are as inescapable as the physical laws of nature. To flourish in any endeavor, therefore, I presented five imperative factors of success. They describe what are needed to develop a mindset for an objective-driven life as well as a lifestyle that guides daily actions. I also discuss and debunk common success myths and the traits and counter-traits of highly successful people. $2.99 on Kindle.

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The Master of Achievement

The Master of Achievement

The Master of Achievement is a course in how to take massive action and get real results. It is about turning confusion into clarity and reverting passive thinking into creative ideas that add incredible value to your life.

One of the biggest failures people make is they settle for what is out there. We grab the first thing available instead of going after what we really want. We master jobs we grow to hate and create habits that have no value. Over time we end up mastering the wrong skills and mindset that are not important and have no lasting impact.

The Master of Achievement will teach you how to:

Implement the 16 success traits of highly successful people
Implement a 5-step plan to developing higher levels of self-discipline
Achieve your master life goals
Remove the internal obstacles still holding you back
Develop a system of habits that gets things done. $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Values String

The Values String

The Values String is a unique, creative, motivational book on Transitional Life, Compelling Fulfillment, and Profound Peace.

This book establishes the nexus among transformation, resilience, fulfillment, and peace. It also highlights mental health issues, refraining from stigmatization of persons, and encouraging persons to seek help.

The author’s creativity is showcased through self—composed songs, which align with some sections in the book. This book introduces a self—mastery and betterment method created by the author, known as The Values String.

Readers of The Values String are certain to understand how mindfulness can foster transformation, fulfillment, and peace.

Through the author’s composed songs, one can experience the ability to sing to, through, and out of any circumstance. One value is a gemstone. Envisage owning several values and stringing them. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Free: The Diagnosis Of Sexual Ambiguities

Free: The Diagnosis Of Sexual Ambiguities
We will basically consider, in this focus, the problems posed in clinical practice by ambiguous sexual developments and how to solve them, the pathogenic considerations being mentioned only insofar as they are necessary for the comprehension, and thus to the treatment of abnormalities of sexual development. Let us insist from the outset on the absolute necessity of an early diagnosis, since any mistake in the sex attributed to a child is with catastrophic consequences on the somatic and psychological levels, because from around the age 3, the child becomes so fixed in his “psychological sex” that any “change of sex” becomes an extremely hazardous enterprise, if not impossible. Free on Kindle.

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Free: The Case for Freedom (The Freedom Driven Life Series)

Free: The Case for Freedom (The Freedom Driven Life Series)
The Case for Freedom, the first book in The Freedom Driven Life series, is an investigation into the reality of Freedom and how it has been either embraced or rejected (mostly rejected) throughout human history. Simply put, there is no Freedom to embrace if there are multiple diverse definitions, and especially if Freedom is whatever you want it to be.

Why is “Freedom” capitalized? Because the concept is more important than most of us realize.

The more I learn about Freedom and experience being Free, I gain a deeper understanding that Freedom is nourishment, a life-sustaining force within me and for the world at large. Once you have tasted Freedom, can you be content with anything less? When true Freedom is the force that drives your life, it cannot be replaced. Once removed, life ceases to have real purpose.

Due to the absolute reality and supreme majesty of Freedom, I believe that an understanding of what Freedom is and where it originates from should be the core responsibility of every individual throughout the world. How to live in Freedom should be the primary focus of all parents raising their children; Freedom should be the constant theme of all teachers instructing their students; Freedom should be every individual’s number-one personal goal.

As you will see in The Case for Freedom, for individuals and whole nations worldwide the solution to overcoming mankind’s problems is the proactive embracing of Freedom. Free on Kindle.

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Why The Law Of Attraction Is Bullshit: And What To Do Instead

Why The Law Of Attraction Is Bullshit: And What To Do Instead
Have you ever tried self-help, only to find that it did not work? It did not matter how hard you believed or how closely you followed the information in the book, it just did not do what the speaker or book promised that it would do.

Whether you are new to the world of self-help or you are experienced with the disappointment that often comes along with realizing that most self-help techniques are full of crap, this ends now. You see, I agree with you. The world of self-help is far from helpful and there is no amount of wishing or wanting that will bring the things that you want into your life. $3.50 on Kindle.

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So Happy And Grateful

So Happy And Grateful

Antonio T. Smith, Jr. has been passionate about personal development for over 30 years. Now, for the first time, he shares everything he has learned about happiness so that you have the best chance of becoming the highest expression of yourself. In a way that only he can communicate.

This is his first book in the So Happy Series, will help you become the happiest you have ever been so that you can create the quality of life that is worthy of you. $6.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Rational Empathy

Free: Rational Empathy

When you think about Morality/Ethics, what comes to your mind? Is right and wrong a mere personal opinion, or is it nothing more than a cultural construct? This book explains why both of these notions are wrong.

Morality is based on empathy and derived through sheer logic! And why is morality important? Understanding morality helps maximize happiness for ourselves and the world around us. This book is not written for the philosophy enthusiast, but for the common man. It has the potential to change the way the field of moral philosophy is going to be looked at – mainly because of some reasons:

1) It explains the straight link between morality and happiness – and thus shows that being moral is not a sacrifice, but a win-win phenomenon which primarily brings happiness for ourselves in addition to those whom we interact with or influence.

2) It busts the myth that we are not in control of our feelings. Understanding this means that we understand how to create happiness and reduce suffering.

3) Additionally, it shows why things like empathy and love are not in conflict with rationality and intellect – thus debunking the false conflict between valuing truth and valuing happiness and feelings.

4) Philosophically, it shows why objective moral truths exist – thus debunking the popular notions of morality being completely subjective or something defined by cultures, religions or any authorities. Free on Kindle.
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The Art of Reading People: How to Deal with Toxic People and Manipulation to Avoid (or End) an Abusive Relation

The Art of Reading People: How to Deal with Toxic People and Manipulation to Avoid (or End) an Abusive Relation
Understanding people & their behavior is the first step toward predicting future behaviors to avoid being let down or manipulated by others.

Ian Tuhovsky explains how to master the process of reading people through their behavioral patterns in order to manage your expectations and to pre-empt certain destructive personality traits. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Finding Your Treasure: Without Losing Yourself

Free: Finding Your Treasure: Without Losing Yourself
The pursuit of one’s own treasure is the key to fulfilling his or her dreams and goals in life. Yet not everyone’s idea of treasure is the same. Finding Your Treasure will show you how to create the quality of life you desire and how to make living in the moment a discipline through an enduring expectation that something exciting will happen to you today and every day for the rest of your life!

40 years ago, Marc Geriene signed on as a diver for a six-month Caribbean treasure expedition. Since then, he has been on many more expeditions, as well has co-inventing and patenting the Nova Ray remotely operated vehicle (ROV) with his brother and business partner, Krist. Together, they have achieved success through technology transfer with one of the largest oil companies in the world.

With Finding Your Treasure, Geriene shares many of his adventures and teaches you how to identify your treasure—your principal pursuit and how to set a course for the adventures and treasures you seek with a proven 10-step plan and five daily exercises for success in any endeavor.

No matter who you are, if you are seeking more excitement, success, and adventure, Finding Your Treasure will show you how to choose the way you live your life to its fullest! Free on Kindle.

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Clarity: Beauty in Pain

Clarity: Beauty in Pain

“Clarity: Beauty in Pain” chronicles the painful journey, unfortunately, also the reality of far too many little girls today. LaShundra shares her truths of innocence lost and rejection by those she trusted the most with her young heart. Lashundra aims to aid the reader with breaking generational curses, healing broken relationships, and overcoming past pains. The woman she is today transparently reveals how GOD can create beauty through the pain. $3.99 on Kindle.

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Bamboo Strong: Cultural Intelligence Secrets To Succeed In The New Global Economy

Bamboo Strong: Cultural Intelligence Secrets To Succeed In The New Global Economy
Bamboo Strong is not a book about leadership theory or philosophy, although it is backed up by proven scholarly research. It is about leadership in action.

We are living in an age when our workgroups are more diverse than ever before, and there is an increasing need for flexible global leadership across borders and cultures. This book focuses on you, on what you can do to develop and adapt your behavior for all cross-cultural situations.

It provides guidance, insights, and personal examples to motivate, inspire, and reward you by taking specific actions to develop your cultural intelligence. However, this is not a book you can skim through hoping to pick up a few pointers. The perspectives it offers are incremental; the vision it presents grows broader and deeper the more you read. David shows us that to become successful Bamboo Leaders we must develop both resilience and flexibility, just like the bamboo bends with the wind but is rooted in strength.

Transformation is achieved through daily practice, discipline, and above all by embracing diversity in our daily actions without losing our authenticity. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Organizational Happiness

Free: Organizational Happiness

This book gives you a recipe for creating a unique competitive advantage and sustainable success by guiding you through the three pillars for organizational happiness—purpose, strengths, and compassion—and finding your Organizational Happiness Sweet Spot.It also outlines the evidence for how organizational happiness and great employee engagement boost business, and introduces you to the Motivational Landscape platform so you can measure, monitor, and follow up on organizational happiness and employee engagement as if your business depends on it. Because it does! Free on Kindle.

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Free: The Learning Project, Rites of Passage

Free:  The Learning Project, Rites of Passage

What’s it like to become fully human?

In The Learning Project, people of all ages and backgrounds recount lives of ecstasy, tragedy, success, and despair. These modern rites of passage – some going back 15, others 150 years – echo a mythology that goes back thousands of years. Locked in them is the secret to becoming human. Welcome your rites of passage, because without them you are unchanged. Free on Kindle.
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Fear Is Not My Enemy

Fear Is Not My Enemy
Is fear taking over your life? Learn how to retrain your brain, understand fear and take control of your life with this #1 best-selling book by world-renowned psychologist, Dr. Emee Vida Estacio. $0.99 on Kindle.

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STOP: Things You Must Know Before Trying to Help Someone with Addiction

STOP: Things You Must Know Before Trying to Help Someone with Addiction

STOP is a short, innovative book that will give you a huge head-start on helping someone who is struggling with addiction. The information provided in STOP frequently takes people years to learn through trial and error, and often at a significant emotional and financial sacrifice.

STOP is based on the author’s direct experience working with families and friends of addicts at a major addiction treatment center, his personal success with recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, and research on the subject. STOP will change your view of what “helping” someone with addiction really means. $5.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Happily Ever After

Free: Happily Ever After

If you are going through a divorce, you probably wish you had a magic wand to make it all go away—the sadness, anger, grief, and sense of failure, the bitterness of losing love you believed would last a lifetime.

Marion van Dam shares her deeply personal and painful experiences, having gone through a contentious divorce in 2009. Since then she has created a life filled with happiness and abundance.

She has no magic wand. But she does have a formula to help you do the same, as she has come to believe every woman has the right to be very happy.

It all comes down to MAGIC!

Me, Myself and I — Follow your own life’s path.

Accept — Open yourself to go with the flow.

Grow — Grab every chance to say “yes!” Immerse yourself in new experiences.

Intuition — Tune in to your intuition—your direct connection with the universe.

Choice — Choose happiness. You can stop and ask yourself at any time, “Is this still the right path for me?” Free on Kindle.

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The Cutthroat’s Guide to Beating the System

The Cutthroat’s Guide to Beating the System

This is the book friendly friends. Want to screw the system that’s been screwing you? Step up to the line. It’s long. I have read about 5 books that were generally about beating the system and turning the tables in your favor. One, I believe was called the Art of Cheating. They were fine, as far as they went, but here is the book that offers a no-holds-barred guide on how to use, abuse and disabuse the system and put it in your favor. I cover all the basics. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Organizing Your Kitchen with SORT and Succeed

Organizing Your Kitchen with SORT and Succeed
Organizing Your Kitchen with SORT and Succeed is the simple five-step system to declutter and organize your kitchen and pantry shelves. The kitchen is the heart of the home, even if we spend less time cooking. We still gather, work, meet, congregate and eat in and around the kitchen now more than ever. Clear some space, make it easier to get to essential kitchen items, and do it all while learning a simple system that you can use to organize any space in your home, beyond the kitchen. SORT and Succeed are the five steps used by Darla DeMorrow, CPO, a professional organizer since 2005 and best-selling author. Also included: a printable Daily Kitchen Cleaning Checklist and a special report on what to do with those awkward corner cabinets. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Happier Thinking

Free: Happier Thinking
A short collection of tips and exercises to help take care of mental well-being. Free on Kindle.

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The Family Freeloader

The Family Freeloader

Is there a freeloader in your family? Are you tired of being constantly hit up for money, invitations, and favors? Are you fed up with always being the host and never the guest? Do your family members think they’re entitled to your help, but don’t think they need to show any appreciation, pay you back, or return the favor? Are you worried about not being a “good” Christian if you say “No” to a freeloader’s request? Written with humor, wisdom, and a healthy dose of common sense, The Family Freeloader is just what you need! In this book, Sister Renee Pittelli will:

• Help you recognize the various ploys that freeloaders use to get money and favors from us.

• Explain how con-artist relatives observe and test you, and what personality traits might make you seem like easy prey.

• Systematically debunk many of the most common sob-stories and surprisingly sneaky tactics used by our family freeloaders.

• Teach you 21 Ways to Spot A Con.

• Offer a step-by-step guide of effective strategies for turning down requests for money and favors, and deflecting the hard-luck stories, scams, pressure, and guilt-trips in your freeloader’s bag of tricks.

• Include an analysis of what the Bible really says about giving to the poor and needy versus giving to the idle and malingerers, with relevant Scripture verses.

The Family Freeloader is an invaluable lesson for all kind-hearted, generous people-pleasers, who love their families, on how to avoid being taken advantage of by the unscrupulous among us. $9.99 on Kindle.

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Family Is Not Everything: How to Minimize Their Mess, Maximize Your Happiness and Enjoy Emotional Baggage Breakthroughs

Family Is Not Everything: How to Minimize Their Mess, Maximize Your Happiness and Enjoy Emotional Baggage Breakthroughs
Are people constantly dumping their negative energy on you? Do you find yourself bombarded with painful thoughts from your past? What if with seven simple steps you could minimize their mess and maximize your happiness? Interested? Read on…In Family Is Not Everything:

How To Minimize Their Mess, Maximize Your Happiness and Enjoy Emotional Baggage Breakthroughs, author Anita Washington details personal stories of surviving a homicidal alcoholic father, a neglectful mother and an emotionally and physically abusive brother to show you how childhood trauma turns into adult dysfunctional behavior. She includes lessons to learn from her abuse and her life-altering mistakes, along with teaching you how to use the affirmations, techniques and activities of her 7-Step Method to resolve the effects of emotional baggage and create a life of purpose and meaning.

The 7-Step Method is a process of seven sequential steps she had seen produce the greatest results. It has not only worked to improve her life and the lives of her previous clients, but it can also work for you. Reading this book you will: Be equipped to boldly go beyond your comfort zone and refresh, reinvent, and revise your life for the better. Learn how to transform negative thinking into positive thinking with 7 affirmations, 7 results-driven techniques, and 7 actionable activities. Learn how to defy your limiting beliefs about yourself and create a life you’ll love living. $2.99 on Kindle.

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