Can Maura’s magic defeat a monster?
After six years……he left her with only a broken heart. Was it all because of the dreams? The case is gruesome. Her nightmares are worse. If she doesn’t get the killer, her life might just spiral out of control. What’s Maura’s next move?
It has taken years for Times Picayune Investigative Reporter Maura Robichard to understand her magic, psychic powers, and highly evolved intuition. Maura is troubled by recurring visions of a man who appears in the mist and steals women who are never heard of again. Her investigation has deadly consequences and she finds she needs every gift she possesses to find the truth and solve the case. Maura also learns her powers can torment, injure, and take her to the brink of death if she’s not careful.
Can Maura defeat death and save her own life? $0.99 on Kindle.