Sixteen year old, Rick Watkinson murdered his father and his step-mother. That is truth. And for that crime, he currently sits in an Alaskan prison. But what brought him to that point? What makes a child pick up a semi-automatic shot gun and shot two people he is supposed to love? ‘Ghost – Honor Thy Parents’ offers a preview into that fateful night and the state of mind of this young boy at the time of the tragedy, all of which is fully revealed in the full-length novel, ‘Ghost – The Rick Watkinson Story’. “Ghost” is the true story of Rick Watkinson, his journey from a tumultuous childhood, to his current stay and personal growth behind the thick steel bars in an Alaskan State Penitentiary. Who is this man and what causes a person to cross the boundaries of humanity? Can these events be strictly traced to upbringing and environment, or do some people have an inherent propensity for evil? Is redemption or rehabilitation even possible? Stripped down to its core, this is a story of a boy who just wanted to be loved. A boy who just wanted to belong, and be a part of a family, whatever that incarnation of a family might have been. He is not asking for forgiveness nor is he expecting us to give it. His life is his life, and his mistakes are his mistakes. He cannot change the past or give life to his father and step-mother. He can only move forward, continuing to find the light in a life of darkness. Free on Kindle.