Eruption I: The Scene Chronicles

In a distant epoch, on a far-flung planet, the ancient planet of Kawa once thrived as the nucleus of cosmic civilisation. There, the Plumians, masters of soulcraft and crystal magic, flourished under the guidance of Elyon Farron, leading all beings towards prosperity and enlightenment. This peaceful epoch persisted for millions of years until a cataclysm shattered the civilisation of Kawa and its divine era, ushering in a new age for all beings and humankind.

Human-led civilisations flourished in the subsequent aeons of cosmic reconstruction, diversifying in strength and culture. In stark contrast, the once-sacred Kawa withered, teetering on oblivion.

Before the calamity, Farron prophesied that a chosen daughter would one day reignite the glory of the Plumians. Yet, this prophesied heir remained elusive until three thousand years post-cataclysm, when fatefully chosen maidens May and Ray arrived on the lost planet, embarking on a quest to rediscover ancient gods and themselves.

Across time, space, fate, and destinypast, present, future and possibilities, two maidens, Elementalist and Soul Master, embarked on a quest shrouded in mystery. They delved into the essence of their planet, unravelling the dreams and souls. Their journey took them across the plateau, abyss, sea, and summit to unearth Kawa’s origins and Farron’s history. As they drew closer to the truth, the complexity of Farron’s being unfoldeda genesis of miracles and catastrophes alike.

The power of deities can alter worlds, yet equally, it can destroy them. Caught between the ordinary and the transcendent, the maidens’ wanderings compose a predestined anthem of existence and transcendence. Advancing in hesitation, refuting in reminiscence, they unveil the dusty annals of history and the scars of time.

On this voyage through Kawa, the Braves will probe the essence of divinity and humanity. And ultimately, they will confront the age-old, immortal question

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