Dark Side of Sunset Pointe

Dark Side of Sunset Pointe
Featured on NBC’s Daytime Show, the first book in the Lance Underphal Mystery series is one of a new breed of supernatural thrillers. Dark, different, featuring a damaged psychic and based on real-life events, this genre-bending murder mystery will keep you guessing.

Visions of murders before they happen, it’s a curse. Lance Underphal was devastated by his wife’s death. And now, the down-and-out freelance photographer can’t let her go. He wakes up plagued by premonitions. The double shooting of an Arizona real estate developer and his mistress/bookkeeper immerse Underphal in a world of paranormal phenomena.

Looking for a new breed of murder mystery/thriller? Psychic mysteries of murder and suspense? Perhaps a psychic investigator series which can be read and enjoyed in any order? Or maybe one of those scary books you can’t put down? Regardless, the dark, disturbing novels by Indie Author, Michael Allan Scott, won’t disappoint. $0.99 on Kindle.

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