How to Build Self-Discipline to Exercise

How to Build Self-Discipline to Exercise will teach you practical ways to develop more self-discipline to stick to your goals and keep exercising on a regular basis despite obstacles or a lack of willpower. You too can finally get more active. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Self-Maid: Clean Up Inner Clutter, Overcome an Average Life

Self-Maid: Clean Up Inner Clutter, Overcome an Average Life and Discover Unlimited Abundance (By a Maid Who Made It Happen)
You would think family addiction, abuse, homelessness, teenage pregnancy, crippling anxiety and financial struggle would be enough to put a woman in her grave. A Maid-Turned-Doctor, the author easily demonstrates how to obtain abundance through a firsthand account of a miserable life altered into magical livelihood. Having one foot on the humble “school of hard knocks” side of the fence, and the other firmly planted on the professional, scientific and spiritual side, she compassionately comes alongside the reader to empower a remarkable existence. Free on Kindle.

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Ride of Your Life: A Coast-to-Coast Guide to Finding Inner Peace

Ride of Your Life: A Coast-to-Coast Guide to Finding Inner Peace
What lessons could you learn from a once in a lifetime adventure?

In 2010, research scientist and entrepreneur Ran Zilca left his home in New York on a motorcycle, bound for California in search of answers to questions he did not even realize he had. During the soul-seeking 34 days that followed, he rode solo through the back roads, mountains, cities, and heart of the United States. He spent hundreds of hours in contemplation, met with dozens of people from all walks of life who shared the road with him, and interviewed leading experts in research labs, spiritual centers, and temples all across the country. 6,000 miles later he returned home with answers and an overwhelming desire to share his learnings with the world.

Taking the collective knowledge of experts and researchers (including Deepak Chopra, Phil Zimbardo, and Sonja Lyubomirsky), the lifetimes of experience of the people he met, and the silent wisdom of the road, Zilca has compiled this guide to finding inner peace.

Ride of your Life brings this experience to you, along with the simple, eternal truths that emerged as a practical guide for a happier life. Ride on, and ride safe!
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Organizing Your Home and Life With ADHD

Organizing Your Home and Life With ADHD
Amazon best-selling author Kai M. Jordan, understands the daily battle with ADHD intimately. With a background in life coaching and years of experience working with individuals facing ADHD-related challenges, Jordan brings both professional expertise and personal understanding to this comprehensive guide. Having triumphed over organizational chaos personally, the author shares insights that go beyond generic advice. $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Latter-Day Morning: Create a happier, more successful, spiritual life before breakfast

The Latter-day Morning: Create a happier, more successful, spiritual life before breakfast
What if, instead of hitting the snooze button, you started your day with energy, vision, success, and the Spirit?

Every day about 38% of all people hit the snooze button. But instead of snoozing, what if you devoted that time to growing yourself and your relationship with your Heavenly Father? Imagine how much better things would be.

Learn how to transform you life and create a healthier, happier, more successful, and more spiritual life by using a special morning routine just for you. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: A Guide to The Present Moment

A Guide to The Present Moment
Do you want to stop struggling with anxiety, worry, anger, sadness, or shame? It certainly seems as though these emotions are inevitable, and directly created by our circumstances, our situations, and the people in our lives. However, it is possible to discover that all your unwanted emotions are actually created by thoughts in your mind – thoughts about yourself, your relationships, your situations, your past, your future – and each of these emotions can vanish in an instant if you just stop believing these thoughts to be true.

This book will help you to experience the inherent peace of living in the moment by introducing you to a 5-step process that will show you how to identify and stop believing all of the thoughts that create your unwanted emotions and prevent you from feeling free, whole, and happy. Free on Kindle.

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Self-Disciplined Dieter: How to Lose Weight and Become Healthy Despite Cravings and Weak Willpower

Self-Disciplined Dieter: How to Lose Weight and Become Healthy Despite Cravings and Weak Willpower
Learn how to change your diet and stick to your resolutions with the power of self-discipline. The book will teach you scientifically-based tips and tricks to improve your eating habits and become a healthier person. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Regroup.Refocus.Rebuild: Helping Families Navigate from Break-Ups to Breakthroughs!

Regroup.Refocus.Rebuild: Helping Families Navigate from Break-Ups to Breakthroughs!
Raising children as a single mother is overwhelming; creating a need for a strong community, empowerment, inspiration, and information for all single mothers. With the right information and support, single mothers can raise healthy children, find new mates, and build wildly successful businesses and careers. Having successfully overcome post divorce huddles while raising her three children, Ms. Cabinda’s passion is to help other mothers attain the life they deserve. Mothers who have gone through a divorce or separation understand the challenge of starting over, alone, is quite daunting. Natalie Cabinda understands these challenges as she uses her personal experience as well as her professional expertise to show you how to embark on a remarkable journey to regroup your family, refocus your vision, and rebuild your life. Regroup.Refocus.Rebuild provides you with tips and strategies to:

• Rebuild your confidence and self-esteem
• Build a strong support system
• Develop a new road map
• Navigate new and challenging schedules
• Manage communication with children
• Raise high academic achievers
• Take charge of your finances
•Re-enter the career world
• Manage post-divorce issues

Rebuild your life with these strategies at your finger tips; her hope is to see you embark on a journey that takes you from your breakup to your breakthrough. Free on Kindle.

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This is book is taken from the least of quarters – the dung beetle. The author goes down the seldom untrodden path that is the dung beetles’ world and successfully delivers great motivation while at it.

Presented on a human perspective, the dung beetle story will help you to:
1. Stay focused on your goals.
2. Assess situations or ventures upfront.
3. Acquire and maintain self-worthiness.
… And more!

$0.99 on Kindle.
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The Light of the Soul

The Light of the Soul
Now a bestseller, The Light of the Soul is an extraordinary tale of genocide, wisdom secrets and resurrection: the remarkable true story and teachings of Arnulfo G. Oxlaj, a K’iche’ Mayan wise man from Guatemala. Born without sight, hearing and voice in the midst of civil war, Arnulfo suffered gross injustice, witnessing countless atrocities against his people. A miraculous survivor of a child massacre in a well, a mysterious character he calls Abuelo (Grandfather) guided him to see the secrets of life through the eyes of the soul and help him give a message of peace to the world. This visionary book transports the reader into the magical world of the Centre of Nature, revealing for the very first time the Seven Treasures of the Path of Life, the path to the peace the world is seeking. Above all, these pages are illuminated by the enduring courage, deep wisdom and passionate sense of justice of an extraordinary young man and ambassador for peace. $0.99 on Kindle.

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The Way of The Fairy Godmother

The Way of The FairyGodmother
The Way of The Fairy Godmother blends the wisdom of an old fairy tale with the tools of Positive Psychology to help us find happiness and fulfill our desires. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Positively Perfect: How to Love and Utilize Your Perfectionist Qualities

Positively Perfect: How to Love and Utilize Your Perfectionist Qualities
Do you ever feel like perfectionism is holding you back? This book shows you how to turn your perfectionist qualities into assets to create and enjoy a life you love. Stop procrastinating! Start being an awesome perfectionist now! $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Psyche Dissection

Psyche Dissection
The difference between those who prosper and those who remain stagnant is that one lives by the status quo while the other challenges it. But how do you escape from this cage called “The Status Quo”? By first breaking free from the mental shackles that bring you down. “Psyche Dissection” addresses the 17 mental shackles that keep people from reaching their full potential such as egotism, generational curses, fear of public perception and many more! Free on Kindle.

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Free: A Guide to The Present Moment

A Guide to The Present Moment
Do you want to stop living with stress, loneliness, social anxiety, anger, sadness, or shame? It certainly seems as though these emotions are inescapable, and directly created by our circumstances, our situations, and the people in our lives. However, it is possible to discover that all of your unwanted emotions are actually created by thoughts in your mind – and each of these emotions can dissolve in an instant if you just stop believing these thoughts to be true.

This book will help you to experience the inherent peace and freedom of living in the moment by introducing you to a simple 5-step process that will show you how to identify and stop believing each of the thoughts that create your unwanted emotions. Free on Kindle.

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Wake Up! Awakening Through Reflection

Wake Up! Awakening Through Reflection
This is a powerful life-changing experience! You will discover a much deeper meaning and greater purpose to your life once you reveal the life lessons you came here to learn. You will literally Wake Up! by Awakening through Reflection as you reflect on the most memorable experiences of your life. You will learn how to let go of any negative emotions you are still holding onto and embrace the valuable lessons they were meant to teach you.

Once you start living your life as the best version of your self, anything is possible! Once you Wake Up! by Awakening Through Reflection, be sure to fasten your seat belt because your life will begin to soar! $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Survival of the Sh*ttst (The Ulitmate Guide to Passing a Woman’s Test)

Survival of the Shittest
Survival of the Shittest is the first ever comprehensive guide on the phenomenon pick-up artists like to call the Shit Test, the tests women give men, subconsciously or not, to determine a man’s level of interest, intentions, feelings, and character. Men the world over–single, married or divorced–experience these Shit Tests, often without knowing it, but few understand its source and how to pass them.

Written from a women’s perspective, Survival of the Shittest delves into the mind of a woman to help men understand not only how to relate to her on a variety of levels, but also how to persevere when she gives a hard time with confusing actions and words. Through the lens of the “Shit Test”, Survival of the Shittest teaches men how they can better court women and maintain a happy relationship with the women of their choice. Free on Kindle.

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Shift Happens: A Laypersons Guide To Awakening

Shift Happens: A Laypersons Guide To Awakening
If you’ve been experiencing life in a different way lately, perhaps you are beginning to awaken. Awaken to who you really are, where you are, and how this place work. The difference between understanding spirituality, and living it, is the life of your dreams.

Shift Happens, A Laypersons Guide To Awakening, written and illustrated by Gina Charles, takes a metaphysical look at the human experience and our ability to Awaken to our best life.

Accompanied by witty illustrations and a memorable list of “Tips And Tricks To Kick Yourself Back Into Play,” this book provides understanding that has life changing potential. There is another way to have this human adventure. Live your power. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Turning Passion into Wealth

Self-Help: Turning Passion into Wealth: Finding Your True Passion and Investing in Yourself
This book is not designed to show you how to make money. The goal of this work is to help you to find out what it is you are passionate about and show you some simple steps which will help you to see how following your passion can help you to build wealth beyond your wildest dreams. It’s easy. But it requires you to take a good look at your life and assess it honestly. Do you love what you are doing with your life, your time, and your energy? If you are not satisfied with where you are in life and what you’re doing with your life, then change it.

Passion is contagious. People can tell if you are passionate about what you are saying or doing. People can feel your enthusiasm, so you should try your best to make it positive. One of the keys to happiness in life is to do what you love. If you do that, everyone with whom you come in contact will sense your enthusiasm and energy and be swept along with it. When you are doing what you love you tap into the wellspring of ideas and energy being provided by the universe and this allows success and wealth to come to you with ease.

Real wealth takes many forms. To some great knowledge is the ultimate wealth because it provides you with an understanding of the world, your place in it, and how to use the resources of this planet to help you and everyone with whom you come in contact to prosper. For others, being self-employed is true wealth. They prize having the freedom to use their time, talent, and energy to build their own business. A business, the direction and growth trajectory of which they have control. They like knowing they and their loved ones will be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor…  Free on Kindle.
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Free: Cancer Was My Lifecoach: A 10 Step Survivor’s Handbook

Cancer Was My Lifecoach: A 10 Step Survivor’s Handbook
A cancer survivor at age 41, Landon is focused on helping others achieve their full potential by using tough times as a springboard for future success. Landon beat cancer and learned how to defeat his fear along the way. Regardless of the source of your fear, this book will help you move forward through tough times and will empower you to take control of your fear and live a happier life! Free on Kindle.

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Fluttering of Wings

Fluttering of Wings
This is an inspirational book of quotes. It is geared toward those with Turner Syndrome but can be motivational for anyone. It provides uplifting and encouraging personal words from the author’s heart. The author, who has Turner Syndrome, has a desire to encourage others facing the challenges that come with it, and uses her personal journey as a springboard to finding uplifting words. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: A Spy’s Guide to Thinking

A Spy's Guide to Thinking
“The little war we were having wasn’t over anything great or noble. No land at stake. No honor. No survival of a people. No epic poems would be sung. It was just a fight . . .”

In a quick 45 minute read, a former spy introduces two tools for thinking. They are used to analyze the intelligence process, Saddam Hussein’s WMD, and an incident in a European subway.

The author developed, recruited and handled sources on weapons proliferation, counter-terrorism and political-military issues. A former university research fellow, he is now a strategy consultant. He helps people and organizations think more effectively about their strategy, their customers and the competition. Free on Kindle.

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Free: The First Chapter (Moving on from what’s been holding you back)

The first Chapter (Moving on from what's been holding you back Book 1)
The first chapter of life is filled with many negative hindrances that deflect our values, emotions and overall happiness. By turning the page into a new chapter you’ll gain confidence to eliminate all crippling fears, disappointments, failures and mistakes from your past that hold you back from living the ideal lifestyle. Free on Kindle.

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When Everyone Shines But You

When Everyone Shines But You
After a lifetime of carrying the ‘failure story’ Kelly Martin’s book ‘When Everyone Shines But You’ brings a new way of viewing who you are. Through mindful acceptance and surrender to ‘what is’ Kelly reveals ways to unlocking a greater sense of value, self-love and peace within life’s challenges. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Healing the Writer (A Personal Account of Overcoming PTSD)

Healing the Writer
In 2003, Dan Hays recalled that when he was eight, his grandmother threatened to have him locked up in an insane asylum if he became a writer. She reinforced her prediction in hideous and abusive ways, which was the second source of his PTSD, and the origin of the writer’s block which had frustrated him for years.

“Healing the Writer – A Personal Account of Overcoming PTSD,” Dan’s second published book, describes the specifics of the process he went through to free himself from the abuse by his grandmother. He used any healing techniques which might help, including therapy, acupuncture, the release of old feelings, inner child exercises and other healing tools. The book describes how his healing journey freed him to reclaim his writing gift — he can now write whenever he wants to, he is publishing his books, and earns a living as a freelance writer.
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Free: Mind Control: Manipulation, Deception and Persuasion Exposed

Mind Control: Manipulation, Deception and Persuasion Exposed: Human Psychology
Have you ever wanted to learn mind control techniques? Do you want to know who in your life is trying to manipulate you? Do you want to exert your influence on others? Do you want to improve your persuasion skills?

In this book, you will discover how to read people, how to persuade others, play mind games, and more. Free on Kindle.

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