Free: How to Punch the Sunday Jitters in the Face: Start Living a Proactive Life One Unstoppable Sunday at a Time

Free: How to Punch the Sunday Jitters in the Face: Start Living a Proactive Life One Unstoppable Sunday at a Time
It’s Sunday afternoon. You’re rounding out your weekend with friends and family, and life is feeling great. But as the hours pass, you start to see Monday approaching and you get that pit in your stomach. Call it the Sunday Scaries, the Sunday Jitters, the Sunday Angst, or the Sunday Existential Crisis of “What am I even doing with my life?” We’ve all been there.

I lived my life trying to escape the Sunday Jitters, dreading Mondays, and holding my breath through the week while counting down to weekends for all too long until I decided enough was enough. I learned (almost too late) in my life that taking a proactive approach to my days led to a calmer me. A less frantic me. This all happened when I developed a simple system to check in on myself every Sunday to get rid of the angst I was feeling. I started calling it my Unstoppable Sundays.

In this book, I teach you five actionable steps you can start taking today to get more proactive in your life to become the unstoppable person you have within you. Free on Kindle.

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Free: The Unspoken Truth

Free: The Unspoken Truth

An in-depth look into how men may view certain character traits women may display at times, and how these traits can keep them from finding the love they desire. Free on Kindle.
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Free: Beyond Positive Psychology: A Journey From Burnout to Enlightenment

Free: Beyond Positive Psychology: A Journey From Burnout to Enlightenment
The ability to change and adapt quickly in today’s unpredictable world is more critical than ever before for creating and retaining abundance, health, meaning, and happiness.

Whether you want to escape the rat race, find happiness, change your career, solve demanding health problems, understand the path to authentic meaning and fulfillment, or just live fully by getting in touch with your true inner self, Beyond Positive Psychology is the blueprint.
Free on Kindle.

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Free: I Disagree: How These Two Words are the Secret to Thinking Differently and Taking Control of Your Health

Free: I Disagree: How These Two Words are the Secret to Thinking Differently and Taking Control of Your Health
Everybody has a story—it’s a unifying factor that we can all relate to and learn from. When it comes to health, that story can be tragic or transformational (and sometimes both.)

What’s your story? Has a medical professional ever told you:

Nothing can be done.
It’s all in your head.
Just take this and you’ll be fine.
All of the Above?

You are not alone. Chronic conditions are at an all-time high. Despite medical advancements, we are sicker than ever. Something needs to change! It’s time to disagree.

What you’ll find in this book is a story that is changing lives across the country and empowering people to think differently. Thinking differently is where perspectives are transformed, improvements are made, and changes take place. And from Dr. Patrick Flynn’s experience with thousands of patients, these changes are for the better.

Heavily inspired by his wife and her journey through medicine, Dr. Flynn developed his unique approach and mode of thought. In these pages, Dr. Flynn shares their story and the resulting mindset that is impacting the health and lives of countless people. The “I Disagree” way of thinking understands that just because something is common, does not mean it’s normal. Through his work, Dr. Flynn and The Wellness Way clinics are changing lives, restoring hope, and getting results. By the time you finish reading, he hopes you find the strength to disagree too. It’s time to embrace your life and take control of your health! Free on Kindle.

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Free: After the Storm: Picking Up the Pieces to a Better Life

Free: After the Storm: Picking Up the Pieces to a Better Life
We all live in a world where difficult hands are dealt out daily. Life is often unpredictable and chaotic. A Major storm can come along at any time and ravage our existence leaving us broken, scared and with nothing but pieces left scattered all over our beach. It’s then hard to grasp the concept of moving forward, and trusting that God has a plan.

How does one pick up all of the pieces left behind by such a destructive storm? How does one mend a heart that’s been broken in so many places and begin to rebuild a life when all hope is lost?

This is the riveting true story of loss, grief, and despair. After Jack loses his wife to cancer now, finds himself alone to raise 3 beautiful little kids. Upon facing this unbearable reality, spiraled down an even more destructive path.

Come and be inspired by a book of an adventure everyone can relate too. See how one can learn to pick up those “Pieces to a Better Life.” This is a compelling journey of self-discovery and perseverance from being dealt all life can dish out. This story will make you weep, and it’ll make you smile. But most definitely, it WILL make you believe in Miracles. Free on Kindle.

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Romance…Push The On Button!

Romance…Push The On Button!

What woman doesn’t want her relationship to be romantic? With all the millions of romantic fantasy novels read every year by women, why can’t romance be transferred to real life and real relationships?

The subtitle explains the main thrust of the book – How To Turn Your Man Into A Romantic. It informs in detail the differences between men and women especially when it comes to romance and why this is so. For the first time, the author makes the compelling assertion that romance is actually a need for a woman in her intimate relationship that should be recognized.

Paul goes on to reveal that the resistance to romance men have is rooted in their caveman DNA but how a woman can work with this to not only increase romance in her man but also his intimacy tolerance so the two of them can become romantically connected at a very deep level.

Throughout the book, Paul draws upon his counseling experience with couples to explain the blocks to romance but also the solutions to flood romance into a long term relationship. It also teaches in detail how romance can also increase the sexual pleasure for a woman and how she can immunize herself from low sexual desire. It reveals the two different switches women need to switch on to unlock the pleasure of deeper intimacy. Exercises are provided to increase intimacy and connection for any relationship.

Archaic, traditional views promoted by men ditch romance in the fantasy category based only on immature, emotional and initially physical attachments. However, this book explains the science behind romance in intimate relationships where successful couples can actually keep romance flourishing for decades. The science is surprising as positive actions romantic couples take actually change their DNA.

This revolutionary volume reveals how any woman can once again experience the romance that young lovers have when they are entirely smitten with each other. But more than that, it provides the insight, the tools, and the know-how, in order to keep romance burning in your relationship for the rest of your life. $4.99 on Kindle.

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The Year Of The Alpha: 366 Lessons On Adding Meaning To Your Life

The Year Of The Alpha: 366 Lessons On Adding Meaning To Your Life

Are you ready to take your life from Zero To Alpha? Are you ready to adopt the mindset of the truly “fiercely free?” Then this book is for you. Let me explain why. My name is Alex. Although I’m not terribly remarkable, I have, in fact, defeated a brutal depression and anxiety, ditched my suicidal tendencies, and repaired tons of other insecurities. How? Self-development.

Over the course of three years, I discovered countless, invaluable life lessons that I believe are universally effective. Now imagine you had access to these lessons, available to you in one simple click. This book will ensure that your mindset is ahead of most people your age. These life lessons will grant you the clarity, confidence, and calmness of mind that you need to move to the next stage in your life. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Awakening to a New Consciousness

Awakening to a New Consciousness
In 2010, Sharona Poms awakened to “a new consciousness” that was a turning point for all that she had ever known: about herself, the physical body and the reality of her life. Through a very open and detailed description of the experiences of her journey — from her search for meaning to remembrance of who we are — the book presents the transition from the old world to the new world, and the journey of all of humanity as it awakens to the next level. $2.99 on Kindle

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Thrive Under Pressure

Thrive Under Pressure

Thrive Under Pressure is for anyone who wants to be in control of the pressure situations in their personal or professional lives. This book highlights the approach and techniques used by successful professionals from different fields in order to perform at their level best when it matters the most. Get this if you want to thrive in any situation. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Becoming One as Husband and Wife

Free: Becoming One as Husband and Wife
Becoming One as Husband and Wife is a Biblically rooted, self-help romance novel which follows three couples struggling to repair their broken marriages with the help of an experienced psychologist. Free on Kindle.

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Get It Done: The 21-Day Mind Hack System to Double Your Productivity and Finish What You Start

Get It Done: The 21-Day Mind Hack System to Double Your Productivity and Finish What You Start
If you only had 21 days left to live, what would you want to accomplish before you go? This book is designed to get you results in your business and life by giving you the systems, tools, and mindset you need to bring your biggest ideas and most important projects to life in 21 days or less. With a special bonus, THE GET IT DONE MASTERS PROGRAM. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Twenty Ways to Create an Awesome Love Story

Twenty Ways to Create an Awesome Love Story
Twenty Ways to Create an Awesome Love Story

Get 20 simple and easy yet effective ways to create the love life you’ve always wanted. You can start to create your ideal relationship by applying one proven tip per day. Your relationship will be improved in less than 30 days. $0.99 on Kindle

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Free: Fixing This Broken Thing: The American Criminal Justice System (2nd Edition)

Free: Fixing This Broken Thing: The American Criminal Justice System (2nd Edition)
Based upon the author’s career as a Chicago Police Officer the book examines various difficulties in the Criminal Justice System and offers solutions for such. Free on Kindle.

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Spirituality 101 – 601 and Beyond: Simple Mind Lessons to Awaken Your Spirituality

Spirituality 101 – 601 and Beyond: Simple Mind Lessons to Awaken Your Spirituality
This set of simple mind lessons can lead you back to the Real Life with full Spirituality. It is not religion, it is ancient information from the beginning of all created things.

Learn to take responsibility for your ego self, to awaken again as Spirit Self, and that Love flows endlessly to and through you from a Source in the very depth of you. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Perfectly Imperfect: Break Through the Shame, Silence, and Self-Doubt

Free: Perfectly Imperfect: Break Through the Shame, Silence, and Self-Doubt
Permission granted! The time has come for you to show up for yourself, to be as great to yourself as you are to others. This is a journey of self-love, finding the authentic self.

Three simple steps Be, Know, and Do will guide you back to who you were before life drowned you out and you became last on the list. You will be given actionable self-care guidelines and daily affirmations to reinforce a new mindset. You will be taken on an emotional rollercoaster ride in order to feel like yourself again. Most of all you will walk away feeling empowered.

Also included is a special bonus exercise that will help you discover new ways to show yourself some love. Free on Kindle.

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Buddhism: A Beginners Guide Book

Buddhism: A Beginners Guide Book

Find out all about mysterious Buddhism, its origins, its secrets and its answers to the challenges of modern life.

This book contains a basic overview of Buddhism, including the life of Buddha, and the various kinds of Buddhism that have developed. It takes a look at all the key concepts and most important teachings, methods and insights in a way that is easy to understand. Filled with a wealth of common-sense and other-worldly wisdom, the path to enlightenment is considered. Learn about meditation, mindfulness, happiness, Samadhi, Nirvana and all the other important concepts that have helped shape our understanding of reality. Find out about Zen Buddhism, and study all the basic elements that make the Buddha Dharma so compelling to people of all walks of life. $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Master of Achievement

The Master of Achievement

The Master of Achievement is a course in how to take massive action and get real results. It is about turning confusion into clarity and reverting passive thinking into creative ideas that add incredible value to your life.

One of the biggest failures people make is they settle for what is out there. We grab the first thing available instead of going after what we really want. We master jobs we grow to hate and create habits that have no value. Over time we end up mastering the wrong skills and mindset that are not important and have no lasting impact.

The Master of Achievement will teach you how to:

Implement the 16 success traits of highly successful people
Implement a 5-step plan to developing higher levels of self-discipline
Achieve your master life goals
Remove the internal obstacles still holding you back
Develop a system of habits that gets things done. $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Values String

The Values String

The Values String is a unique, creative, motivational book on Transitional Life, Compelling Fulfillment, and Profound Peace.

This book establishes the nexus among transformation, resilience, fulfillment, and peace. It also highlights mental health issues, refraining from stigmatization of persons, and encouraging persons to seek help.

The author’s creativity is showcased through self—composed songs, which align with some sections in the book. This book introduces a self—mastery and betterment method created by the author, known as The Values String.

Readers of The Values String are certain to understand how mindfulness can foster transformation, fulfillment, and peace.

Through the author’s composed songs, one can experience the ability to sing to, through, and out of any circumstance. One value is a gemstone. Envisage owning several values and stringing them. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Free: The Case for Freedom (The Freedom Driven Life Series)

Free: The Case for Freedom (The Freedom Driven Life Series)
The Case for Freedom, the first book in The Freedom Driven Life series, is an investigation into the reality of Freedom and how it has been either embraced or rejected (mostly rejected) throughout human history. Simply put, there is no Freedom to embrace if there are multiple diverse definitions, and especially if Freedom is whatever you want it to be.

Why is “Freedom” capitalized? Because the concept is more important than most of us realize.

The more I learn about Freedom and experience being Free, I gain a deeper understanding that Freedom is nourishment, a life-sustaining force within me and for the world at large. Once you have tasted Freedom, can you be content with anything less? When true Freedom is the force that drives your life, it cannot be replaced. Once removed, life ceases to have real purpose.

Due to the absolute reality and supreme majesty of Freedom, I believe that an understanding of what Freedom is and where it originates from should be the core responsibility of every individual throughout the world. How to live in Freedom should be the primary focus of all parents raising their children; Freedom should be the constant theme of all teachers instructing their students; Freedom should be every individual’s number-one personal goal.

As you will see in The Case for Freedom, for individuals and whole nations worldwide the solution to overcoming mankind’s problems is the proactive embracing of Freedom. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Disempowered No More

Free: Disempowered No More
In this book, the author engages with the reader in an intimate chronicling of Divinely chartered events, following the simultaneous diagnosis, year-long battle, and passing of her father as well as the fragmentation of a 17-year long co-dependent and narcissistic marriage.

She shares her journey, rife with pain, anger, and disappointment following her tumultuous separation, which led to a search for compassion, understanding, and forgiveness. It is a story of an unexpected but highly anticipated and yearned for spiritual awakening. It demonstrates the untapped strength within us all and how a relationship with Our Creator, our team of angels, and our own sheer will to overcome the obstacles we face, can inevitably lead to a life path that is transformative, passion-filled, and purpose driven. Free on Kindle.

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It’s Really Ok That Money Matters

It’s Really Ok That Money Matters

James writes through her own experience of why its more than ok that money matters to us; how to get it and keep it, and what the light has to do with it.

In this short, easy to read Barkle © she explains her own challenges of being able to get money, but then it would leave in some way.

It’s Very OK to want more money and we need not be embarrassed about it or feel judged by it.

This may just be what some of us may need to move us along on our own More Money path. $1.99 on Kindle.
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So Happy And Grateful

So Happy And Grateful

Antonio T. Smith, Jr. has been passionate about personal development for over 30 years. Now, for the first time, he shares everything he has learned about happiness so that you have the best chance of becoming the highest expression of yourself. In a way that only he can communicate.

This is his first book in the So Happy Series, will help you become the happiest you have ever been so that you can create the quality of life that is worthy of you. $6.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Becoming a Sun: Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence for a Happy, Fulfilling Life

Free: Becoming a Sun: Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence for a Happy, Fulfilling Life
Becoming a Sun is a portrayal of the human journey. It shares essential emotional intelligence and spiritual wisdom that assists a person on their path.

The radical premise of the book is that, on the inside, we are already a being of incredible love, wisdom and creativity. We are a sun on the inside. Our human journey is to become a sun on the outside — a living embodiment of what is in the depth of our soul. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Finding Your Treasure: Without Losing Yourself

Free: Finding Your Treasure: Without Losing Yourself
The pursuit of one’s own treasure is the key to fulfilling his or her dreams and goals in life. Yet not everyone’s idea of treasure is the same. Finding Your Treasure will show you how to create the quality of life you desire and how to make living in the moment a discipline through an enduring expectation that something exciting will happen to you today and every day for the rest of your life!

40 years ago, Marc Geriene signed on as a diver for a six-month Caribbean treasure expedition. Since then, he has been on many more expeditions, as well has co-inventing and patenting the Nova Ray remotely operated vehicle (ROV) with his brother and business partner, Krist. Together, they have achieved success through technology transfer with one of the largest oil companies in the world.

With Finding Your Treasure, Geriene shares many of his adventures and teaches you how to identify your treasure—your principal pursuit and how to set a course for the adventures and treasures you seek with a proven 10-step plan and five daily exercises for success in any endeavor.

No matter who you are, if you are seeking more excitement, success, and adventure, Finding Your Treasure will show you how to choose the way you live your life to its fullest! Free on Kindle.

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With Conquest, you’ll have 10 simple steps to conquer life.

You’ll learn to …

• Master your health and live life to the fullest.

• Overcome your fears and fulfill your wildest dreams.

• Discover your inner passions and how to do the impossible.

No matter how young or old you are, with Conquest, you’ll leave a lasting legacy. $0.99 on Kindle.
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