You Can’t Save Your Way to Wealth

This is not your typical book about money, wealth, real estate, and financial freedom. This book is meant to shift your thinking about how YOU can build generational wealth through real estate, take care of your immediate family and fund your retirement, even if you’re an immigrant, have no savings and have bad credit. $0.99 on Kindle
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Mindset Mentors

Mindset Mentors
Mindset Mentors is about helping you create the best version of yourself through the wisdom, inspiration and motivation of some of the most successful people on the planet. It contains quotes from 240 of the best mentors to have ever lived, distilling their most valuable thoughts surrounding success and living a meaningful life. $0.99 on Kindle.

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The Power and Magic of Gratitude

The Power and Magic of Gratitude

This book has been a bestseller in Italy bringing joy and serenity to thousands of people.

Like I did and wrote, you can transform suffering into valuable life gifts, you can open your eyes and see the miracles in everyday life.

I can promise you that this book will leave a big smile on your face that will last for long. $4.90 on Kindle.

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Cracked Heart: Poetic Thoughts on a Live

Cracked Heart: Poetic Thoughts on a Live
The best fodder for the muse are life’s events and circumstances. We all have had situations that molded us, forced us to grow, and made us strong even if we would have chosen an easier path. For the author, writing has become a way of reflecting on life, a chance to process what happened, and an avenue for healing. $0.99 on Kindle.

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How To Tell What Your GOLD Jewelry Is REALLY Worth

Are you considering SELLING your GOLD Jewelry? Or maybe you just want to know what your GOLD Jewelry is REALLY worth? In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • HOW to figure out the VALUE of your GOLD Jewelry AND get some GREAT TIPS on SELLING your GOLD Jewelry for MORE MONEY!
  • Inside, you’ll find a clear and easy to understand GUIDE and GOLD Chart with an EXAMPLE to follow along with so you’ll KNOW how it’s done!

This information can help you over and over again, a VALUABLE and informative resource about GOLD Jewelry at your fingertips! $0.99 on Kindle.
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So You’ve Got Fibromyalgia

So You've Got Fibromyalgia
This book will not tell you what to eat. It will not tell you what exercise to do. It’s not that kind of book. But what you might need if you suffer from a chronic condition like Fibromyalgia is reassurance that you are not going mad. With mysterious aches, pains and ailments – not to mention all of the unintentional hilarity of having lived with the condition for over a decade – Vasily Pugh takes an irreverent look at how life changes forever. Expect self-pity, self-deprecation and self-flagellation in equal measure. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Eternal Answers: What is a Sense of Life

Eternal Answers: What is a Sense of Life
When you ask yourself what is the meaning of life, you try to find the answer in literary works on this topic.

The book “Eternal Answers” is the very answer, after reading which you will learn:

What is a sense of life?

How to make yourself happy?

Who am I?

Why am I here?

What is a soul?

What is my purpose?

How to find your goal?

And much more…

Eternal Answers is much more than just a book; it is a roadmap for your spiritual journey. A journey that will change your life.

Fulfilling the purpose for which you were created takes you from survival or success to a meaningful life – the life you were meant to live.

This is a very deep book and at the same time understandable to everyone. After each line there is a thought that it couldn’t be better. Thanks to this knowledge, everything is laid out on the shelves, it is clear what to work on and where to go.

I recommend the book to those who have thought about the issues of the purpose and meaning of life, human nature, and to everyone who is looking for happiness. $0,99 on Kindle.

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Mental Toughness Training: How to be Emotionally Strong, Overcome Adversity and Start Controlling Your Life

Mental Toughness Training: How to be Emotionally Strong, Overcome Adversity and Start Controlling Your Life
The Secret To Mastering Your Emotions Is Finally Out There: Are You Ready To Take Control Of Your Emotions?

Did you know that your social, business, and romantic life are dictated and, in most cases, controlled by your emotions? Did you know that mastering your emotions can lead to increased confidence, self-awareness, and self-motivation?

If you are looking for an easy way to develop emotional intelligence and reap its immense benefits, look no further.
Based on years of research, this eye-opening guide on controlling emotions, positive thinking, and emotional balance will help you deal with these stressful times and weather your emotional storm.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Master Your Emotions – Starting Today:

Observe & Understand Different Emotions: Learn How To Read Between The Lines & Read People Faster
Tame Your Negative Emotions: Find Your Inner Balance & Learn How To Handle Fear, Anger, Envy & Stress
Positively Channel Your Emotions: Rediscover Your Inner Strength & Develop Emotional Resilience
Express Yourself: Unlock Your Emotional Safe & Discover Ways To Bring Your Emotions To The Surface
Develop Mental Strength: Learn How Understanding Motivation And Emotion Will Lead To Happiness And Success.
Build Stronger Relationships, Understand Emotional Reactions, Feel In Control & More Confident

…and much more!

Don’t Hesitate! Invest In Yourself!
$0.99 on Kindle.
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The Art & Truth of Transformation for Women

The Art & Truth of Transformation for Women


Living a transformational life is a constant state of evolution. It is a growing and expanding process that resembles morphing from one way of being to the next. This collection of personal and heartfelt stories by women who are wayshowers, teachers, and coaches shows the possibility of change, beauty, and grace exists for all. Their example will ease, encourage, and elevate your transformation. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: The Role of Resiliency in a Global Lifestyle

The Role of Resiliency in a Global Lifestyle
Life abroad brings many unique experiences, including both great opportunities and demanding challenges. In reality, encountering these challenges is inevitable, but with the right approach, anything can be overcome. For this reason, perhaps the most important quality for a successful expat to embody is resilience. The Role of Resiliency in a Global Lifestyle is an intellectually and visually engaging look at:

– The cycle of ups and downs involved in a global lifestyle;
– How flexibility means being comfortable with contradictions;
– Self-awareness as a tool for accessing the learning parts of our brain; and
– The brain’s ability to change at any stage of life

Everyone is capable of developing resiliency, including YOU! Find out more inside. Free on Kindle.

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Intentional Happiness

Intentional Happiness

In this transformational book, Julie Leonard, a Life Coach and Happiness Evangelist, takes you step by step on a journey to happiness.

Get intentional about your happiness with this life-changing practical guide that takes you through:

Be inspired by Julie’s own story of transformation, read about the clients who transformed their lives using her techniques and follow the incredible and powerful steps that will take you on a journey to happiness and an amazing life.

Read this book and find out how to rock an awesome life! $0.99 on Kindle.

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The Bridge to Change: Mentoring Tools for Parents, Teachers, Coaches, and Counselors

The Bridge to Change: Mentoring Tools for Parents, Teachers, Coaches, and Counselors
We cannot undo something that was intentionally done organically. The Bridge to Change is a guide to provide leaders with a set of tools to create, shape, and maintain a rehumanizing culture that focuses on the development of a strong sense of self, productivity, and emotional health in the lives of those they serve. $4.99 on Kindle

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Rejected, Shamed, and Blamed: Help and Hope for Adults in the Family Scapegoat Role

Rejected, Shamed, and Blamed: Help and Hope for Adults in the Family Scapegoat Role

Were you bullied, shamed, blamed, or rejected by a parent, sibling, or other relative growing up or as an adult? Have you been the target of a ‘smear’ campaign by immediate or extended family and been left feeling frustrated and confused? Have you tried to reach out for help and support and been told, “Just get over it, it’s your family, it can’t be that bad”?

In this comprehensive introductory guide, an internationally recognized Family Systems expert clearly identifies scapegoating as a form of psycho-emotional abuse while providing a means of understanding why dysfunctional families ‘reject, shame, and blame’ one of their own. Via psycho-education, self-assessment tools, and practical steps and strategies, the author describes the abusive aspects of family scapegoating and it’s relationship with complex trauma (C-PTSD), as well as ways to dis-identify and recover from the ‘family scapegoat’ narrative. ‘Links of Interest’ for further reading and education are included within each chapter and in the book’s ‘Afterword’ and ‘Resource’ section. $1.99 on Kindle.
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Free: To Do List Plan

To Do List Plan

Step-by-step guidance on how to put together your new and improved to-do list, allowing you to become a master at task management and finally take control of your day. Free on Kindle.
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You Matter, Even if You Don’t Think So


Improve your self-image with this inspirational guide to finding your path in life and creating lasting change through these practical steps.

In this challenging world, we struggle to be relevant, influential, respected and loved. Yet many of us still suffer from poor self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness. In this self-help book about creating the best version of yourself, author Joseph Binning outlines the steps to creating a life you love. Drawn from his own experiences as a troubled youth, Binning provides tailor-made advice for people with difficult pasts and answers to questions such as:

• Why am I here?
• Am I worthy of love?
• How do I create a lasting relationship, work, and meaning in my life?

When you discover how to move on from the past, you can accomplish more than you ever dreamed possible. You Matter teaches you how to build relationships and find compassion—for yourself and for others. A better life is possible. And you deserve it. $3.69 on Kindle.

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What Will People Think?

What Will People Think?
This book provides clear-cut methods on how to feel confident and stop worrying about what others think about you. As a certified coach and trainer, Roma draws on her professional experience to give you proven ways to be yourself confidently and unapologetically.

Do you want to stop caring about what others think of you? Get started today! $0.99 on Kindle.

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Mind Works

Mind Works
Why do we self-sabotage? How do we learn to be happy, to have fulfilling personal relationships, and find inner peace?

The answers are already inside you.
You need to know where to look.

This requires more than telling yourself to think happy thoughts. You need to understand how your mind works. MindWorks is a simple guide for understanding the complexities of your consciousness. It offers a step-by-step guide for changing your mind – and your life.

This book won’t teach you a philosophy, or tell you to “be positive”; it offers a common-sense approach to changing beliefs, emotions, mindfulness, and living in greater happiness. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: The Judas Personality: A Primer for Victims

The Judas Personality: A Primer for Victims
The Judas Personality defines sociopath and psychopath and delineates where this disordered personality ends and sheer evil begins. Are they one and the same? What are the identifying features in sociopaths and in ourselves that can make us victims? Drawing on experiences of therapy clients and research of well-known cases, Dr. Lily Corsello explores antisocial personality disorder as it applies to the abusive individual as well as the serial killer, from biblical, social, and psychological viewpoints. Free on Kindle.

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My Experiments With Healing: For The Working Soul


Healing is the process of the restoration of health from an unbalanced, diseased, damaged organism. This book guides you about self-healing. $2.99 on Kindle.
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Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude

Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude

This transformational book is a 100-day journey to the center of YOU! Using simple language, humor, and everyday life examples, Sue Urda assists you on your personal journey to a joy-filled existence. She guides you to your own profound conclusions as she sets the stage for you to create your own amazing life. Powerful Intentions ~ Everyday Gratitude is the beginning… and there is no end. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Think Away Your Hay Fever: A Practical Guide

Think Away Your Hay Fever: A Practical Guide
Think Away Your Allergy and Stop Taking Antihistamines. Your mind affects your body and turns your salivary glands on when you think of squeezing a juicy lemon. It can also influence your immune system and lower your allergic reaction. Free on Kindle.

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Overcoming Anxiety

Overcoming Anxiety
Imagine feeling in control of your emotions and no longer dealing with an anxiety attack on your way to work. You might be surprised to know that you can conquer and overcome anxiety. It may be easier than you imagined it could be. How would I know? Because I’ve personally done it.

My anxiety and depression began in my early teenage years. I suffered from severe social anxiety that made it difficult to go to school, church, a grocery store, or anywhere else there would be a large group of people I didn’t know. Hanging out with friends or family in groups larger than three or four would also trigger my social anxiety. At the age of twenty, I began experiencing extreme panic attacks that could last up to an hour at a time.

I tried many different medications, but the side effects were often worse than just going without them. Something inside me knew there was a better way, and I never quit searching for it. I was twenty-six when I finally found the beginning thread that led me to the health freedom I have now.

I began learning about natural health and enrolled in a naturopathic doctor program. The more I studied, the more fascinated I was by natural health. As I learned, I began applying everything I learned to myself to better understand how it all worked; and eventually, my health transformed.

Then I began utilizing my new-found knowledge with my clients. When they began to have powerful results as well, I began putting together a comprehensive strategy for anyone suffering from what I call the warning signs of autoimmune.

I realized that symptoms like anxiety, depression, acid reflux, and chronic pain, among others, were early warning indicators of something much deeper going on in the body.

This book is a great standalone reference book for anyone suffering from anxiety who wants to work with their body holistically or an introductory book to my Overcoming Autoimmune Book Series.

If you are ready to Overcome Anxiety, then what are you waiting for? Start reading this book today.

Tirzah Hawkins is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. $0.99 on Kindle.

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This book is very interesting and enriching! Written in a clear and warm way, the book is full of precious and varied possibilities to improve self-esteem and explore the wonders and mystery of this human life.

We skillfully merge theory and practice into a practical manual to develop and strengthen self-esteem. Written in a simple conversational style, this captivating book offers practical advice interspersed with scenes from real life.

This book is for everyone who wants to manage the stress of modern life and feel good in everyday life. Packed with simple and understandable activities to help reduce stress and make sense of life, the book will help anyone who wants to improve their self-esteem or that of a close or loved friend.

Below is a preview of the contents of this book:

* Understanding what self-esteem is
* Why self-esteem is important
* Factors that affect self-esteem
* What does it mean to lack self-esteem?
* Overcoming low self-esteem
* Signs of healthy self-esteem
* 5 ways we can practice self-compassion
* Developing self-confidence
* Why does self-confidence matter?
* How to appear more confident to others
* How can you gain and maintain self-confidence? $3.99 on Kindle.

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Hacking Evolution: Ditch Anxiety & Get Happy…Forever

Hacking Evolution: Ditch Anxiety & Get Happy...Forever

Why is anxiety rising and at epidemic levels?
Why aren’t people happier?
What can we do about it?

This book was written to help. By understanding how thinking and emotions evolved to help us survive, you will also learn how to feel better right now. In this humorous and personal exploration, Dr. Kelln takes you on a fascinating journey into the evolution of your brain to understand why anxiety was so crucial thousands of years ago. Then you will learn about finding those spaces between thoughts where you can exist without anxiety, anger, or concern – you will learn to find your own QUIET MIND.

The premise is so simple you’ll wonder why people haven’t talked about this before.

This edition of the book also contains an appendix of exercises to help you reach your goals of reducing worry and finding your own Quiet Mind. $4.99 on Kindle.

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The Honest Griever – Truths God Reveals on the Journey from Pain to Purpose

The Honest Griever - Truths God Reveals on the Journey from Pain to Purpose
Do you long for a book that’s brutally honest about the hard work of grieving a deep loss?

Do you want that same book to give you a reason to hope for a brighter tomorrow despite your heartache?

The Honest Griever does exactly that. It chronicles the author’s journey after the death of her husband of 31 years. Through the heartbreak, she openly shares her struggles and her victories — and how God walked beside her, teaching her to stand on his unfailing promises.

Here’s what you’ll find:

• A raw, transparent look into the full spectrum of grief emotions
• Practical suggestions for stepping back into life
• Touching examples of God’s revelations and guidance
• Rich scriptures to comfort, instruct, and encourage
• A biblical approach for every step on the grieving journey

Losing a spouse will turn your world upside down, as can any major loss in your life. Allowing yourself to fully grieve, while acknowledging God’s work through your pain, is a powerful combination.

The result is a new creature who is refined by the fire of the affliction, not destroyed by it. You don’t need to pretend you aren’t hurting. But you, too, can learn how God can turn pain into purpose.  $0.99 on Kindle 

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