Just Dessert

Just-DessertWhen Grady sees Mary for the first time in more years than he can remember, she’s holding a beautiful strawberry pie. Never mind that her father is yelling at her in front of the entire town and calling her a harlot. The pie isn’t all Grady sees, though. Even afraid, Mary is stronger than she realizes. Grady makes it his goal for the summer to help Mary realize how good her life could be.

Mary doesn’t know what to do with Grady. Every time she turns around, he’s there. He fixed the long drive to their farm. He repairs the porch and replaced the rotted wood. He teaches her brothers how to plow the field. And he makes her little sisters fall in love with him. Grady is everywhere she looks, and she can’t decide whether to hug him for it…or throw something at him.

Life hasn’t been easy for Mary, but Grady may just be the one to help her find her way back to who she once was and to the faith she’d once embraced.

Am I Okay, God?: Devotionals from the Seventh Dimension

Am-I-Ok-God“Am I Okay, God? Devotionals from the Seventh Dimension” answers many questions teens (and even adults) ask dealing with hot topics like self-esteem, dating, bullying, abortion, careers, forgiveness, salvation, and deeper theological issues related to the end times and the Lord’s return.

Woven into the devotionals are stories from the Seventh Dimension YA Christian Fantasy Series as well as from the author’s life that touch on themes that are important to Christianity and what it means to be born again. Each of the 27 devotionals has a QR code and link to videos, music, and/or books for further discussion and enjoyment.

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Stepping Down

Stepping-Down#1 AMAZON BESTSELLER – African American Christian Fiction!

Mark has been pastoring New Vision church for six years now, and all his hard work is about to pay off as the church approaches mega-church status. But while Mark has been busy building the church, his own household has been crumbling to pieces. After ignoring divine guidance, Mark finds himself caught up in the appearance of a scandal that threatens to tear the church apart. And his wife’s secrets only add insult to near-fatal injury.

Sharla would have done just about anything to be a mother…and, actually, she did. She was willing to pay the price for her mistakes, but she never dreamed someone else might have to suffer instead. How close can she come to confessing her past without jeopardizing her future?

Stepping Down is the eighth full-length novel from National Bestselling Author Michelle Stimpson. As the granddaughter of a pastor and the great-granddaughter of a bishop, she explores a conflict many spiritual leaders still encounter today. Readers will enjoy this fast-paced, hard-hitting novel that addresses the ageless question: How can a man run the church if he can’t run his own household?

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