4 Keys To Jacob’d Outrageous Financial Prosperity

4 Keys To Jacob’d Outrageous Financial Prosperity
Jacob was richer than his own boss.

He did not start life as a rich man. He however became outrageously prosperous financially.

He was cheated, he experienced setbacks, he worked for over a decade with nothing to show for, yet…..

When he began to apply the principles you will learn in this book, his financial fortunes turned.

The 4 Keys explained in this book will open the doors of financial abundance to you. $0.99 on Kindle.

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The Shift: The True Story Of How One Businesswoman Left Everything Behind And Changed The Lives Of Thousands

The Shift: The True Story Of How One Businesswoman Left Everything Behind And Changed The Lives Of Thousands
You can only resist God’s call for so long. Ask Moses, ask Paul…ask MaryAnne Connor. This is a memoir of overcoming pain, fear and doubt, and allowing faith to lead the way to a miraculous life. Walk in MaryAnne’s footsteps and take a remarkable journey to a place of love, hope & purpose. $0.99 on Kindle.

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The Arcanum of Baphomet

The Arcanum of Baphomet

One of the most misunderstood symbols throughout history, Baphomet, holds a deep, and important meaning. Incorrect ideas from the past have continued on today about this mysterious symbol. Many people claimed that Baphomet is Satan and evil. Baphomet is featured Biblically, in the Book of Genesis, although not by that name, and is related to the mystery of the serpent. Baphomet’s true meaning is an ancient arcanum which is of the highest importance to understand on anyone’s quest to learn the secret knowledge of the gods. $3.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Peace and Joy

Free: Peace and Joy
This uplifting book is about having peace and joy through trustful surrender to God’s will. Free on Kindle.

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Free: The Heart’s Call

Free: The Heart’s Call
Poetry to awaken the heart and reinvigorate the soul!

Each poem provides a new vibratory experience that guides the reader towards spiritual growth!

This book is my journey from awakening to present day. The book is meant as a catalyst for spiritual growth, the goal being to ignite the fire that lies dormant. We are all called to serve, to serve ourselves and then the world. Let this be a message to all that would choose the path of service, the true path. As each fear disintegrates we walk closer to the truth of our nature, and this is my truth.

The Candle Flame
Here we are,
after all these years.
All our fears have led us here.
Where did it go,
all of the times.
Each moment falls,
so truth can rise.
Each day a drop,
the rain so soft.
Your surface drenched,
from years distraught.
But still they drip,
each moment falls.
Through wedding bliss,
and deadly sorrow.
But here we sit,
amongst the chaos.
Our flame still lit,
the candle inside us. Free on Kindle.

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An Ordinary Dude’s Guide to Enlightenment

An Ordinary Dude’s Guide to Enlightenment
Not your grandpa’s enlightenment. No gurus. No monks. No mystics. Just an ordinary dude sharing the surprising, simple truth of life. Packed with stories that explain enlightenment’s mysteries, permission to indulge in beer and pizza, and 11 steps to discover enlightenment, this guide provides a roadmap to understanding life’s big riddle. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Fear is a Liar

Free: Fear is a Liar

Do You Struggle With Anxiety And Worry? Slay Your Giants With The LOVE Plan.

You want to live in the present but worries about the future steal your joy. You’re tired of fear controlling your life and hurting relationships. Anxious thoughts occupy your mind and you can’t stop overthinking things. Satan has stolen your self-confidence and you want it back. Now.

In his latest book, Dr. Lancaster explores the origin of our deepest fears and why they trap us. Then, he shares an easy-to-follow biblical plan to crush your fears. This is no “quick fix” book, but you will learn a simple, powerful way to defeat worry – anytime, anywhere. Free on Kindle.
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Free: Army of God

Free: Army of God

Suspense, action, romance, and a touch of the supernatural play out against a backdrop of the Biblical account of Noah when the animals rise up to defend the ark against an invading army. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Heavenly Father, What About Denominations?

Free: Heavenly Father, What About Denominations?
Have you ever wondered how it’s possible that the Bible talks about the “church”, one body of Christ Jesus when there seems to be so many? While visiting many different churches that were part of many different Christian denominations I had an on-going question, a prayer really, that I believe God answered. My question was, “Heavenly Father, why do You allow Christian denominations to persist? Don’t they prove that there is ‘not unity’ and ‘not oneness’ in the members of the community of believers in Jesus, the church?” Free on Kindle.

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Free: The Message for the Last Days

Free: The Message for the Last Days
The future is revealed by understanding the past where history and mystery are intertwined. “The Message for the Last Days” explains the progression of afterlife beliefs found within and outside of the Bible. It reveals the original message about Heaven compared to changes in culture over time leading to our vastly different modern interpretations. This new book explains how to get back to God’s intentional gospel for the end of our age. Untangle the enigma in this new book. Free on Kindle

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Free: Fingerprints of Faith: A Journey to Redemption

Free: Fingerprints of Faith: A Journey to Redemption

David Alonzo Browning is a billionaire savant who designed the blockchain that revolutionized the banking industry in this future world. He makes some powerful enemies who he thinks caused the death of his family, and they send him on a journey of bitterness and revenge that leads him to faith. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Wrath

Free: Wrath

More than 70% of Evangelical Christians believe we are living in the End Times. The Wrath Trilogy is both entertaining and educational, providing a detailed road map for events that will occur very soon. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Enjoy Heavenly Living Now: Become Childlike

Free: Enjoy Heavenly Living Now: Become Childlike
Discover how you can live among Heaven’s wonders where miracles and the unimaginable happen every day by having a childlike faith.

Uncover 15 unique characteristics little children have that will transform your life and cause all the miraculous things of Heaven to occupy your home and everyone around you. Free on Kindle.

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Hidden Unknown Truth: A Guide to Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening, and the Joy of Living

Hidden Unknown Truth: A Guide to Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening, and the Joy of Living

Trade fear for joy—Transform your life by tapping into your inner-quiet-voice.

Fear influences our actions—or inaction, whether we like it or not. Fear is at the root of our negative emotions like anger, envy, and anxiety. Fear is often the dominating factor in our thoughts, creating suffering in our daily lives and blocking us from a wellspring of spiritual power found in the stillness of our mind. What if we could silence our fear at anytime we wanted to?

The Hidden Unknown Truth is designed to bring your into contact with your true inner-voice and power, where fear does not exist. Edward Scott offers personal anecdotes and simple steps to break free from your loud, fearful mind. With the revolutionary yet simple mindfulness, meditation, and guiding tools used to clear your mind, you can live a present, peaceful, and grateful daily life that is filled with joy.

Are you ready for your Hidden Unknown Truth to be revealed? $0.99 on Kindle.

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God’s Sacred Feast

God’s Sacred Feast
Deacon Sugarfoot Collins wrestles with the demons of celibacy as the guiles of an ex- lover tantalize him. Misfortunes befall the community and he becomes the agent of action. This brings him face to face with the town’s beautiful heiress. As sparks between them fly, his ex-lover becomes enraged. Will she let go? What mayhem will she create for the deacon? $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Wrath

Free: Wrath
More than 70% of Christians believe we are living in the Last Days. The Wrath Trilogy is both entertaining and educational, providing a detailed road map for events that will occur very soon. Free on Kindle.

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If You Dont Like Lemonade, Stop Buying Lemons

If You Dont Like Lemonade, Stop Buying Lemons


Ever since the beginning of the world man has contained within him an insatiable desire to be the captain of his own ship and master of his own fate. It really becomes problematic when pride prevents one from looking outside thier selves for help or the correct answers in life. It’s not that God has abandon us with no directions or answers, it is the failure of launching one’s selve in a humble posture and seek the real truth and to stop relying on feelings.

After years of history on display, man continues to make the same mistakes. Those mistakes are driven by feelings and evade real truth. Thats because truth can be difficult to accept and act on. It all hinges on a simple applicatiin and placement of faith. Do you place tour faith in your feelings? Or do you search for the facts and then apply your faith to those facts? This will determine your outcomes in life.

This book is a commentary mostly of my life and outcomes related to poor decisions based in feelings. I will show you how easy it is to live by our feelings instead of by faith. I wrote this book to help others become more successful in life by avoiding the same potholes in the road. When we make poor decisions in life, we make a claim stating ” well we will just have to make lemonade.” That is our answer. It does not take away the pain or consequences from the poor decision. My book helps you try to avoid buying the lemons in the first place.

Of course, God gives us that great freedom of choice. However, in the end, it may lead to the lemonade stand. See price on Kindle

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Free: The Holy Quran for Educating the Child

Free: The Holy Quran for Educating the Child

The Holy Quran for Educating the Child transforms the Quran into a modern and useful educational tool for parents and teachers, and thereby renders the beneficial power of the Quran widely accessible.

The Holy Quran for Educating the Child interweaves the Quran, in unprecedented fashion, with modern educational approach, thereby helping the Islamic world and the West to better understand each other.

This book celebrates and reveals the beauty of the Quran and its respect for human dignity. Thus, it both refutes various prejudices against Islam, and provides a resounding response to warped exploitation of the Quran for the justification of terror. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Awareness of God’s Presence

Free: Awareness of God’s Presence
This uplifting book Is about living in the awareness of God’s presence — within us and around us. Free on Kindle

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Free: Jesus is the Sun

Free: Jesus is the Sun
I interacted with Jesus as the consciousness of the Sun. I wrote this book to share my interactions with God and Christ and my experiences with heaven and hell. Free on Kindle.

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Free: The First Cause

Free: The First Cause
The readers of the book “The First Cause” meet a new understanding of the cause of creation, the identity of the creator, and what it aspired to achieve through it, as well as why human beings have been created and what their importance in the process of the creation of the fruit of life is. Free on Kindle.

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Free: How to Be Joyful

Free: How to Be Joyful
How to Be Joyful is about forgetting our self and trusting God, and seeing God’s will in all that happens. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Supernatural Wave of God’s Presence: Receive Miracles From Heaven Every Day

Free: Supernatural Wave of God’s Presence: Receive Miracles From Heaven Every Day

You can experience miracles from Heaven following you everywhere. Discover how to do the miracles of Jesus and even more spectacular things. Don’t miss out on the supernatural wave of God’s presence where the miracles and wonders of Heaven chase after you as you chase after God. Free on Kindle.

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Revitalize, Refresh, Renew & Revive Your Spirit Now

Revitalize, Refresh, Renew & Revive Your Spirit Now

“Revitalize” is spiritual refreshment for all who navigate busy and demanding lives. Drawing from her own experiences, Carole Brewer’s 10-minute devotionals are a medley of stories, scriptures, songs, prayer prompters, and soul-searching questions making it an effective six-week formula for spiritual health and personal growth.

CAROLE BREWER: (B.A. in Music, M.A. in Education) is a speaker, author, teacher, singer/songwriter, and radio host who shares Bible-inspired messages. Carole’s greatest joy has been to help women feel loved, experience freedom from past hurts, and understand what it truly means to have their identity in Christ. Free on Kindle.

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Fulfillment: A Journey Through a Spiritual Life

Fulfillment: A Journey Through a Spiritual Life
Fulfillment is a book for your soul.

We have a feeling that something is missing. We look back, we look forward, and we cannot say what it is, but we know we must find something that will bring us peace. Many of us are engaging in a journey that we can compare with “The Golden Rush.” We do not look for gold, we look for happiness, but soon we realize that happiness is not something that we can find but instead we can achieve. What is it? What we are looking for is called fulfillment, a journey through a spiritual life. $1.99 on Kindle.

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