Free: Perception vs Truth: Spirituality In Simple Words

Free: Perception vs Truth: Spirituality In Simple Words
Do you want your life to change?
The good news is that it all begins right in your mind.

By opening your mind, you can change your life in 180 degrees, making the phrase “Everything is in your head” more important than ever before.
The perception of reality steers our thoughts, feelings, the choices we make and the way we live our life.

It is the underlying reason why our lives are the way they are.

People who never examine their point of view of the world miss the chance to significantly change their lives.

What shapes our perception is the country we live in, society, culture, religion, parents, teachers, and publications like the internet, television, movies, radio, newspapers, and literature.

Many people are misguided by their perceptions, which constantly get them into problems.

This book, Perception vs. Truth, was born as a result of that insight. As the name suggests, much of the reality we take for granted in our lives simply isn’t true. Perception vs. Truth is a wake-up call for all of us. It is a fascinating read, full of interesting insights. It is a spring to quench one’s thirst for knowledge and understanding. It can open your mind to different ways of thinking, new feelings, and novel behavior.

Perception vs. Truth is a reminder that our lives can change just by changing the way we’re perceiving it. Free on Kindle.

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The text explores light and darkness, the Godly and ungodly realm through God’s eye view. The book also covers Christianity and idolatry. $5.99 on Kindle.

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I Know Jesus Christ Is Real

I Know Jesus Christ Is Real

Spiritual memoir aimed at adults. Get ready to be challenged, healed and renewed by God’s Glory. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Deluded Gods

Free: Deluded Gods
Does God exist? What caused the Big Bang? What is our purpose in life? Does science free us from religion? Which ‘god’ is the real ‘God’?
‘Deluded gods’ is unique in the simple and concise manner it answers some of mankind’s’ age-old questions. From start to end, the book is an exciting journey of discovery which leads to bold and interesting conclusions.

A simple and concise defense of the Christian Faith. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Death and the Shaman: The Last Lesson My Mother Taught Me About Love (A True Story)

Free: Death and the Shaman: The Last Lesson My Mother Taught Me About Love (A True Story)
“An atheist mother with terminal cancer and a spiritual son.”

This is A TRUE STORY in which the author bares all to the reader. It’s a book with a frank quality that catches your attention from the first page and forces you to consider the inevitable: “HOW SHOULD I SPEND THE TIME I HAVE LEFT?”

It’s an intense and meaningful experience that opens your HEART and helps you lose your fear of the unknown. Free on Kindle

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Free: Wrath – The Tribulation Has Begun and The Church is Still Here!

Free: Wrath – The Tribulation Has Begun and The Church is Still Here!
From Coronavirus to Economic Collapse to the Tribulation Period! The Wrath novels are both entertaining and educational, providing a road-map of events that will happen very soon! You need to be prepared for what’s ahead!

Amazon Reviews: I’ve read the Left Behind series and I enjoyed this read as much as I did those! This author is amazing. This series is so inspiring insightful and uplifting. Free on Kindle.

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Blessings and Curses

Blessings and Curses
Olivia Douglass is undecided about becoming a priest even after she has completed seminary. She is adopted and for most of her life, she has had a curse over her that she has held secret. In order to help her find out whether or not she is led to the priesthood, her parish priest gives her an assignment – to pray with an inmate on death row. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: The Mystery of Atonement Series

The Mystery of Atonement
The Mystery of Atonement books are truly a one-of-a-kind series that present spiritual content related to “the One, True, Living & Loving God Who Is ‘There'” in a manner that no other “religious” or spiritual genre book has ever done before. The material is based on both the Jewish Torah and the Christian texts, but it is unabashedly anti-religion–all organized religion. Because the series liberates people from the bondage of rules, impossible standards, and condemnation, the series will enrage the leadership of all established religions of the world, including “mainline” and “born-again” Christianity; however, they will not be able to refute nor challenge the contents of these prophetic writings. At the same time, it will truly be an enormous relief to both Christians and Jews; as well as all people who sincerely wish to commune directly with God–who Himself is seeking such communion with the sincere “whosoevers” here in these “last days”.

The author is a former Jewish atheist who experienced a dramatic “Damascus Road” encounter with God who has now sent him out with this “last days” message to all peoples. These books will reveal the One, True God and His “Mystery” in a truly compelling and irresistible manner; particularly for the “unchurched” agnostics as well as atheists who would be willing to approach God if only someone who understands them could make for them a cogent and reasoned introduction to Him, untainted by the contradiction and confusion of religious dogma. This book series promises to do just that. Free to $7.95 on Kindle

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Free: The Mystery of Atonement Series

The Mystery of Atonement
The Mystery of Atonement books are truly a one-of-a-kind series that present spiritual content related to “the One, True, Living & Loving God Who Is ‘There'” in a manner that no other “religious” or spiritual genre book has ever done before. The material is based on both the Jewish Torah and the Christian texts, but it is unabashedly anti-religion–all organized religion. Because the series liberates people from the bondage of rules, impossible standards, and condemnation, the series will enrage the leadership of all established religions of the world, including “mainline” and “born-again” Christianity; however, they will not be able to refute nor challenge the contents of these prophetic writings. At the same time, it will truly be an enormous relief to both Christians and Jews; as well as all people who sincerely wish to commune directly with God–who Himself is seeking such communion with the sincere “whosoevers” here in these “last days”.

The author is a former Jewish atheist who experienced a dramatic “Damascus Road” encounter with God who has now sent him out with this “last days” message to all peoples. These books will reveal the One, True God and His “Mystery” in a truly compelling and irresistible manner; particularly for the “unchurched” agnostics as well as atheists who would be willing to approach God if only someone who understands them could make for them a cogent and reasoned introduction to Him, untainted by the contradiction and confusion of religious dogma. This book series promises to do just that. Free to $7.95 on Kindle

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The Mystery of Atonement Series

The Mystery of Atonement
The Mystery of Atonement books are truly a one-of-a-kind series that present spiritual content related to “the One, True, Living & Loving God Who Is ‘There'” in a manner that no other “religious” or spiritual genre book has ever done before. The material is based on both the Jewish Torah and the Christian texts, but it is unabashedly anti-religion–all organized religion. Because the series liberates people from the bondage of rules, impossible standards, and condemnation, the series will enrage the leadership of all established religions of the world, including “mainline” and “born-again” Christianity; however, they will not be able to refute nor challenge the contents of these prophetic writings. At the same time, it will truly be an enormous relief to both Christians and Jews; as well as all people who sincerely wish to commune directly with God–who Himself is seeking such communion with the sincere “whosoevers” here in these “last days”.

The author is a former Jewish atheist who experienced a dramatic “Damascus Road” encounter with God who has now sent him out with this “last days” message to all peoples. These books will reveal the One, True God and His “Mystery” in a truly compelling and irresistible manner; particularly for the “unchurched” agnostics as well as atheists who would be willing to approach God if only someone who understands them could make for them a cogent and reasoned introduction to Him, untainted by the contradiction and confusion of religious dogma. This book series promises to do just that. $2.99 each on Kindle


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Dome Lightning: Plucking Out The Enemy

Dome Lightning: Plucking Out The Enemy

End time prophecy about the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the Return of Jesus Christ. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget

A remembrance to those who made the ultimate sacrifice. A photo journal and quotations to cement the memory and hopefully, to share with your grandchildren. World War I to present. $2.99 on Kindle.

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BLESSED WITHIN: Prophecy of Equality

BLESSED WITHIN: Prophecy of Equality
Mankind created INEQUALITY by HIDING the feminine half of God’s nature when translating scriptures into patriarchal languages by the use of just male terms like FATHER, HE, HIS, HIM, leaving out the female half of God’s Image “BOTH CREATED IN IMAGE OF GOD”. From Biblical Genesis 1:27 ; 5:1. Plus our present day take over of food supply and seeds with the patenting of  Genetically Modified Organisms, GMO’s that make sterile naturally grown food seeds, by less than a handful of males attempting control by war, violence and destruction. A Prophecy in our times of “Equality” advocates for a better, non-violent way. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Majestic Money The 30-Day Femme Manifesting Game

Majestic Money The 30-Day Femme Manifesting Game

Women have secret codes for manifesting written into their DNA.

Most women do not know how to activate these codes. This book will guide you to manifest more money, love, and miracles- consistently. $0.99 on Kindle.

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The Convergence

The Convergence

A struggle to understand and cope unfolds as a journey of hope. A hidden letter reveals an incredible love, and two travelers come face to face with a shared secret. The Convergence is an epic tale, the healing of the human heart and spirit. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Majestic Money The 30-Day Femme Manifesting Game

Majestic Money The 30-Day Femme Manifesting Game

Women have secret codes for manifesting written into their DNA. Most women do not know how to activate these codes. This book will guide you to manifest more money, love, and miracles – consistently. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Within the next thirty years, great events are going to take place that will lead to one world government, a global religion of humanitarianism, and a global digital currency. There will be a world war and a great spiritual reawakening. A great global economic collapse is approaching and it will destroy the present form of money. On the ashes of this destruction shall arise a new form of global digital currency. The purpose of this book is to point out that events of today and those of the future had been foretold by the Holy Spirit in the Bible. Free on Kindle.

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The Angelic Realm

The Angelic Realm
Become inspired as this book reveals mystifying and unusual encounters outside the realm of normal existence. You will become fascinated on the way spirits try to make contact with their loved ones here on earth. The stories and revelations are heartening and enlightening that will provide a sense of hope and healing of one’s heart, mind and soul. $1.99 on Kindle.

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THE SEEDS WE SOW: A Story of the Greatest Kindness

THE SEEDS WE SOW: A Story of the Greatest Kindness

This is a story of three devout Christians.

In his quest to help feed poor people all over the world George Washington Carver was probably most influential not because he was the “peanut man,” but rather because he was a “gentle man.” His protege Henry Agard Wallace continued Carver’s work as the New Deal Secretary of Agriculture and Vice President of the United States. He was likely one of the most misunderstood leaders of the twentieth century. In turn, Wallace passed the baton to Norman Borlaug, who worked in quiet obscurity until he was the surprise recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970.

Because Carver, Wallace and Borlaug lived, so do we. $0.99 on Kindle.

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I Came to You in Weakness

I Came to You in Weakness

It’s a wild ride into the mystery of what it means to find God’s strength in my weakness after a simple prayer supplication was made.

After 36 months of frustrating unemployment, God reveals a path leading to Guangzhou China. At the end of the road is a mustard seed that is planted in a provincial classroom. I need to go where the seed would produce. The dilemma: If I don’t go to Guangzhou, am I being disobedient to God? I am 55 years old and live in Chicago. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Narada’s Bhakti Sutra: Verses on Connecting with the Divine Infinite Through the Path of Love and Surrender

Narada’s Bhakti Sutra: Verses on Connecting with the Divine Infinite Through the Path of Love and Surrender

Narada Bhakti Sutra is a collection of aphorisms, told by Sage Narada on Bhakti yoga. Bhakti yoga is a spiritual path which uses love and devotion to realize God, the divine source of the universe. Bhakti yoga is one of the most well-known paths of spiritual liberation or enlightenment. However, Bhakti yoga, unlike many other spiritual paths or systems, doesn’t put too much emphasis on concepts such as enlightenment or self-realization. The practitioner of Bhakti yoga often ignores the end result and is more involved with the journey itself which is to love God. Everything else becomes less prioritized, including the desire for salvation or enlightenment. The yogi knows that those things will come to him anyway since devotion leads to liberation. Building and sustaining a loving relationship with God is the fundamental process of Bhakti yoga. The end result is the same as other spiritual paths: enlightenment or God-realization.

Narada’s Bhakti Sutra is simultaneously a spiritual text on Bhakti Yoga, a practice manual that outlines many forms of spiritual techniques, and a collection of some of the most important principles of God-realization that basically summarize a large volume of sacred Hindu scriptures that precede Bhakti Sutra.

In this book, you’ll learn:

The metaphysical nature of the universe
Spiritual liberation,
Detached action,
Three modes of operation of the mind,
Mindfulness (of God) in everyday life,
The process of surrender to higher power
This book contains the English translation as well as commentaries of Narada’s Bhakti Sutra by Hirok Das. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Pandemic Survival

Free: Pandemic Survival

Is immunity really isolation, face masks, and control? True health can only be achieved by looking at the body from a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual perspective. In this short easy read get answers you won’t find from anywhere else. Understand the book of revelations in new ways and the keys to the time of Enlightenment. Free on Kindle.

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Pandemic Survival

Pandemic Survival

Is immunity really isolation, face masks, and control? True health can only be achieved by looking at the body from a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual perspective. In this short easy read get answers you won’t find from anywhere else. Understand the book of revelations in new ways and the keys to the time of Enlightenment. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Decoding Karma: Transform Everyday Life with Ancient Wisdom

Decoding Karma: Transform Everyday Life with Ancient Wisdom
Karma, a word we hear in our daily lives.

But what does it actually mean and how does it impact our lives? Is it a myth or is it reality? This book translates the ancient knowledge of Karma to the language of this millennium. Utilize this wisdom to live a joyous life. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Hometown Hero

Hometown Hero
She’s writing books her mama wouldn’t be proud of. He won’t risk his heart. But when matters of faith have them at odds, will love triumph?

Madison agrees to a last-minute writers’ retreat. But with her anxiety at an all-time high, she seeks out quiet the only place she’s sure to find it, the stables at the Dawson Creek Dude Ranch. While grateful for the solace, she can’t afford to rekindle her past with the sweet, handsome cowboy who keeps meeting her there. They are opposites in every way and she’s a fish out of water in his world.

Cowboy Randal has to think about his future and his own ranch. His goals don’t include getting attached to an author, especially a feisty one who challenges him. And though he begins to hope for more, their instalove can’t last.

As their week together draws to a close, can Madison and Randal find their common ground and risk a love for the ages? $0.99 on Kindle.

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