A View of British Politics

A View of British Politics
After three years of a parliament in chaos, Boris Johnson’s 2019 General Election victory has stabilized the House of Commons and left the Labour Party in disarray. But why do politicians go so wrong in believing certain individuals are worthy of power when from the outset some leaders have little hope of winning? My theories of the qualities a leader must possess and the kind of policies he/she must espouse are detailed in this essay on British Political History (1964-2019). My unique viewpoint has developed over 50 years of political interest and observations. $0.99 on Kindle

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Free: Beyond 2020: A Story of Liberty Lost, Hope and Recovery

Free: Beyond 2020: A Story of Liberty Lost, Hope and Recovery
No one could have predicted it. Despite an impressive list of accomplishments, Donald Trump was denied what should have been an assured election victory in November 2020. In the weeks and months that followed, the voices of talk radio sounded the warning that the New Socialism would methodically suppress the freedoms promised in the Constitution, but it would take an America at the brink of revolution to restore what was lost. Free on Kindle.

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Progress, Really?

Progress, Really?
An average man and first-time writer’s condensed review of social progress in the United States of America. The author makes observations of some very controversial topics and hopes to inspire the reader to ask some very important questions. Where is social progress taking our country? Has the march of progress become a sprint? Is America approaching a second revolution? $0.99 on Kindle

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Free: Beyond 2020: A Story of Liberty Lost, Hope and Recovery

Free: Beyond 2020: A Story of Liberty Lost, Hope and Recovery
No one could have predicted it.

After nearly four years marked by an impressive list of accomplishments — even in the face of harsh resistance from the opposition party — the administration looked forward to successfully completing the final year of the President’s first term, winning re-election and moving on to four more years of service to the country and her people.

What, then, could possibly have derailed the President’s plan, denying him what was believed to be an assured victory in November 2020?

“Elections have consequences,” we are reminded. In the months and years that followed, the voices of Talk Radio sounded the warning that the New Socialism would methodically suppress the freedoms promised in the Constitution, but it would take an America at the brink of revolution to restore what was lost. Free on Kindle.
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Who Let the Old Fart into the Classroom: Why Globalism, Socialism and Environmentalism Won’t Work

Who Let the Old Fart into the Classroom: Why Globalism, Socialism and Environmentalism Won’t Work

This fact-based novel revolves around an irascible retired businessman Leonard Whittle who takes his granddaughter Lisa to interview at a liberal university. During her interview Lisa announces that she is interested in the school’s globalism program. The Principal Dean invites she and Leonard to audit a few classes which they do. What ensues is, for poor Leonard, a mind-blowing collection of progressive views neatly promoted in courses that are global in scope.

The courses run the gamut from socialism to environmentalism, the United Nations to the European Union, from the American business-government cabal to Saul Alinsky and Herbert Marcuse, from the New Left of the 1960s to the New Left of today, from the marginalization of America to the China-Russian vision of globalism. Leonard can’t believe what the students are being fed and inserts himself in the discussions in every class. Pitted against faculty and students alike, he leaves no subject unturned and wades into the murky depths of micro-aggressions, identity politics, multiple sex categories, George Soros’ control of just about everything, the expense of a college education and much more.

Whether the reader agrees or disagrees with Leonard’s fact-based views, he or she will be left with significant food for equally significant thought. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Humorous Incidents, Short Stories and Essays: Beach Towns, Politics of Everybody, and Government That Works

Humorous Incidents, Short Stories and Essays: Beach Towns, Politics of Everybody, and Government That Works

Our tale is about Li’l Johny, as he wades through the literal and political swamp of south Alabama’s peculiar politics of everybody, wandering from the wetlands to the beach, traversing the Backcountry Trail, bordered by the jurisdiction of the Orange Beach Government.

This collection of humorous incidents, short stories and essays provides a platform for addressing political points that local government has not, or is not willing to tackle like rebating the 4-mil property tax.

The plan is to make people aware that vast wealth is hidden in the vaults at City Hall ($40 Million in cash reserves), but the residents (population: 5,600) are seeing no revenue sharing in their pockets. This situation is not a dark humor short story, but the sad reality of unbridled ambition.

The key issue is local government’s sense of solutionism, meaning one vision is the best solution for everyone moving forward, possibly exporting the mayor’s brand of leadership to all the beaches of the world as an example of pro-growth tourism.

Some people will argue the Orange Beach government has a vision. I refer you to this quote, “…load up and come to a council meeting so that u can get the facts, the real truth and stop being educated into further ignorance by following this site [Facebook],” posted by Orange Beach Mayor Tony Kennon on Facebook.

We are blessed in our country to have a voice, and with this voice I ask for a government that works, respecting other ideas without being called down in the Council Chambers. I argue for a chance to free Council Members from the yoke of always voting unanimously with the Mayor.
Perhaps Council Districting is the answer, forcing Council Members to live in the neighborhoods they represent, voting for their constituents’ best interests instead of serving the city at-large. Perhaps we could ask Council Members to voluntarily share their personal and business tax returns, disclosing what development projects they, or their family members hold a financial interest in.

This is why we are here, creating a sense of financial transparency, and rebating a small portion of the city’s wealth back to the residents. $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Stranger Among You

The Stranger Among You
Flying under the radar of the national media is a faith-based refugee resettlement movement that sees people from across the political spectrum working shoulder to shoulder to help refugees. Trump voters and Clinton voter, pro-choicers and pro-lifers, the religious and the secular, conservatives and liberals stand on common ground on an issue that looks polarizing in the headlines but on the ground is unifying.

And it’s happening in places that will surprise you: the Bible Belt and other red states. $0.99 on Kindle.

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America: The Series

America: The Series

A combination of everything American. All four books in one boxed set, uplifting and inspirational tales that bring a smile to your face and make you proud to be an American. Being conflicted is about feeling positive and negative about something at the same time, and being unable to shake off the uncomfortable feeling it produces. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Through My Eyes: The USA

Through My Eyes: The USA

The USA – the land of the future, the land of prosperity, success, glamor, and bling…But is it really (only) that?

Through this book and my eyes, you will come to feel the pulse of the “promised land”. This story is a mash-up of my own awkward experiences on the other side of the great puddle, which I describe with a simple goal in mind: to dissolve the prejudices that we have about each other. $2.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Stars, Stripes and Corporate Logos

Free: Stars, Stripes and Corporate Logos
“Gilleland bravely broaches numerous subjects that are politically sensitive and expresses his often politically incorrect perspective.” -Authors Reading

In the military, my buddies and I often talked about “home,” which was not the place from which we enlisted. It was anywhere in the U.S. As soon as we stepped down off an aircraft onto the tarmac anywhere in the continental United States, we were home. The most important influences in my life were my God, my wife, and my mother, combined with outside influences from the military and corporate environments. Free on Kindle.

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Forged Through Fire: Developing Preparedness for the Perilous Encounter

Forged Through Fire: Developing Preparedness for the Perilous Encounter

True preparedness is where fear loses power. This is more than character development. More than readiness for violence. It is how to be fully alive.

It is astonishing what happens to the human body under extreme amounts of traumatic stress, especially when facing interpersonal violence. The sad reality is that violent situations are dramatically escalating in the West. There is no assured way of preventing them, no way to avoid them, and no way to physically prepare for them. It is a problem for which there is only one solution. It is a solution that whispers to us in every facet of our lives: we must be confident of who we are in light of a greater vision.

In Forged Through Fire: Developing Preparedness for the Perilous Encounter, Burns describes real readiness for the active shooter, the serial killer, or the intruder in your home. Perhaps even more importantly, he calls forth a deep understanding of who we are. $0.99 on Kindle.

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The New School of Economics

The New School of Economics

The New Physiocrats (The New Physiocratic League) is a political-economic framework and certification body. They are a movement established on a new way of economic thinking, what they refer to as the “New School of Economics.” The New Physiocrats have finally managed to reconcile the concerns of the left and right, through a new way of political-economic thinking, rooted in the original Physiocracy and Georgism. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Cali Cartel: Beyond Narcos

Free: Cali Cartel: Beyond Narcos

An electrifying account of the Cali Cartel beyond its portrayal on Netflix.

From the ashes of Pablo Escobar’s empire rose an even bigger and more malevolent cartel. A new breed of sophisticated mobsters became the kings of cocaine. Their leader was Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela – known as the Chess Player due to his foresight and calculated cunning.

Gilberto and his terrifying brother, Miguel, ran a multi-billion-dollar drug empire like a corporation. They employed a politically astute brand of thuggery and spent $10 million to put a president in power. Although the godfathers from Cali preferred bribery over violence, their many loyal torturers and hit men were never idle.

Shaun Attwood’s WAR ON DRUGS SERIES – PABLO ESCOBAR, AMERICAN MADE, WE ARE BEING LIED TO and THE CALI CARTEL – are harrowing, action-packed and interlinked true stories that demonstrate the devastating consequences of drug prohibition. Free on Kindle.
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Free: Who is Jeb!!!

Free: Who is Jeb!!!
Long before Trump there were the Bushes. Following their history, one can actually understand virtually every misstep America has taken since the 1950s, leading remorselessly to War, the birth of radicalism, polarization and the Stupidparty, all the way to 2016. Free on Kindle.

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The Johnson Project

The Johnson Project

In 2017, a wealthy family holds the cure to the sterility plague that has infected the world. They will share their secret only with those couples who deserve the privilege of becoming parents. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Who Controls America?

Free: Who Controls America?
Who creates economic depressions and recessions? Why was Thomas Jefferson afraid of banks? Who advises our leaders to go to war? Why does our government secretly want an uneducated populace? Can the Swamp be drained?

In this stunning new book, author Mark Mullen pulls back the curtain on a few private groups who control every aspect of American life. They decide what we think, what we are taught, what we are paid for our work, how much debt we carry, when and where we go to war, and who wins political office. All of this and more are staged by men and women we have never heard of. Who Controls America unearths the secret games of exploitation and illuminates how banks and private institutions create situations that bring about economic depression, war, and poverty. American politics, the economy, educational system, and foreign policies are controlled by small groups, and they don’t work for the interests of the everyday citizen.

Diane Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review calls Who Controls America “a political, social and economic history of the often-hidden influencers on American political processes.” Mullen reveals secret partnerships created by privileged ideologues designed to take hostage the American Dream. He shares a contemptuous view of these counterculture groups that hold back America’s middle class.

Can these elite swamp dwellers be stopped? Readers who have an interest in the future of America will appreciate the actionable sanctions that can give control of our country back to the masses, the American people where it belongs. Free on Kindle.

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Donald Trump and Voices of the 2nd American Revolution

Donald Trump and Voices of the 2nd American Revolution

Warning: If you are politically correct, DO NOT read this book. Discretion is required. It’s lewd, rude, and nude. It’s filled with intellectual human nakedness. M.I.L.K is an acronym for Make Independent Life Knowledgeable.
Freedom of speech is the corner stone of MILK. But MILK also means milk. Mother’s milk: natural breast milk. The most healthy and nutritious drink for human life. It’s really our first taste of something good. Perhaps, it is our first independent human action. To reach out for another human, Mom, and get life’s first delicious drink. Then we grow up and most of us forget about what first made us healthy and strong. We forget about Mom’s good breast milk. We start to drink crap. Eat crap. And soon, we look and feel like crap, and talk crap too. But not everyone is eating, and drinking, and talking crap. Within a series of books of, “Donald Trump and Voices of the 2nd American Revolution: Make Independent Life Knowledgeable,” there are some very knowledgeable individuals, mostly American Voices, who know what it means to be American. But statists like the crumbs from the criminal corporate banking monopolists of the West… $9.95 on Kindle. 

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Surviving Trump

Surviving Trump

If the words “President Trump” cause your blood pressure to rise, your stomach to tighten into knots, and the feeling your head is about to explode, this is the book for you. Featuring 365 affirmations – one for each day of the year beginning with his inauguration on January 20th – Surviving Trump offers the reader a daily dose of positive words to provide hope for a better world and sustain us all for the fight ahead. $2.99 on Kindle.

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The Seeds We Sow

The Seeds We Sow

In his quest to help feed poor people In the wake of the Civil War and the failed “reconstruction” effort, George Washington Carver was probably most influential not because he was the “peanut man,” but rather because he was a “gentle man.” His protege Henry Agard Wallace continued Carver’s work as the New Deal Secretary of Agriculture and Vice President of the United States. He was likely one of the most under-appreciated and misunderstood leaders of the twentieth century. In turn, Wallace passed the baton to Norman Borlaug, who worked in quiet obscurity until he was the surprise recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970. M.S. Swaminathan of India summed up his friend’s life, “Norman Borlaug is the living embodiment of the human quest for a hunger free world. His life is his message. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Hillary’s America

Hillary’s America

From Whitewater to Email Gate via Benghazi. Uncovering The real Hillary Clinton and the Hidden Agenda of the Democrat Party in Review and Analysis. $4.77 on Kindle. 

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Madam President: History in the Making?

Madam President: History in the Making?

“If you are not certain whether you will vote for Secretary Clinton or are a stalwart supporter or detractor of hers, you should take a look at this book.” Andris Mitt. So far, America has only been allowed to see the tip of the iceberg. Can a President, whose campaign has largely been funded by the ‘billionaire class’ and Wall Street really ‘walk the walk’ on corporate crime? The book raises this, among many other questions, as it lays out a factual analysis of strategic issues related to a possible Madam Clinton Presidency. As a former First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State and now the Democratic Party’s nominee for the 2016 U.S. Presidential elections, Hillary Clinton enjoys the advantage of bringing experience to the table that her opponent cannot boast of. The advantage of experience does not come alone though, but is accompanied by baggage in the form of track record. Will Hillary’s immense experience and charisma override this baggage and catapult her to the Oval Office to make history as its first ever woman occupant? If that happens, will these issues come back to haunt her Presidency or will she be able to bury the ghosts of the past and indeed live true to her word and achieve all her election promises? Grab a copy of the book, a clarion call to rescue American democracy from the fatal embrace of money and power! $0.99 on Kindle.

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A Future for the 99 Percent

A Future for the 99 Percent
“try out the 4 Keys as the author presents them for 30 days and see if your life feels better. All grassroots social movements start somewhere and Bud Clark is lighting a fire with this book.” – excerpted from the review by Lizzie Harwood, author of “Xamnesia” and “Go See the Kids”. $0.99 on Kindle. 

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Free: The END is Near, Save U.S.

Free: The END is Near, Save U.S.

There is a quiet underlying but pivotal battle for the soul of our nation. Do money and ignorance rule, or will science and tolerance prevail? There has always been a quest for the human species, like ants, to explore new worlds and concepts. This growth does not just exist where we expand but in who we are and the knowledge we’ve acquired along the way. There have always been counter winds to that growth, whether it be greed, self-interest or our very nature; because one thing is always certain, our means of survival leads to our morality. In recent years, with the rapid advancement of technology, I have seen these counter winds grow and become such powerful forces. Societal progress is no longer measured in our growth of knowledge, integrity, and character but in the acquisition of material goods. No longer taking pride in who we are and what we accomplish but instead relying on what we have and how complacent we are. How has this happened? Why does it matter? How can government help correct this problem? “We no longer live in neighborhoods. We live in communities, not bound together by care for our neighbors but by self-interest and greed” – Christopher Zullo Preaching from the progressive left with a unique set of beliefs, grounded in agnostic theism and regulatory capitalism. Free on Kindle. 


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How to Change a Law: The Intelligent Consumer’s 7-Step Guide

How to Change a Law: The Intelligent Consumer’s 7-Step Guide
This book is a do-it-yourself manual for voters, small business owners, lobbyists, and policy advocates who want to take political action, influence leaders and change laws.

This book is for you if you ever… Wanted to change a law, Thought a law was unfair or unjust, or Felt confused by bureaucracy.

Thibault provides a better understanding of policy change and political persuasion (also known as lobbying). Once you understand the power of lobbying, you will be able to improve your community, influence leaders, and impact the world.

How To Change A Law offers insight, actionable tools, and strategies that will lead you to becoming an active Citizen Legislator who realizes that their participation in public policy matters. You’ll learn:

The 7-step process for successfully making a significant change and taking action in just 60 minutes.
Common mistakes to avoid.
Successfully getting past internal and external roadblocks.
Real life policy success stories where someone saw a problem and wanted to implement a solution to make a change.
Demystify politics.
How to vote on issues, not for candidates.
How to use the Political Persuasion Platform™ and the iLobby solution to change laws through crowd funded lobbying.

We are at a turning point in our politics; everyone needs to get involved, come together around issues, build coalitions, fund their initiatives, and intelligently pursue their agenda. This book is your roadmap. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Gender Wars

Gender Wars
Fed-up with politics and the sudden right wing War on Women, a group of determined women take matters into their own hands and form a women’s political party. Initially laughed at by the established political parties, they soon change their tune when women and some men begin signing up in droves.

Gender Wars is a tongue-in-cheek Political Chick-lit set in an alternate reality, based loosely on the Republican ‘War on Women’ that would not appeal to Right of Center readers. Free on Kindle.

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