Everyone experiences grief, pains and loss on this journey of life. For some it serves as a catalyst for growth and for others it becomes an impassable obstacle. This book not only shares my personal experience with grief and loss but also contains case studies of several types of pain and loss. When we acknowledge that we have been affected in many ways by the painful experiences, we then must become intentional Amit seeking hope and healing. This book will share some possibilities on implementing your own hope and healing strategies, as well as supply some tools to take control of how you thing and respond to future grief, pain and loss. Free on Kindle.
Free: A Little White Casket: Accepting the Grief and Loss of the Present, Confronting the Truth of the Past, and Reframing Towards the Future
Your Gemini Child: He’s Not Crazy, He’s Just Always in his Head
***Want to know all the secrets to handling your daydreamy Gemini child?***
Gemini children are easily bored and are always daydreaming. Their minds are incredibly active. As soon as they have a thought, they are on to the next one. That is why it appears that they never listen to you.
So how do you get them to pay attention? By understanding how their minds work, by respecting that they are driven more by logic than emotion, by not endlessly lecturing them, and by giving them the freedom to pursue their own interests. This book will show you how to do just that.
Maria Riegger is an attorney and Mom who began using astrology, including the birth chart, to reparent her inner Gemini child after childhood trauma, including the death of a parent.
In turn, she saw how studying astrology and the birth chart could help parents better understand their children’s intrinsic personalities and emotional needs, for a more peaceful household and a mutually respectful parent-child relationship.
Whether the reader is a parent of a Gemini child or a Gemini adult seeking to reparent their inner child, this book will be helpful to them on their journey $0.99 on Kindle.
Gaslighting Recovery Workbook: How to Recognize Manipulation, Overcome Narcissistic Abuse, Let Go, and Heal from Toxic Relationships
Have you ever been a victim of gaslighting?
Do you ever see yourself in a circumstance where someone made you feel emotional or made to think that the things you believe to be accurate are your mind playing games on you? Is there anyone around you who continually makes you anxious, or leaves you feeling the need to always apologize, or even makes you question your sanity?
If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you. Gaslighting Recovery Workbook: How to Recognize Manipulation, Overcome Narcissistic Abuse, Let Go, and Heal from Toxic Relationships addresses the issue of gaslighting and toxic relationships that hinders your freedom and keep you from maximizing the full potential that is in you without being subject to any form of manipulation.
Inside this book, you will discover:
What gaslighting is, its warning signs, and symptoms
The phases involved in gaslighting and common manipulation techniques
The stages and effects of gaslighting
What narcissism is and its causes
How narcissism is diagnosed and how it can be prevented
The various types of abuse
The signs and symptoms of emotional or psychological abuse and its harmful effects on you
Gaslighting in romantic relationships, parent-child relationships, and at work
Toxic relationships, their indications, and effects
How to deal with toxic individuals
Practical ways to overcoming gaslighting with real-life examples
And much more!
Gaslighting Recovery Workbook: How to Recognize Manipulation, Overcome Narcissistic Abuse, Let Go, and Heal from Toxic Relationships reveals to you how you can regain your reality and power, and you will be in a position to be able to realize the gaslighter at work and be equipped to guard yourself against further revictimization. $0.99 on Kindle.
101 Fun Family Activities: The Self Isolation Survival Guide
Exhausted by endless cries of “I’m bored”?
Tired of staying indoors?
Are you certain that one more day of isolation will finish you, and your family?!
Let Laureen come to your rescue with 101 fresh, creative and unique ideas to help you weather the storm of isolation.
Laureen, a self-professed “Veteran of Isolation,” raised her four children in Northern Ontario, where -30 winters often kept the family isolated from the outside world… for three months at a time! Deep in that lonely laboratory she developed tips and techniques and compiled a vast library of ideas designed to keep everyone going and, despite the circumstances, enjoying their time together.
How can you and your family survive?
Let Laureen show you that with a little creativity, courage and the will to keep on trying, you can not only survive isolation, you can thrive. $2.99 on Kindle.
Raising Independent Kiddos
I’m a mother to four beautiful kids. When my second child was born with a disability, it took a lot of trial and error (and time hiding in the closet) before I realized the importance of holding myself back, almost sitting on my hands, so my kids could learn to think about where they had made mistakes, reflect on what they needed to change. “Let them do it themselves,” became our family mantra.
This book isn’t about the importance of one parenting style over another. It doesn’t tell you how important it is to hug your child, and it won’t help you minimize tantrums at any age. It’s about microparenting, which is when a parent tries to control every detail, no matter how small, of their child’s life. The point of this book is to help you stop microparenting and start doing something that works faster and better. $0.99 on Kindle.
Marriage Manual: How To Have a Perfect..,Great,..Good, uh, Lasting Marriage
The key to a lasting marriage is simple. All you have to do is marry the right person. The question is how can you tell if the one you have chosen is the right one? Marriage is a four-letter word…LOVE. If some other four-letter word came to mind then you need to read this book. Is your mate right for you? If you have to get a divorce will you know what to do? You will after reading this book.
Is the person that you love, just a good lover or will they be a faithful and dependable spouse? The book include a 100 questionnaire that both of you can take to help you find the answer. It discusses all possible aspects of a marriage, Infidelity, Abuse, Lying, Jealousy, Deceit, Envy, Gambling, Money-wasting, and everything that could possible hurt your marriage is covered.
If you want to find the right person. This book is a magnet at attracting people just by the cover alone. Carrying it with you, once people see the cover, they have no choice but to start a conversation. They will smile and say, what kind of book is that? Then the conversation will start and maybe even lead to an ever lasting marriage. $2.99 on Kindle.
Granny Can’t Remember Me
Granny Can’t Remember Me is a lighthearted picture book about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia told from the perspective of a six-year-old boy. Granny can’t remember that Joey likes soccer and rockets and dogs. Granny can’t remember much of anything. But with Granny’s stories of her Three Best Days, Joey knows she loves him just the same. $3.99 on Kindle.
Men Who Get it and Men Who Don’t
In this book, I break down why we men do what we do, and why we are the way we are. I teach you techniques and strategies to face and eliminate all behaviors and habits that hold you back from reaching your full potential, both in romance and as a man. I teach you the art behind understanding the world of women, dating, and relationships. Most importantly, I teach you to do this while holding on to and enhancing who you are at your core. $7.99 on Kindle.
Unleashing the Tigress Within
Release Your Inner Tigress!
Entering the dating scene is frustrating.
I’m going to be the one with a gentle hand on your back, guiding you and encouraging you to try things differently this time. You’re going to acquire new tools to attract and keep the man of your dreams. And you’ll do all this while I protect you from the losers and users. $0.99 on Kindle.
The Key to Parenting Millennials
The Key to Parenting Millennials is the right book for you as we have included updated parenting tips and strategies that works for the 21st century. Beyond that, we will also show you how to shape both your teenager and your minds and perspectives to build an even stronger, loving and fulfilling relationship together.
Parenting millennials does not need to be frustrating, tiring and stressful if you know how to have the right parenting approach, environment, mindset and perspective. Grab this book today and you will be on a very fruitful and fulfilling parenting journey! $0.99 on Kindle.
Live, Love, and Hack Life: A Fresh Look at Understanding Law of Attraction
The law of attraction is the idea that people ‘attract’ or bring about, situations in their lives based on how they think. The idea that it’s possible to “call forth/manifest” things we desire in life is irresistibly appealing. Using simple clear language, Jennifer Teske weaves together a powerful narrative with practical how-to exercises giving readers a refreshing, easy to understand perspective on how to develop and KEEP the law of attraction state of mind. $0.99 on Kindle.
Free: S is for…Short, Sweet, Simple Sports Coaching and Performance
S is for…Short, Sweet, Simple Sports Coaching and Performance: For Players, Parents, and Pedagogues
It’s the shortest, sweetest, and simplest way for me to address all the important elements that go into sports coaching and performance, and because of that it allows us to spend more of our time focusing on what sport is really about…
My ‘S is for…’ method, which I have developed in over 10 years of coaching, is something that anyone can learn and start using today. Not only that, but you can learn the foundation of the method and start benefiting from it in just a few hours. You can start enjoying sport more TODAY! Believe me, it’s that S is for…Simple.
This book genuinely is for everyone: professionals, amateurs, students, children, coaches, parents and guardians, and teachers, or someone with absolutely no experience in sport whatsoever. EVERYONE! A bold S is for…Statement I know, but one I S is for…Stand by.
My name is Christopher Davy. I’m 34 years old, and I live in Exeter, Devon, the United Kingdom with my girlfriend Tracey, and our son. In 2009 I created a project called Bridge Building Basketball Exmouth to establish a basketball club in Exmouth, Devon; the town where I grew up. In 2010 Exmouth Basketball Club was formed. Unlike many grassroots level sports clubs, Exmouth Basketball Club still exists today. It’s 10 years old! I must have done S is for…Something right, right?!
But this book isn’t just applicable to basketball. It’s applicable to all sports; Football, Tennis, Cricket, American Football, Golf, Boxing, MMA, Hockey, Ice Hockey, Table Tennis, Squash, Badminton, Racing, Baseball, Snooker, Pool, Athletics, Rugby, Volleyball, Netball, Swimming, Lacrosse, Gymnastics, Skiing, Snowboarding, and ALL THE OTHER SPORTS THAT WE CAN CHOOSE TO PLAY!
It’s only in recent years that I’ve really refined my coaching method and philosophy, but now I’m sharing it with you in this book. Free on Kindle.
Relationship Help For a Broken, Beaten, and Battered Relationship
Are you ready to be happy with your relationship?
We will soon reveal to you the 9 secrets that have completely transformed our marriage, and thousands of relationships from boring, broken, and “can’t deal with you anymore” relationships into beautiful, growing, and “happily ever after” relationships. We are excited to present this ebook to you so that you too can know and understand how to begin feeling good about your relationship. After all, we know it is much easier to improve a broken relationship then start a new one – it’s a fact!
What Readers are Saying:
“After struggling with my partner for one year, I thought it would be impossible to repair our relationship. It can get really worse and if you don’t look for help, you can destroy your relationship. I read many “self-help” books about this topic but this book has shown me some new tips and secrets on how I can change my relationship immediately. The book is very simple to understand and you can use the mentioned techniques to be happier with your partner or to solve your problems. I really recommend reading this book, because it helps to understand how to fix a “broken” relationship.” $0.99 on Kindle
Free: From a Woman’s Heart
Being a woman is special. It is at times easy, a little crazy, scary and on occasion extremely trying. Okay, maybe more than just occasionally. Our job in life as a woman, a mother and a wife has its ups and downs. We juggle and change so many different hats every day all through the week, it’s like having 10 different jobs at one time! Crazy is right, but we are doing it.
Women of today have so many things they are trying to prove and keep up with, it is no wonder that there are so many of us that have problems with depression, anxiety and eating disorders. We are all different. And trying to be like our friend, co-worker, family member, etc…it isn’t what we should be doing. We should realize that we come in all shapes and sizes, which make us who we are. Free on Kindle.
Free: Esports in Education
The intersection between esports and education is a place where innovation and excitement flourish. From a perspective of acceptance and encouragement, parents and educators have the chance to find common ground that can help students excel in a sport they are passionate about. Competitive video gaming today already holds the power to create heroes. Athletes who are admired for their determination and excellence are no different whether they are playing on a field or in a computer lab. The tremendous growth in esports is fueled by the internet, live streaming, and global economic demand. The need for a strong educational support system that can ensure positive student development is imperative.
This book reviews the history of video gaming and sports to uncover how esports have evolved from a teenage pastime to an international stage. Richards brings to light opportunities for technology-related career paths that students and educators are finding in the growing Esports industry. Richards explains in plain English how modern esports games like Fortnite and League of Legends, require players to manage multiple economies, respond with split-second reaction times, and communicate with groups of players like a team of navy seals. Just like Rock and Roll in the 70s, the esports movement may come as a shock to some parents and educators.
Using music and culture as examples to explain esports explosive popularity with our society’s youth, parents and educators are invited to look at games, sports, and human history in a new light. We now live a world where anyone with a high-speed internet connection has an honest chance to compete on the world esports stage. As the Esports and Education systems in place today come together to channel the excitement and energy behind competitive video gaming, there is the opportunity to create an inclusive and productive culture that can embolden today’s youth to take on the challenges our world will face in the decades to come. The good news for parents, educators, and everyone involved with esports is that this movement is a sport.
Sports are deeply embedded in our culture and history. Sports are in many ways responsible for helping generations share their identities. Richards draws on his experience with Broadcast Clubs in education to draw on collaboration and career path opportunities for students. The author draws on a recent esports tournament which included a 100% student-run broadcast team in NYC. Richards teams up with the Center for Educational Innovation Esports program along with a host of other schools to provide real-world perspectives on what is working in esports and education today. As educators continue to embrace the esports movement students will benefit from learning opportunities that are fueled by passion, excitement, and opportunity. Parents of video gamers will enjoy a recurring theme discussed in this book outlining strategies to create common ground between children, parents, and educators. Free on Kindle.
New Dad Words of Wisdom: Your Roadmap to Success For Taking Care of Your New Baby
You are now (or soon will be) a father!
Fatherhood can at first seem like a daunting prospect; after all, you want the very best for your little bundle of joy. Knowing what your new-born needs isn’t always simple but fear not – this book has you covered. New Dad Words Of Wisdom: Your Roadmap To Success For Taking Care Of Your New Baby contains all of the do’s and do-nots of parenting, to give your mini-me the very best possible start in life.
This concise guide, written and compiled by Beau Salts, a male registered nurse, tackles all of the core points of new-born child care. $0.99 on Kindle.
LISTEN! Helping Your Child Manage Their Emotions
This book will provide you with the tools and knowledge on how to help your child to manage their emotions. Managing emotions requires nurturance and cultivation in the presence of another human being; and for your child, that is you. Throughout this book, I will also offer practical applications for common situations faced by parents, as well as some parenting hacks to help you set the stage for your child’s healthy emotional growth. $0.99 on Kindle.
Free: Spark
We’re writing books together with our kids. Here’s what some parents had to say about the workshop.
“It has fed a part of my life I didn’t really realize needed feeding.”
“It’s helped me get to know Lewis better and spending protected time with him creating something together, has been absolutely priceless.”
Come join us and “Spark” creativity in your child–and you! Free on Kindle.
Raised Smart
Cheating Wife
Are you suspecting that your wife is cheating on you? Having a passionate affair with another man? Then you want to come an have a deeper look at what this book has to offer.
No matter if you feel insecure, you do not know what’s going on or how it got to that point, this book will support you in taking the best decision for YOU!
Let me guide you through the:
10 Psychological signs
10 Physiological signs
that serve as indicators for an unfaithful wife.
Infidelity is more common than ever and many men get lost in which approach to take to move on with their lives. This is why the 4 approaches are so powerful. They provide you a full spectrum of possibilities that you can cherrypick and apply so that you can turn the situation to your benefit.
The 4 approaches manifest in:
The Alpha approach
The Prince approach
The Joker approach
The Cleric approach
Each of them come with a unique method on how to turn the tide so that your life continues the way you picture it.
Do not let things fall apart without you having a saying on it. Take responsibilities and make choices that matter!
This book is meant for you. It is not meant to replace a professional therapist, nor is it meant to insult anyone. It is meant to be like a good friend talking to you, someone you trust and someone that can silently listen without judging. $2.99 on Kindle.
Cheating Wife
Are you suspecting that your wife is cheating on you? Having a passionate affair with another man? Then you want to come an have a deeper look at what this book has to offer.
No matter if you feel insecure, you do not know what’s going on or how it got to that point, this book will support you in taking the best decision for YOU!
Let me guide you through the:
10 Psychological signs
10 Physiological signs
that serve as indicators for an unfaithful wife.
Infidelity is more common than ever and many men get lost in which approach to take to move on with their lives. This is why the 4 approaches are so powerful. They provide you a full spectrum of possibilities that you can cherrypick and apply so that you can turn the situation to your benefit.
The 4 approaches manifest in:
The Alpha approach
The Prince approach
The Joker approach
The Cleric approach
Each of them come with a unique method on how to turn the tide so that your life continues the way you picture it.
Do not let things fall apart without you having a saying on it. Take responsibilities and make choices that matter!
This book is meant for you. It is not meant to replace a professional therapist, nor is it meant to insult anyone. It is meant to be like a good friend talking to you, someone you trust and someone that can silently listen without judging. $2.99 on Kindle.
Hardship and Bliss: Reflections for Mothers Who Seek Connection
Motherhood can be divinely rewarding but also extremely challenging. “Hardship and Bliss” is a collection of poems revealing the breadth of how it feels to be a mother. Magdalena Sabatino writes about this vulnerable journey, sharing joyful peak moments as well as the valleys of loneliness, exhaustion, and a crisis of identity.
The book is an invitation to consciously parent; to create deep, compassionate relationships with one’s children; and to craft lives full of meaning, joy, and peace. Magdalena’s authentic voice encourages her readers to be gentle with themselves, abandon the desire for perfection, and embrace the pleasures of being present with each other and themselves. $0.99 on Kindle.
Free: A Way Out of Anger
The Family Letter: How to Intentionally Develop a Culture of Honor, Encouragement & Value with Your Loved Ones
There is a deep longing in our hearts to be known, loved and celebrated. We want to know what value and uniqueness our life brings to this world. Unfortunately, due to the busyness of life and the impact of social media, we have lost the power of communicating those life-giving words that literally can fill the void in our hearts and our thirsty souls.
If you want to learn how to intentionally develop a culture of honor, encouragement and value with your loved ones, The Family Letter will equip you with a proven method that is both simple and powerful. It is filled with practical steps and strategies to help you understand the power of your words and will help you release them into the hearts and lives of your family and other significant relationships. The Family Letter has become a tradition in our home, and we have witnessed the transforming impact that it has had on our children, our marriage and other significant relationships in our lives. Speak life and you can change a life. It’s never too late! Creating legacy and the richness of empowering another person’s life is all found in the contents of The Family Letter. Free on Kindle.