Ever wanted to own a gun for self-defense? Ever been fascinated to learn how to shoot? This book will teach you about guns and ammunition, the dos and don’ts of ammunition, and how to load and shoot your own gun.
ADHD Symptom and Strategies
ADHD- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder- is one of the childhood disorders becoming more and more common in recent years. This is a neurobehavioral disorder, which starts to develop during childhood and may persist into adulthood. The defining characteristic of ADHD is difficulty keeping focus and attention, hyperactivity and difficulty in controlling the different behaviors.
Are you living with ADHD? Are you seeing symptoms of your child, partner, or close fried of ADHD or ADD? What is this disorder? How do you deal with it, control it, begin to learn to live with it. This book will help you with all aspects of the disorder, but most importantly it will assist you in establishing a foundation to begin the necessary steps to reduce is symptoms and to live a normal life.
Learn all the symptoms and symptoms for both children and adults. Discover your treatments options for eliminating the symptoms and controlling the disorder! Most importantly, learn how to live with ADHD with both a child or an adult. This book does not only help those with the disorder but also helps the loving people who step up and take care of those with the disorder.
Write a Step-By-Step Book
You can count on this book to give you a perfect checklist for writing your book, and a schedule outline that will show you how to break down the production of your book into manageable steps over a reasonable amount of time for producing multiple books to put out as your own personal catalogue of assets that will bring in streams of income each and every month.
Become a Better Writer, Write Faster, Write More
You will become a better writer, and a better organizer so that you can truly become a book factory. You will learn how to make those books with the kind of quality that is expected of a professional writer, and with your own style and voice, so that you can attract your own personal fan base.
Become the Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur of your dreams, and realize that you can get there faster with focused one problem, one solution, step-by-step books. Learn how to leverage what you already know, and build on that knowledge in the most creative ways. Let the author within you loose and see what your potential can really be.
0ne Rupee Film Diaries: Part 2: A Theory of Every Being
The 0ne Rupee Film Project is the name of one of the most innovative and wide-reaching crowd-funding campaign in India.
The campaign was launched on 25th February, 2012. The film (originally titled Aashmani Jawaharat aka Diamonds in the Sky) was supposed to be released in May, 2013, but, it did not. Three times release date was announced and postponed. Till date the film has not released. What’s going on?
This book is the second volume of the series that reveals the reality that DIY filmmakers face in India, no matter how innovative or creative they are or no matter how good their film is.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Your Ultimate Guide for Lasting Control
Facts you wish you knew about Irritable Bowel Syndrome and treatment that actually works. If you are looking for freedom from all your symptoms of IBS, this book gives you sensible and effective ways to control your IBS. From FODMAPs for day to day control to easy step by step guide for effective and proven long term control, this book will give you up to date information to get you on the road to living a life free from all your symptoms of IBS.
You dont have to live with this dreadful condion, this book gives you great ideas on how to start living a life without the symptoms of IBS.
Write the Darn Book
Write the Darn Book is an inspirational guide for anyone who’s ever dreamed of writing a book. Written by longtime author and journalist Mike Reuther, the book is told by someone who’s experienced the ups and downs of writing and trying to get published. Reuther makes is plain that once learning to write fast and from the heart is the key to starting and finishing any book.
0ne Rupee Film Diaries: Part 1: A Brief History of Dime
The 0ne Rupee Film Project is the name of one of the most innovative and wide-reaching crowd-funding campaign in India.
The campaign was launched on 25th February, 2012. The film (originally titled Aashmani Jawaharat aka Diamonds in the Sky) was supposed to be released in May, 2013, but, it did not. Three times release date was announced and postponed. Till date the film has not released. What’s going on?
This book is the first volume of the series that reveals the reality that DIY filmmakers face in India, no matter how innovative or creative they are or no matter how good their film is.
100 Blogs You Must Visit Before 2015
The Paleo Diet: Getting Started On A Healthy Way To Lose Weight Even A Caveman Would Love
Every year a new diet emerges claiming to be the next best thing. The newest trending diet, The Paleo Diet, is different from the rest. Ensuring a healthy lifestyle and quick weight loss, The Paleo Diet, also referred to as The Caveman Diet or The Stone Age Diet, reflects the nutritional habits of early hunters and gatherers. The Paleo Diet is based on food from the land, offering a healthy, all natural way to lose weight, with a simple model that is easy to follow.
The Paleo Diet is more of lifestyle than a diet, based on making healthy decisions and consuming foods that were a part of the diet plan of hunters and gathers:
-Wild Plants
-Animals – Fish and Grass-Fed Meats and Poultry
-Fruits and Vegetables
-Fungi and Roots
-Natural Fats (in limited quantities)
On the Paleo Diet, there is no processed food, artificial flavoring, or refined sugar. The goal is to eliminate all the unnatural, unhealthy food that society has become accustomed to eating due to a fast-paced lifestyle and the overwhelming convenience of fast food.
Buy Ashlee’s Paleo Diet Book And Get Started The Right Way