Free: Exponential Progress

Free: Exponential Progress
Authored by London-based Researcher from Imperial, Exponential Progress takes readers on a journey through over seven decades of progress, as technology has shaped and controlled everything from banking and business to education, medicine, and the very basis of the human genome. It is a must-read for anyone look to learn about fascinating emerging technologies that will disrupt our lives over the next ten years. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Doctors Are Idiots! And How You Can Smarten ‘Em Up

Free: Doctors Are Idiots! And How You Can Smarten ‘Em Up

A comical guide to getting the best possible care from doctors when you are ill. Don’t listen to doctors, listen to a patient who has seen it all and have some fun at the same time. If you’re a fan of Mad Magazine or the Dummies books, you’ll enjoy this satirical romp.

Remember that there are good doctors, even ones who act heroically, but you may run into an idiot at the worst possible time. If you’ve been sick, are going to get sick, have an ill family member, or know anyone in the world who may visit a doctor, this is the book for you (which means everybody). You will learn the ins-and-outs of our insane healthcare system and those responsible for it. Yes, that mainly would be doctors. No, not wonders in white as we were led to believe growing up, but certified and licensed idiots!

Not only will an entertaining history of the idiocy rampant in those donning white convince you to be on guard, but also lead you to believe that your medical care is up to YOU! With this trusty guide penned by a renowned expert in the field (not exactly), you’ll learn that the almighty physician is not all that mighty. You’ll be better equipped to get what you want most from doctors and hospitals: to make it back home in relative health.

Hop on for a rollicking ride to survey the centuries of not just occasional malpractice, but outright medical harm and injury to a vast number of individuals who sought nothing but relief from pain and a return to health. Enter today’s world of idiocy and learn to deal with doctors on your terms. Find out how to deal with them and their intimidating system. Realize that fate, destiny, and fortune will not cure you, but YOU and your body, with a healthy dose of the fighting spirit, will give you a much better chance of regaining health. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Blossoming of Love

Free: Blossoming of Love

Boy fairies are created in the fairy gardens and four million dragons are restored to a dimension of Earth. Move to a seat at the Joy Council and join famous figures from Earth’s History—King Arthur and his knights, Lincoln, JFK, Cleopatra, Antony, Caesar and many Native Americans—as they support the vision for our evolving world. Free on Kindle

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First Survivor

First Survivor

First Survivor is the inspiring true story of how one family’s tireless search for answers saved their son and countless others from a rare form of pediatric cancer. With the help of some of the top doctors in the world and the advocacy of his parents, Louis Unger beat a zero chance of survival diagnosis to become the First Survivor. All profits are donated to the Carrot Seed Foundation to help fund pediatric cancer research, clinical trials, pediatric oncology nursing scholarships and other causes that help families overcome the hardship of battling Neuroblastoma. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Upscaling Life: A Pragmatist’s Guide to Setting and Achieving Personal Goals

Upscaling Life: A Pragmatist’s Guide to Setting and Achieving Personal Goals
In Upscaling Life you will learn how to create a life plan and set personal goals the right way. The author developed a model for personal development based on highly successful growth models and strategies for the business world.

And every reader receives these downloadable growth models for FREE with every copy purchased.

The book explains the model for personal development in a clear, structured and practical way. Everyone at any point in their life can use these models, strategies and tips for self-growth. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Firecrackers and Chaos

Firecrackers and Chaos
The poems in this book cover the full spectrum of emotion as they play out in daily life and in the heart of each of us. $9.99 on Kindle

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Free: Path of Sweetness

Free: Path of Sweetness

Path of Sweetness hands you your own crystal ball to see the future of Earth’s evolution, and the paths leading to the destiny of your dreams.
Become part of the inner circle of the Ashtar Command, the fairy kingdom, and galactic masters such as Thoth, Osiris, Isis and Sananda who are working behind the scenes to support Earth’s elevation. Free on Kindle.

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Recycled Childhood

Recycled Childhood
Each day between four and seven kids die in the US as a result of abuse or neglect. During the quarantine, when nobody is watching, this number may go higher. What if you could save a child who is tortured, starved, imprisoned, trafficked, or pushed into the foster to prison pipeline. This book will help you get involved. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Babel – A Guide to the East-West Encounter

Free: Babel – A Guide to the East-West Encounter
Each person has a “Vector of the Mind” whose direction and magnitude can be assessed by using the questionnaire appearing in the book.
“Babel” turns us all – sons of East and West – from strangers to close friends and provides a happy end to the Biblical story in which people could not cooperate because they spoke different languages. Free on Kindle.

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Independent’s Guide to Overthrowing the Two-Party System

Independent’s Guide to Overthrowing the Two-Party System
Sick of red vs blue arguing, but don’t know what to do? Don’t give up on politics, change it for the better! This fun, easy-to-understand guidebook will give you all the nonpartisan explanations and resources you need to formulate your own political game plan to help America’s government function better and end political polarization. It’s time to feel better about politics, and think for yourself! $0.99 on Kindle.

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To Catch the Rain

To Catch the Rain
To Catch the Rain is targeted at makers- DIYers looking for practical solutions to water problems for themselves or their communities. The book also provides an excellent overview of rainwater harvesting for students and teachers in environmental science, sustainable design, international development and engineering. $0.99 on Kindle.

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The Frequency of Wealth

The Frequency of Wealth
In this first installment of the Keys To The Kingdom series, Brenton Mix illuminates the systems and processes that create true wealth. In this book you will learn how to experience more health, wealth, vitality, and joy than you ever thought possible. With proven tools and techniques, you’ll dramatically accelerate yourself into all the best that life can offer. $7.99 on Kindle.

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Falling Through the Cracks

Falling Through the Cracks

What is the one physical action that everyone who becomes infected with COVID-19 should ensure they do that I am yet to hear an infectious disease expert tell us while they explain the origins of the virus and mortality rates?

Did you know that just by being admitted to hospital the first thing you will be made to do is the very worst thing anyone can do for their health? In fact, there are many common practices in healthcare that are terrible for your health, but they are done because they are excellent for making a profit. Healthcare is first of all a business. $9.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Starlady: The True Story of Valerie and Mr Dickens: and other lifetimes spent with John Barrow

Free: Starlady: The True Story of Valerie and Mr Dickens: and other lifetimes spent with John Barrow
Valérie is a Starlady. Her mission is to speak of the sacred Aborigine Alcheringa Stone, the seven sisters of the Pleiades, the early evolution of Planet Earth and creation of the first humans. She also reveals hidden aspects of her and John’s story, such as the Egyptian Pyramids, Jesus’ family, The missing manuscript of the Cathars, The Knights Templar, Jehanne d’ Arc and Mr. Charles Dickens, to name a few. Valérie shares her guidance by her mentor and the insights into many ‘mysterious’ unexplained events throughout history.

Valérie and John came to earth as two of the 144,000 souls from the galaxy Andromeda M31, who are on this planet to assist with the raising of consciousness and its new birth into the Golden Age and to speak of the reality of other races who exist in the Star Worlds.

Earth and human lives are not what they seem. Have you thought about why you are here, and where you came from?

Life here on Earth can be magic if we make the right choices…Free on Kindle.

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Free: How To Borrow eBooks From a Public Library on Kindle

Free: How To Borrow eBooks From a Public Library on Kindle
Learn How to get Free Library Ebooks & Audio Books On Your Kindle with this Step-by-step Guide with screenshots reveals how to download Public library books & Audiobooks to your Kindle or phone without you spending a penny.

Access digital versions of books from some of the best-stocked Libraries on The USA and borrow them for free anytime you like on your Kindle device. Free on Kindle.

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Free: At Home: A Resource Guide for Parents Affected by School Closings

Free: At Home: A Resource Guide for Parents Affected by School Closings
With schools temporarily closed across the nation, parents are now finding themselves responsible for 24×7 childcare that includes education, super vigilant hygiene, meals, education, and entertainment, as well as caring for our children’s social, physical, and emotional wellbeing. Many of us have to do all this while still doing our own jobs – from home! Could you use some help?

At Home – A Resource Guide for Parents Affected by School Closings will give you tips for:

• Establishing a daily schedule
• Preschool activities and resources
• Elementary school activities and resources
• TV time
• Working successfully from home
• Activities and courses you can take online
• Taking care of yourself

This book also contains lists of the best books, TV shows, and movies for you and your children to enjoy while you’re at home, and links to 70+ educational websites, fun activities, government guidelines, and informative articles.

At Home will help you and your family survive and thrive together. Free on Kindle.

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The Official Insider Report On The American NeeGrow

The Official Insider Report On The American NeeGrow
Everything YOU NEVER KNEW about Black men, in one definitive report. What do they REALLY think about life, love, family, and relationships?

In this TELL-ALL report, Malcolm Luther King details the many UNTOLD TRUTHS about the men of his own ethnicity. Their most well kept secrets are now exposed; some of which have been hidden for generations. See price on Kindle

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Flaws Of Perfection

Flaws Of Perfection

Flaws Of Perfection is a riveting, poetic, range of emotions as a young man seeks forgiveness, repentance and evolution behind a wall that houses human flesh. Dare to live vicariously through his eyes! $12.95 on Kindle.

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Close Your Eyes Baby

Close Your Eyes Baby

Are you living with painful memories so much that your current life feels small and cluttered? You aimlessly walk around looking for answers and clarity, but nothing comes to mind. Your emotional weight holds you down and it is front and center. It directs every thought and movement throughout your day. You’re conflicted with letting it go or holding on.

The fear of letting it go scares you to death and if you do let it go, are you convincing yourself it didn’t happen? You can’t change the reality of what happened. It did. All you can do is shift your mindset. Look for the positive. How has this circumstance added to your life? What did it take away? Did you learn from it? Did you apply it in a positive way to enhance your life now? This is hard to do. Some experiences are so traumatic that it seems next to impossible to do, but you can. This book lays out trials and tribulations, not just of my life but also the trials that many of us face regularly.

My nursing background has given me an insight into the psychological issues of human interactions and how we can approach healing and inner conflicts. We have derived a huge part of our personalities through past circumstances and whether it be family dynamics, limited visions, and work relations, we need to find a productive way to cope with them. This is what I try to emphasize in this book. Practical solutions that I use (even to this day), to address them. I hope that you will find this insightful and useful to help you overcome and learn to live with life’s curveballs. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Cutting Hunger One Coupon At A Time

Cutting Hunger One Coupon At A Time

I’m Tina M. Klein, single mom of three beautiful girls that have grown up on me. After my divorce, I struggled financially like a lot of single moms sometimes having to rely on help from others to keep all the bills paid and keep food on the table. In 2008 I found the power of couponing which not only allowed me to save money for my own family but to give back to my community also. I started looking for ways to inspire others to give back to their communities also. Many of you know me as Super Coupon Woman, Follow my journey of going from a single mom to paying it forward over $100,000 in my community and going strong. I will show how you can coupon and save money that could allow you to start your own pay it forward mission. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Flying High Through the Course of Life – The Challenge: Thinking Your Way to Self-Realization

Free: Flying High Through the Course of Life – The Challenge: Thinking Your Way to Self-Realization
This book offers you a chance to soar, presenting 200 practical suggestions and guidance to a life of self-fulfillment. It may enable you to conduct yourselves in the face of the challenges life presents in the modern world in matters of parenthood, education, gender and more. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Simple Taking and Giving Tales: Short Stories

Free: Simple Taking and Giving Tales: Short Stories
A look at human behavior:

I wrote my stories because I have no one to tell them and I cannot keep my thoughts or emotions pent up.

These stories may be of interest, or even help change reality.

My stories are just parables, and the metaphor is used to understand the mechanisms of human behavior. Free on Kindle.

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Research Sub-Contractor

Research Sub-Contractor
Due to the petroleum economic revolution in Arabian Gulf Countries in the last 50 years, this region has a unique and peculiar management structure for their national research and innovation system. This book adds a value as a contribution to analyze and discover a unique national R&D system from within, which is unlike any other national system in the West or the East. The book also propose several practical management solutions to improve and re-organize the research, development, and innovation (RDI) ecosystem. The author emphasize the role of innovation to build nations. In this brief book, the author spent over a decade to develop and shape his opinions regarding the RDI system. These concepts are presented in a readily accessible non-academic style for the reader so that it can appeal to a broad audience rather than a limited group of academics. $8.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Your Beauty Advocate: A No-Nonsense Guide to Age-Defying Skincare Products and Procedures

Free: Your Beauty Advocate: A No-Nonsense Guide to Age-Defying Skincare Products and Procedures
Beauty industry overwhelm is REAL. And as time marches on, many of us wonder what the options are available to achieve a more timeless and vibrant look to our skin. In a seemingly endless world of “miracle” creams and ever trendy aesthetic procedures, you may find yourself asking “what really works and what doesn’t?”.This is where Christy Hall, PA-C, MPAS and leading expert in skincare and aesthetic medicine steps in as your beauty advocate. Through empowering you to write your own story on how you want to work with the aging process, Christy brings real world advise and straight talk to an industry that can be anything but transparent. By demystifying HOW your skin works and illuminating the different phases of aging, a pathway forward begins to emerge based on your personal goals and educated expectations. Skin health is the absolute backbone of this guidebook. From nutrition to topical procedures, you will find incredible advice for a variety of skin conditions that accompany us through the different phases of life. It’s time to stop wasting money and build confidence by learning what skincare products and procedures work… and what doesn’t. It’s time to learn why skincare ingredients matter, and why skin rejuvenation lasers and lights are invaluable. And for those interested, it’s time to learn why injectable dermal fillers and neurotoxins can be your best aesthetic investment yet. Priorities are important when creating a more timeless look, so it is vital to invest in yourself wisely. Let Your Beauty Advocate be your ally in creating the best skin of your life! Free on Kindle.

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Get Glad: Your Practical Guide To A Happier Life

Get Glad: Your Practical Guide To A Happier Life

You’ve probably read other self-help books whose programs were too difficult to implement. “Get Glad” is so simple and effective, it is delivering the happiness advantage right now to readers around the world. This life-changing, motivational book will help you in your personal growth. Even if you aren’t blessed with happy genes. It’s like having a tribe of mentors in a short, simple-to-read book. Come with us on this simple, practical step-by-step journey to answer the question: what is happiness and how do I get some of it?

What are readers saying about Get Glad? $4.99 on Kindle.

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