Stop Hoping for Success

The idea of overnight success is one that many people dream of—but many of those that do will fail. This is because success is not generally something that happens to you—it is something that you must go out and make happen.
Before you can even begin reaching your goals and moving toward success, you have to stop thinking that you can sit around, hope for the best and that someday, you will achieve some degree of success or happiness.

Once you are ready to stop thinking that you can do nothing and expect great things to be manifested in your life, you are ready to take action. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Shitolian

Shitolianblack and white drinking fountains


or so the label would suggest
and as i watch
where the waters crest

a clearness
flows through me

you see
i really understood
what these markers meant


is not dark nor dense
a reflection of my murky tint

a constant projection

of the contraptions they invent
in an attempt
to convince
the masses
that we are
of separate classes

you drink from a different spring
called white

but don’t you know
that these fountains flow
from the same pipes

which exposes the truth in life
that is always protected
through structural designs
and misleading signs
that disguise this point
for the neglected

wake up America


is always


This book is about America: today, yesterday, with hope towards tomorrow. Open it and be enlightened! Free on Kindle.

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Taking Action for a Better Tomorrow

Looking at ourselves, our governments, our societies, humanity, and the world in general, many questions and concerns may come to mind, and there may be necessary actions and responsibilities. $0.99 on Kindle.

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False Heroes: Held Hostage by Heritage

False Heroes: Held Hostage by Heritage

‘False Heroes: Held Hostage by Heritage’ is the true story of Diana, a survivor. It tells of her struggle to free herself from the bondage of her authoritative European heritage and her account of a war-ridden childhood.

Her story compels the reader to examine issues from their own past. It asks the question, “Can we be held prisoners within our own souls?” This book is about reconciling the past with the present in one’s life. A liberating experience, it spans continents and conflicts. It resonates with the strength one can find in the midst of adversity, challenges and despair. It’s about forging forward despite all odds, fighting for identity and freedom from a heritage that holds one hostage, as well as the chains within ones soul. $7.25 on Kindle.

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World Futuristic

World Futuristic
This is about a vision I had about the Future and it’s very futuristíc. $3.99 on Kindle.

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Free: (Un)changing Education

(un)changing education
I’ve heard it a thousand times before. Somethings wrong with education. But how do you fix something when you don’t know what is broken in the first place?

The world is changing rapidly, while public education is seemingly lagging behind in an era increasingly reliant on innovation. Students feel unprepared to face the everyday challenges of life where personal competences far outweigh the traditional benefits of a classical education. Schools largely seem content to stick to traditional values while reforms are more concerned with refining the old ways rather than committing to substantial changes.

It is never going to be enough to treat the symptoms without first identifying the underlying problems at its core. Instead of finding answers to the wrong questions we need to find the right questions to ask in the first place. In the end, at the heart of every question the solutions lie in committing to a drastic paradigm change. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Protecting TROY: Breaking the Chain of Child Abuse

Free: Protecting TROY: Breaking the Chain of Child Abuse
David Vogel has been working to improve the lives of children through the Public Education System for nearly twenty years. He lives in southwest Florida with his wife and co-author, Melora Vogel. They have raised three children together and they have recently become grandparents to Jameson Troy Pitts. Free on Kindle.

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Green Pastures

Green Pastures
In the book I write about stressful relations with men, friends, and family. Mainly my embarrassing father, which I am ashamed, to admit he is. Which leads to a slew of unhealthy interactions with men. Plus an abusive interracial romantic relationship with a Spanish man. $7.25 on Kindle.

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Green Pastures

Green Pastures
In the book I write about stressful relations with men, friends, and family. Mainly my embarrassing father, which I am ashamed, to admit he is. Which leads to a slew of unhealthy interactions with men. Plus an abusive interracial romantic relationship with a Spanish man. $7.25 on Kindle.

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Seven Easy Actions You Can Take to Protect the Environment: Guide to lowering your carbon footprint

Seven Easy Actions You Can Take to Protect the Environment: Guide to lowering your carbon footprint
After reading this guide (not book), you’ll agree that we all can protect the environment. The goal is to share an easy approach to this matter, by focusing on some basic common sense actions, that we can take right now, without dramatically changing our way of life. $3.99 on Kindle.

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Free: 523 Hard To Believe Facts

Free: 523 Hard To Believe Facts
An educational and entertaining collection of unbelievable facts! Whether you’re interested in uncovering truths about animals, history, or popular culture, you’ll be sure to learn some fascinating trivia.

Which was the first country to give citizenship to a robot? Is the dark side of the Moon always dark? What is the Sismo Detector? Discover the answers to these seemingly random questions and more!

Also available as an audiobook! Free on Kindle.

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The Secret to the Secret

The Secret to the Secret

The reasons why the bestselling book “The Secret” and other new age claims have led us to failure. What is true, what is not and how we can manifest the better part of ourselves through this thing called attraction.

This book is a critique of the well-known best seller, “The Secret.” as well as the genre of new age in general. The book identifies why “The Secret” did not give people the results they hoped for and also identifies what “it” is and how to get it. The book will answer many questions regarding the subject as previous titles have not. This serves a guide to being what you want as opposed to just getting what you want, which in turn gets us what we want. $1.99 on Kindle

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The Broken Pillars of Society: The Empowerment of Man

The Broken Pillars of Society: The Empowerment of Man
Throughout the journey of The Broken Pillars of Society: the empowerment of man, the Author, A.A. Pearson promises to empower you and human race. The author teaches the true significance behind being human, he further teaches the secrets of pursuing the path of enlightenment. As the reader progresses through the books content, they will learn of the real problems that the human race face within the 21st century. The finale of the book presents tangible solutions that would facilitate the idea of World Peace to become a true reality. The content of this book is divided into three easily digestible volumes which can be complete at the readers leisure. You will gain knowledge and insight in a multitude of subject areas; the Author attempts to assist a shift your philosophical perception utilizing a mass of evidence in support of his interesting ideas and approach to life itself. $5.00 on Kindle.

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Free: Dream Physics

Free: Dream Physics

“Dream Physics” a book about science, consciousness and lucid dreaming. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Learning to Let Go and Grow

Free: Learning to Let Go and Grow

100 encouraging affirming messages to support you on your life journey. Free on Kindle.

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Free: The Labyrinth Key

Free: The Labyrinth Key
Fifteen years ago, 8-year-old Ethan Jones watched a stranger bury something in the mining ruins of the Rhyolite Desert, Nevada.

Even at his young age, he knew what he’d just seen was important.

In present day, a US Navy SEAL takes refuge in a secret chamber beneath the ancient streets of Syria and discovers an unusual stone artifact, like nothing he’d ever seen before.

When news of the discovery reaches Sam Reilly, he is forced to return to his past, where his search for the Master Builders originated – and complete a mission he’d hoped could have stayed unfinished. Free on Kindle.

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Free: I Was Just a Radioman

Free: I Was Just a Radioman
Their hearts were strong, and their courage endless.

Pearl Harbor survivor, Black Cat radioman, and decorated WW 2 veteran. ARM H. P. Lawrence, tells the true story of the fight against the Japanese in this compilation of his memoirs.

One of only a handful of non-Native American code-talkers, H. P. Lawrence became a member of an elite fighting force, the Black Cats. Flying in their nocturnal missions, the Cats claws were sharp and their aim deadly.

From devastation to victory, the story of these brave men, the deadly, mysterious, and elusive Black Cats is a journey into the past where nightmares came true and hatred reigned. A time in history we should never, ever forget.

The day which will live in infamy…was just the beginning. Free on Kindle.

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Zodiac Signs: Characteristics in Relationships, Love, and Career

Zodiac Signs: Characteristics in Relationships, Love, and Career

Addictive. Amusing. Captivating. Read. Learn. Apply. Manifest. Care. Share. Enjoy.

“Zodiac Signs is a fantastic book for newbies like me because it tells you everything you want to know about each sign, without going into overwhelming detail.” — Amazon Reviewer

“Clever and detailed” —

“It contains a variety of sections, including the different zodiac signs, crystal types and their uses, chakra descriptions, Vedic astrology, numerology and even a few short stories about personal enlightenment. It is an interesting read for those that are searching to understand their place in the universe.” — $2.99 on Kindle.

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Free: O Beloved: Being, Becoming and Beyond

Free: O Beloved: Being, Becoming and Beyond
In today’s hyperconnected world, human consciousness remains hijacked by the made-up frameworks—social, commercial, political, and religious. As a result, our living experience is driven, designed, and defined by a cosmetic self, always busy in responding to the demands of this world culture. In this way, the entire journey of life shrinks into a resume of material achievements at the cost of bypassing the existential experiences which are deeply meaningful and life-enriching. Mostly, the efforts to look beyond the web of routine life are academic, abstract, and off the real ground. Therefore, ordinarily, we deprioritize exploring our existential connection, thinking that either they are non-valuable or non-achievable. Ultimately, looking inward to realize our existential consciousness becomes a luxury of philosophers or monks; and does not get appreciation in the mainstream, among masses. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Undivided Attention: Learning To Deepen Togetherness In Your Relationship

Free: Undivided Attention: Learning To Deepen Togetherness In Your Relationship
Do you feel like you and your partner don’t seem to be close anymore?
Do you long for the early days of your relationship when you felt like you were so in love?
Do you want to feel like that again?

If you want to get the magic back in your loving relationship, this book can help you do just that.
Spending time giving your partner your undivided attention is central to deepening any love relationship, but your idea of undivided attention might seem daunting to you or your partner. However, not only is it something critical to keeping your love alive, it is something you can do fairly easily!

In this book, I’ll give you a thorough explanation of what undivided attention means and how it can save your relationship. Then, I’ll go into an in-depth explanation of the many different ways you can give your partner your focused attention. By spending time focused on one another, you can deepen your love, understanding, and respect for your partner.

Specifically, the techniques in this book will help you with the following:

Understanding the reason why your undivided attention is such a gift to your partner;
Gaining an in-depth understanding of how undivided attention is defined;
How to express your love through focused time spent with your partner;
Various suggestions for spending time together;
Identifying your and your partner’s preferences for time with each other;
Exercises to discover both of your focused time preferences.

These exercises can help strengthen and deepen your love relationship.
And, you’ll come to understand both yourself and your partner in ways you never knew were possible.
If you want to rejuvenate your love for one another and deepen your connection, the techniques in this book can help you do just that.
There’s nothing like a strong, deep love connection to make you feel on top of the world, and there’s no time like the present to get that back–act now to start giving your undivided attention to the one you love the most! Free on Kindle.

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Free: Path of Sweetness: Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution (The Joy Chronicles Book 1)

Free: Path of Sweetness: Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution (The Joy Chronicles Book 1)
Enjoy your front row seat as you take in information about the future of Earth shared by an Ashtar Commander, Isis, Osiris, Thoth, Gaia and many others who are overseeing Earth’s evolution. Energetically hop aboard an Ashtar Command spaceship and add your hopes and dreams to the elevating transmissions sent to Earth. Path of Sweetness hands you your own crystal ball to see the future of Earth’s evolution, and the paths leading to the destiny of your dreams. Free on Kindle.

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Whispers: Poetry Volume II

Whispers: Poetry Volume II
What happens when you hear whispers? Looking around you think that you got away. But they are in your head. They tell you how bitter your life is. Constantly reminding you of the past you cannot run away from. As you grow the ‘Whispers’ are becoming more and more louder, screaming in your ear about all the missed chances in your life. About how broken you really are. They drive you insane. And you don’t know what the truth is any more. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Socially Distanced: Voices of a Teacher and Her Students During a World Pandemic

Free: Socially Distanced: Voices of a Teacher and Her Students During a World Pandemic
With less than a day’s notice, every teacher across the globe was forced to drastically change the entire teaching and learning system of public and private school as we know it. Students, teachers, and parents around the world were quarantined, stores closed, restaurants boarded up. Life became measured by a “6 foot socially-distanced” norm. However, for children locally and internationally, this instantaneous call to action silenced their needs, locked up their hopes, and felt as if their world had come to an end. This book is the collection of stories from a class of students and their teacher who recorded their thoughts and experiences navigating through the world’s COVID-19 pandemic of 2020.

Trace the social-emotional journey of this class of fifth-grade students and their teacher as they learn to navigate how to deal with the effects of the coronavirus on public education in America. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Organic Gardening for Beginners. Basic Guide.

Free: Organic Gardening for Beginners. Basic Guide.
Are you considering getting into the fascinating and rewarding world of organic gardening? Are you looking for a healthier lifestyle for you and your family? Do you think growing your own organic food is too hard or takes too long? Are you new in the fascinating world of organic gardening and want to learn the basics to set your plot? Are you an experienced gardener who wants to step into organic? Do you want to become a professional organic gardener? If the answers are yes, this is just the right book for you!

In “A Basic Guide to Organic Gardening” you will learn the basics that will allow you to set your own natural garden using natural products. This easy-to-understand book focuses on everything you need to know about organic gardening from scratch. Free on Kindle.

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Write Your Short Story

Write Your Short Story
Not sure how to begin a short story? Let me help you! After a quick introduction to short stories and their elements, you’ll find tips on short story writing and a list of 101 ideas for your next short story. They are grouped in three categories: situations, first sentence and last sentence. $0.99 on Kindle.

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