Remodel Your Kitchen Without Going Bonkers or Broke

Remodel Your Kitchen Without Going Bonkers or Broke

They say the KITCHEN is the HEART of the home. But is your heart broken?

Remodel Your Kitchen! teaches a simple, step-by-step method to plan and coordinate a stress-free kitchen renovation that meets your needs and leaves you smiling.

After all, everyone deserves a kitchen they love and are proud to show off! $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Crochet For Beginners Bundle Pack

Crochet For Beginners Bundle Pack
This book will guide you from a total crochet beginner with step-by-step instructions, illustrations and help you advance to making beautiful crochet patterns for beginners ranging from amigurumi, baby blankets, mugs, hats and many more! Free on Kindle.

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Free: Easy Crocheting Patterns For Beginners

Easy Crocheting Patterns For Beginners
Easy Crocheting Patterns For Beginners is the right crochet pattern books for you as we have included a huge variety of patterns with step-by-step guides so you will not get lost in between steps. Popular crochet patterns afghans, baby blankets, amigurumi and many more have been included as well! Free on Kindle.

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Free: DIY Quick Cleaning Hacks

DIY Quick Cleaning Hacks
Your Complete 7-Day Guide for Speed Cleaning Your Home, Eliminating Clutter and Reducing Unneeded Stress. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Modern Minimalism

Modern Minimalism
This book will take you through the world of minimalism where less is more. You will learn how you can move from the consumer mind-set you to a new path where what really matters is genuine happiness, deep joy and the relationships you have with others. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Hydroponics

Hydroponics : The Complete Beginner's Guide Step by Step How to Grow Hydroponics Herbs and Vegetables at home in less space
Learn about the basics of hydroponic gardening and start growing vegetables and herbs in your home with less space! Awaken to the joy and satisfaction of having freshly grown vegetables and herbs right in your own home. Free on Kindle.

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Free: DIY Ideas At Home

In this book you find some creative ideas on how to use old, unwanted and recyclable items to make new decorations such as vases, art, ornaments and more. Have fun turning that junk into something pretty. Free on Kindle.
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Summer Vacationing Kids

summer-vacationing-kidsSchool is out for the summer and so are Annie’s Kids! You can join them as they play make believe, jump, run, surf, swim and enjoy the summer sunshine. You’ll find dozens of mix and match summer kid characters and outdoor activity themed art created from Annie’s Kit Flying Kids, Seaside Kids, Ice Cream Kids, Surfing Kids and Vacationing Kids collection of images. 
Simply trace any of the fun design linework patterns from this workbook and then transfer the image onto your project surface to make outstanding personalized items with professional results 

Whether you’re a seasoned artisan or simply looking for delightfully whimsical designs to satisfy your creative urges, you’ll find 40 pages of themed designs you can use over and over again. Pages feature lineart pattern designs with small color samples to use for your decorative painting, paper crafting, scrapbooking and needleart projects… all are hand rendered images by Annie Lang! The images in this book are intended for personal, classroom and small resale business use to create individually crafted items. 

This 40 page publication features linework of kids playing games and enjoying their favorite outdoor activities, mix and match kid item motifs, kids with kites, surfboarding kids and swimmer kids enjoying underwater adventures. Designs can be colored with paint, color pencils, inks, markers, chalks, etc

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Electric Cars

electric-carsMillions of people have already made the switch from traditional engine cars to electric cars and many are switching daily. This book goes into the origin of electric cars, the different types of electric cars, as well as the positive and negative aspects. By investing in this book, you can get a grasp of which electric cars to look into and which ones to stay away from.