Presented through a queer lens, “The Black Jewel” follows Diamond Amadeus, a double minority who struggles to find his footing in college. His life is flipped upside down when he encounters a stranger named Vassago who takes him on a metaphysical journey to the enchanted world of Ardis. Diamond and Vassago must fight side by side to uncover family secrets and to prevent the destruction of Ardis along with Earth $9.99 on Kindle.
The Black Jewel
Love, Schemes and Murder Scenes
Love is to be showed not told. However, what do you do in a world where love does not exist?
Doeboy has to figure this out and much more after serving 3 years in prison. While back on the streets curb serving, his buddy tells him of a business plan to turn his trap money into legitimate money.
Meanwhile sparks fly between Doe and Sharee. However this doesn’t sit well with Reese, her baby daddy. In order for Doeboy to finance his business venture he has to work side by side with Reese distributing bricks supplied by Doeboys older cousin Karon.
Soon after he launches his own company along with his street buddy in the sex industry dealing with models, pornography and escorts. Unfortunately, the game does not let him go that easily. His cousin, Karon, finds himself in a murderous turf war and deplores Doeboys help against an enemy that is always one step ahead. Not willing to turn his back on family, Doe reluctantly puts his life on the line.
Now faced with the challenges of lust, backstabbing, money and death; Doeboy struggles to stay out of jail while dealing with Love, Schemes and Murder Scenes… $9.99 on Kindle
Christmas with an Alaskan Man
She is the woman of his dreams, but she has a secret that could tear them apart.
Jazmine Campbell is a therapist, but that doesnt mean she never struggles with sharing her feelings. In fact, theres one thing she never told anyone since admitting it out loud is too painful. Years ago, her doctor told her she cant have children, and although it rips her up inside, she lets everyone think she doesnt have a husband and children because shes too focused on her career.
Clay Drover may look like a mountain man, but he has a few surprises up his sleeve, one being he owns a huge house and is financially set for life. His lonely childhood makes him long for a family of his own, and he knows just the woman to share his life with.
When Jazmine flies out to Alaska for her cousins Christmas wedding, she and Clay are thrust together once again. Will Clay be able to convince her to lower her guard? Or will her secret divide them once and for all? $0.99 on Kindle.
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My Big Greek Family
A heart-warming, humorous, family saga set in London where traditions are challenged as three sisters embark on a journey of self-discovery in the quest for happiness and love.
Georgina and her sisters, Katherina and Sophia, reach a crossroad in their lives; they know there is a price to pay for being the women they want to be as opposed to the women they are expected to be according to Greek culture and tradition. Will they be prepared to pay the price, especially when love unexpectedly knocks on the door? A last-minute holiday to Greece challenges the sisters’ bond as secrets unravel and hidden emotions finally surface on the veranda of their holiday retreat… $0.99 on Kindle.
Winging It!: Confessions of an Angel in Training
Archangel Michael isn’t happy about Angel in Training, Grace Lightbourne’s, special assignment, but Grace is convinced she’s on a fast track to her wings. Besides, how hard can it be? She’s working with humans, after all.
“Winging It!” is the first book in the Angel in Training series, an irreverent and light-hearted take on Angels, Heaven and everything else that’s divine.
Free: Charles (Danforth Hall)
This saga follows the tumults of the Danforth family as they navigate the complex world of upper crust British life. The pressures from outside and the dysfunction within. The bids for freedom. The prices paid for breaking ranks. And just how far Lord and Lady Danforth will go to make sure they all remain tethered to the mighty, uncompromising, soul-destroying Danforth Hall. Free on Kindle.