Conscious Calm: Keys to Freedom from Stress and Worry

concious-calmStress relief can be elusive. With stress and anxiety so common, many people worry too much and wish the stress relief tips they’ve tried would work better. But while there is plenty of real, external stress, there is also what we do on the inside with stress, often without noticing it. Conscious Calm: Keys to Freedom from Stress and Worry reveals the internal world of stress and lasting stress management. This practical book describes the internal stress traps you can fall into without even knowing it, and shows you how to get free from those traps for good. Combining psychology and wisdom from both East and West in clear, accessible language, psychologist Dr. Laura Maciuika describes 9 Stress Secrets that keep you stuck in stress and worry cycles, and reveals 9 Keys to Conscious Calm, with simple steps for lasting, natural stress relief.

This book also includes a free, downloadable Action Steps guide to help you transform stress and worry into greater calm, inner peace and happiness.

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Growing Organic Berries

growing-organic-berriesHave you tried growing your own berries before and failed? Are you looking for the easiest and straight-to-the-point, no-fluff guide to master your own berry garden?

Even if you’re completely new to gardening or a beginner to growing berries, this ultimate guide with get you up and growing your own mouth-watering berries right at your home while saving you tons of money on store bought items that lack the taste and satisfaction naturally home grown berries have to offer. What’s even better?

These are all natural organic methods to growing your own berries so that means they are sure to provide the maximum health benefits to keep your immune system at its best.

Inside you’ll find the blueprint to growing the most common types of berries right in your own backyard.

Evernote: Evernote Essentials

evernote-essentialsIn “Evernote Essentials” you’ll discover how to make Evernote an essential part of your everyday life. This book doesn’t just tell you what to do with Evernote, but it actually shows you how to do it with examples, screenshots and more.
Not only will you learn the basics of this tool, you’ll also get a framework to develop the “Evernote Habit” for organizing your daily activities and you’ll also discover a wide range of advanced tools and tactics.

Happy: The 10 Best Ever Ways To Live The Happiest Life Possible

happyThis book contains proven steps and strategies on how you would be able get happiness and live your life happily.
(With the help of this book, you would learn more about happiness, what exactly it means, why it is essential for everyone and ways to get happiness in your life).

Wedding Planning on a Budget

wedding-planning-on-a-budgetThe number of wedding taking place every year is increasing, but these days, most couples don’t have the funds to plan the wedding they always dreamed of. This book was written to assist every bride and groom who needs to plan their big on a budget, including advice on, locations, reception options, catering, photography, guest services, the dress, the groom’s tux, the gifts, the cake, the best man and maid of honor, and ultimately, the wedding ceremony itself. Your special day does not have to look cheap or be a nerve-wracking experience, even if you have a number of people whom you want to invite. It is the most important day of your life, after all, and you will want everything to be perfect.

Beauty Products for Beginners

beauty-products-for-beginnersBasically, an essential oil contains aroma compounds found in plants. They are extracted from plants and are often fragrant or have distinctive scents that set them apart from artificial oils and products. Distillation is often the process done in order to extract oils from plants. Steam is essential in being able to get the oils out of the plants and in being able to preserve them well. Throughout history, essential oils have been used for a variety of reasons, such as for medicinal and aesthetic purposes.

Using essential oils in beauty products is ideal because they come from plants, which means that they are natural and there are no side effects to using them. Using essential oils is also a form of aromatherapy. Plus, being able to create your own beauty products with the help of different essential oils would be so much fun. Aside from being able to use the products on your own, you may also sell them to your friends and colleagues.

Start reading this book now and create your very own natural beauty products!


fearlessYou’re about to discover how to…
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how you would be able to become a fearless person in all aspect of your life.
(With the help of this book, you would learn more about fearless people, why is it necessary to be a fearless person).


osteoporosisThis book contains proven steps and strategies on how to deal with osteoporosis. This book also shares in-depth knowledge on the causes, kinds, and symptoms of osteoporosis, as well as its prevention, management and being free of it. All salient factors on osteoporosis are found in this book.

Quick Meditations

quick-meditationsWouldn’t you love to create greater self-empowerment in your life, becoming a master of your mind rather than a slave to its every impulse? Have you tried meditation to relax but still have trouble with over-thinking?

Well, that’s what minds do, so relax. Give yourself the gift of meditation and read Quick Meditations: Anytime, Anywhere Meditations from 5-Seconds to 5-Minutes to pick techniques that resonate with you.

How to Resolve Bullying in the Workplace

how-to-resolve-bullying-in-the-workplaceBullying in the workplace is an increasingly present phenomenon within relationships at work. However, the need to prove that bullying has occurred before action can be taken is an immediate obstacle to moving forward in difficult workplace relationships. The ambiguity and subjectivity associated with the concept of bullying becomes an obstacle to creating more effective responses to their situation for all involved in difficult workplace relationships.

Those who feel bullied, those who are accused of bullying and those who manage such situations can be distracted from attempts to resolve the situation by the subjectivity and confusion associated with the need for ‘proof’. As a result a circle of blame will often arise that leaves all involved dissatisfied with the outcome – if a clear outcome is even possible.

This book recounts the experiences of the author, who works as a mediator and conflict coach, in which he has seen work colleagues involved in bullying allegations find ways of resolving their difficulties through a focus on discussing the detail of the behaviours involved in the situation rather than simply focus on proving bullying has or has not occurred.

The ‘one size fits all’ concept of bullying is usually inadequate as a description of the experiences of those involved in broken working relationships and the accusations and counter-accusations tend to maintain the broken relationship rather than mend it.

The book gives examples of dialogues that can occur, distilled from real-life discussions, that focus on creating more effective working relationships instead of allocation of blame, seeking retribution and retaliation.

The hypocrisy and ultimate ineffectiveness of traditional approaches to allegations of bullying is addressed from the start and the combative and retaliatory language associated with most literature about the topic is highlighted as an indication of how the phenomenon of bullying is self-perpetuating when it is responded to and discussed in this way.

The Minimalist Prepper

the-minimalist-prepperTEOTWAWKI – The End of the World As We Know It. This acronym is meant to bring chills down your spine. It encompasses any man-made, natural and even supernatural disaster that can bring the end to the pampered lives we’ve led. Goodbye electricity, hot water, sanitation, technology, secured homes. Hello campfire cooking, homesteading, food preservation, hunting, etc. Do I believe it will happen? No. Am I in denial? Maybe, because just the thought of such a world overwhelms with me so much anxiety that I literally want to put a pillow over my head and scream “NO!!!” at the top of my voice.

So why am I prepping? Because I am realistic enough to know that disasters can happen when you least expect them. And when they do come, you have to be at least basically prepared to survive till things go back to normal.

A while ago, for example, Southern California experienced an earthquake of 4.4 magnitude. California experiences, on the average, about 10,000 earthquakes, big and small, every year. This one, though, happened on an early Monday morning and its epicenter was close to Los Angeles. It is very difficult to maintain your equilibrium when the earth is rumbling and your walls are trembling at 6 in the morning.

I thought I was the only one unhinged by the experience. It turns out that it was so unnerving to Los Angelenos that even the city was alarmed and moved to finally do something in terms of earthquake preparedness. The city officials and the entire city have been in denial even after the Northridge quake that caused damages of over $20 Billion. Not anymore.

If an entire city can be so neglectful about its preparations for a disaster, it’s easy to see why so many people are overwhelmed by the idea of prepping that they’d rather not think about it and instead say a little prayer for safety.

This book is about prepping the Zen way. It’s meant for people who don’t necessarily believe that a calamity will strike but would like to prepare in a minimal way, “just in case.”

As an update, another stronger earthquake hit L.A. once again, barely two weeks after the last one. Two quakes in less than a month. What are the odds?

Whatever they are, don’t take any chances. Prepping doesn’t have to be an all-out, full-blown, must-build-my-bunker approach. One step at a time. Slowly, calmly, in harmony with everything else in your life and environment.

Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors and Photo Filters!

shazaamThe easiest and fastest way to give your photographs that professional look is through using reflectors and filters. It is easy to do and far more effective than you might imagine. “Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors And Photo Filters!” will show you everything you need to know to give your photography that WOW factor you’ve been looking for.

Your Words, Your Story

your-words-your-storyIn Your Words, Your Story, Cynthia Harrison, draws on 30 years of teaching the art, craft, and bumps along the journey of becoming a writer. Step-by-step instructions and exercises help YOU find your story. Also updated publishing info for when the masterpiece is complete.

Life Is But a Dream

life-is-but-a-dreamJust follow the steps introduced in the books, you will be able to fulfill your dream and live a fruitful and joyful life.

Magic of Public Speaking

the-magic-of-public-speakingI developed the Magic of Public Speaking system based on the techniques utilized by the best 1,000 speakers in the modern world. As a result, the methods presented will work 100% of the time!

In this book, you will get very practical and simple instruction on how to create a speech that will keep your audience on the edge of their seats each and every time you speak. The Magic of Public Speaking did wonders for me, it did wonders for everybody who learned it, and it will do wonders for you!

How To Cure Backache Caused By Disc Problems

how-to-cure-backache-caused-by-disc-problemsOne of the largest causes of missed work – IN THE WORLD – is back problems.

Here is how you can finally do something about back issues – without surgery.

How To Pose… Legs

how-to-poseIt is amazingly simple to dramatically improve your photographs – and just as easy to ruin them!

One of the key elements is how you pose your subjects.

“How To Pose…Legs” is an area, not often discussed, that can have a huge impact! Check it out…

How to get Immigration Visa,Green Card,and Citizenship toUSA

How-To-Get-Immigration-Visa-GreenCard-Citizenship-to-USAAn easy to read and follow How To book to immigrate to the US with a visa, green card or how to receive citizenship.

The Ultimate Minecraft All-In-One Guide

The-Ultimat-Minecraft-All-In-One-GuideFrom the super successful authors of various Minecraft books, strategy guides and novels, here comes the Ultimate Minecraft Bible – the mother of all Minecraft books. “The Ultimate Minecraft All-In-One Guide” has every single known and unknown tip and trick, basic and advanced strategies and other secrets that will make you master the game in no time. Right from getting through the first day and night on Minecraft, to Mining, building amazing structures and buildings to fighting mobs to using Seeds, Skins, Redstones and Mods, you have it all in this volume.

This is your ONE book to everything there is to know about the Minecraft game. Read, learn to play and become an expert on Minecraft in a jiffy!!

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