Empath and Psychic Abilities

Empath and Psychic Abilities
If you feel overwhelmed by the thoughts and feelings of others creeping into your own experience, this book will help you sort out which feelings are yours and which aren’t. The exercises and techniques throughout this book will help you feel peace and empowerment even if you’re in a room full of strangers. You will learn to sharpen your psychic skills (if you’re an empath, you likely have some psychic skills) from applying the various techniques here, and you will gain a sense of clarity as you take control of your thoughts, feelings, and future. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: The Sweet Spot: The Moments That Can Transform An Ordinary Life…Into An Extraordinary Experience

The Sweet Spot: The Moments That Can Transform An Ordinary Life...Into An Extraordinary Experience
“The Sweet Spot” is a book of stories. Not the stuff found in a novel, but real life experiences.

Though we measure time in the hours, days and years…our lives are really more about the moments. It’s in the best of those moments where a fuller meaning and appreciation of one’s life can be uncovered. The sweet spots.

Are you here by happenstance…or is there a greater meaning and purpose to this existence? We have all been born and one day we will all die. In the end what will this experience mean for you?

Join the author on a reflective journey that will eventually take you to a very special place. The moments where you experienced the love, laughter and tears of this thing we call life. Free on Kindle.
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Fulfilled: The Passion & Provision Strategy for Building a Business with Profit, Purpose & Legacy

Fulfilled: The Passion & Provision Strategy for Building a Business with Profit, Purpose & Legacy
Running a business can be discouraging, overwhelming, and lonely. Everything looks good from the outside, but on the inside, you’re struggling to take your business to the next level while still living your best life. What you need is a holistic strategy for running a stable company that makes money and allows you to sleep well at night.

This might seem like a fairy tale, but it’s not. After years of research and honing their strategies, Kathryn and Michael K. Redman have developed a framework that offers you the dream with the means of implementation. There are no magic pills or silver bullets in Fulfilled—just the promise of transformation with hard work and patience.

Fulfilled unpacks the six core areas of business and offers a clear plan for overcoming the challenges you’ll face, all with the aim of helping you build a Passion & Provision company. If you want to be financially successful, experience meaningful work, and lead a business you can be proud of, Fulfilled offers the roadmap to get you there. $9.99 on Kindle.
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Set Good Boundaries: Where You Stop, And I Begin

Set Good Boundaries: Where You Stop, And I Begin
Who is really in control of your life?

Do you ever struggle to strike a balance between your needs and doing things for others? Does conflict-avoidant behavior make you feel submissive to a family member or friend? Does it ever feel like you are sacrificing your inner peace and disregarding the things that light your fire for someone else’s sake?

Set Good Boundaries is the essential handbook that teaches you how to set boundaries in existing relationships and start off on the right foot as you develop new ones.

Exercises connect you with your core needs and train you to set boundaries naturally and effortlessly. You have the potential to enrich every relationship in your life, and this book will help you tap into that power.

If you are struggling with a toxic relationship, feel overwhelmed and stressed because of all the obligations in your life, or just plain can’t say “no” without feeling guilty, this book is for you.
$0.99 on Kindle.
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Decluttering Your Life In A Year Or Less!

Decluttering Your Life In A Year Or Less!
3 Books In 1 – For everyone tired of looking at the mess in their living situation, do you want to regain back control over your Home, mind, digital life and social media? So you can have a more focused and enjoyable life? Do you like annual plans, practical exercises, free printables, worksheets, checklists and step-by-step blueprints to reach your goals? $5.99 on Kindle.
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You Can Turn This Around, A Memoir: How I Learned To Become My Own Fairy Godmother

You Can Turn This Around, A Memoir: How I Learned To Become My Own Fairy Godmother

With a Spanish father and Scottish mother, Lazara grew up between both countries, gaining powerful insights into the differences in people’s thought patterns and behaviors across cultures from a very early age.

A traumatic childhood and adolescence led to the realization that we each hold the power within ourselves to create an amazing life of abundance.

This personal story is one of hope and transformation. In it, Lazara shares how she turned tragic events and circumstances into a life of abundance, love, and joy. And how you can do the same… $0.99 on Kindle.
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Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 60

Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 60
Want Your Sixties to Be More Vibrant and Energy-filled? You’ve tried countless diets and know they don’t deliver lasting results. You know that a lifestyle change is needed, one that works for your body, schedule, and phase of life. INTERMITTENT FASTING FOR WOMEN OVER 60 is the simple solution. We can blame menopause, age, and a sedentary lifestyle for a lack of energy, brain fog, and weight gain, but it isn’t too late to reshape our bodies and minds to feel and look younger. I really struggled in my fifties with my health and as my sixties approached, and problems with hypertension and pre-diabetes plagued my life. My health improved drastically when I learned about and started intermittent fasting, and yours can too!


· The benefits of intermittent fasting

· Choosing a method that works for you

· Tools and strategies for success

· Managing common challenges

· 21-day meal plan and recipes

· Simple exercises to supercharge weight loss and improve well-being

· And so more!

This book is for anyone struggling to improve their lifestyle. Whether you are retired, still working, or raising kids (and grandkids), the strategies described in this book will set the stage for a healthy transformation. You may have tried other diet plans, but we’ve included useable tools that will help you stay on track and accountable to the most important person – YOU!

Just click on “BUY NOW” to discover the incredible way intermittent fasting can improve your life. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Break Your Burnout Cycle: A Woman’s Five-Step Guide To A Thriving Career Journey

Break Your Burnout Cycle: A Woman’s Five-Step Guide To A Thriving Career Journey

Burnout doesn’t have to be the sacrifice you make to achieve success.

Burnout has become so prevalent, that one in three women has considered downshifting roles, or leaving the workforce altogether.

If you are one of these women, know that you can recover from burnout and stay out of it for good!

Want to find out how?

Get your copy of Break Your Burnout Cycle Free on Kindle.
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Free: Reinventing Your BadAss Self: A Manual to Rewriting the Script of Your Life, Anytime You Choose

Reinventing Your BadAss Self: A Manual to Rewriting the Script of Your Life, Anytime You Choose
Have you ever…Woke up one day and realized that you are like a hamster in a cage reliving the script that you play in your head over and over again. Day after day, month after month, year after year and you are sick and tired of getting nowhere in this “Game of Life”?

Are you destined to live a mediocre life forever? Don’t you want more out of life? Have you given up on your dreams? I know I did for a while… Aren’t you tired of giving and giving until you have nothing left for yourself? Do you feel energetically drained, emotionally distressed, spiritually disconnected, physically exhausted and financially bankrupt? Then it’s time to rewrite and Reinvent that BadAss Self of Yours today!!! Free on Kindle.
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A Beginners Guide To Organizing Your Life: Relax and Unwind with an Organized House, Life, and Mind

A Beginners Guide To Organizing Your Life: Relax and Unwind with an Organized House, Life, and Mind
Is your life too much to handle on a daily basis?

A sane and organized life is about a lot more than just organizing your home. It’s about making better use of each moment from when you wake up to when you go to bed. It’s about knowing what you need to do next and having the discipline to follow through effortlessly.

When you organize your life, the rewards go beyond clean shelves and easy-to-spot files. A well-organized life is logical and productive and gives us more time to do what we really want.

Is it hard for you to even think about getting organized?

Organizing your life is about having less stress and more time for the things that matter most. A Beginners Guide To Organizing Your Life : Relax and Unwind with an Organized House, Life, and Mind by Kristen Willet will help you find, remove, and organize the clutter in your life so that you can focus on what matters most.

Are you trying to accept clutter as a way of life?

Organizing your life can be a liberating experience, and this book will help you find—and remove—the clutter weighing you down. A Beginners Guide To Organizing Your Life : Relax and Unwind with an Organized House, Life, and Mind will teach you how to declutter your life and make better use of the resources available to you.

Are you worried this book will be another failed attempt at organizing your life?

Everyone could use some organization in their lives. Whether you’re a student with mountains of homework or a busy professional with errands to run, life can get chaotic if the details aren’t handled well. This ebook will help people organize all those details so they don’t fall through the cracks!

Does the thought of decluttering make you feel anxious?

Prioritization and forming good habits are key to getting organized. If this sounds intimidating, don’t worry. Ms. Willet’s tried-and-true organizing system will help you regain control of your lives and get more done in less time. Learn to prioritize, reduce distractions—and focus on what matters most in A Beginners Guide To Organizing Your Life : Relax and Unwind with an Organized House, Life, and Mind.

Faced with limited time, endless decisions, and a constant stream of demands? You may need help finding your way through the chaos. This practical guidebook will teach you how to achieve inner peace through organization—and keep it!
In a busy world, it can be difficult to know how best to use your time. You might feel as though you’re constantly running from one thing straight into another without ever stopping for breath—but there is an answer: ORGANIZING!
Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

$0.99 on Kindle.
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Once upon a time, there was a code made by just and noble men. A code of knights, heroes and horsemen that adhered to the highest levels of social, moral and spiritual values. Chivalry. A lifestyle born of the qualities expected in an ideal man, Chivalry is a rule of honor, courtesy, generosity, bravery, justice and readiness. Some say Chivalry is dead. Birthed in the twelfth century, it must be so old it has all but turned to dust. But, valor, courage, heroism and kindness do not go out of style. I say there is still muscle and sinew underneath that weathered skin. The knight’s code lives, and a life viewed through a Chivalric lens provides the foundation to become men of exception, not the rule. In CHIVAL, Wood gives us the tools to forge our own higher standard. $2.99 on Kindle.
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Independent Financial Freedom for Women

Independent Financial Freedom for Women
Are you a single woman trying to figure out your personal finances? You’re trying to balance living in the moment, while also planning for the future, and you can’t seem to figure out how to manage your money? Let Mandi Mullens teach you all about becoming financially free. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: How to Be Likable and Magnetic AF: Using Positive Intelligence, Charismatic Conversation, and Witty Banter to Charm, Captivate and Connect Effortlessly

How to Be Likable and Magnetic AF: Using Positive Intelligence, Charismatic Conversation, and Witty Banter to Charm, Captivate and Connect Effortlessly
13 Magnetic Personality Traits to Go From a Wallflower to an Absolute Star – Learn How to Become Friendlier, More Charming, and Intensely Magnetic! With this book, you will learn how to unleash your inner charisma so that you can connect with others in a more meaningful way. You’ll also learn how to communicate with confidence and wit, making you an irresistible force in any situation. Free on Kindle.
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The Believer’s Guide to Fighting Divorce

The Believer's Guide to Fighting Divorce

In The Believers’ Guide to Fighting Divorce, author Dr. Jamal Ross takes readers on a seven-day journey as they battle difficulties in their marriage and focuses on how loving like Jesus can save their marriage. He encourages the reader to look for wisdom and direction of God as they approach this crossroads in their marriage. Reflecting on topics such as the decision to fight, forgiveness, confronting the challenge to quit, and more. $0.99 on Kindle.
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So What Comes Next? – A Teen’s Guide To Life Planning Made Easy

So What Comes Next? - A Teen's Guide To Life Planning Made Easy
Find Comfort in the Future With This Guide That Will Guide You Through Difficult Life Decisions – The Perfect Workbook for Teenagers Unsure About Life After High School

You’re a teenager, and that means the future is wide open. You can be anything you want to be!

But how do you know which path to take?

Will you go to college?

Should you take a gap year?

What about your career?

How do you know you’re making the right decisions?

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and frustrated when trying to figure out what you want to do with your life. You have so many options and it seems like everyone but you has it all figured out.

So What Comes Next? was written just for you!

It’s the perfect guide for any teen who wants to find their passion and make the most of their life. This workbook will help you determine which careers or occupations suit you best, and will make you happier than anything else.

This Book Provides the Reader:

– A personalized experience: Know that the answers that you’ll find in this guide are specially-tailored to work for YOU!
– A brighter future to look forward to: Say goodbye to uncertainty and anxiety about the future and feel excited about it instead!
– No missed opportunities!: Make the most out of your youth and make decisions that your future self will thank you for.
And more!

With this guide, you can create a personal life plan that is tailored specifically for you – because you are unique! You’ll be able to pinpoint what is most important to you, and make the most of your time in high school and beyond.

Create the roadmap to a successful and fulfilling life.
$2.99 on Kindle.
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The Only Airbnb Investing Guide You Will Need: Learn How to Start, Manage, and Fully Automate a Profitable Airbnb Business to Quit Your Job and Stop Trading Your Time for Money Even With No Experience

The Only Airbnb Investing Guide You Will Need: Learn How to Start, Manage, and Fully Automate a Profitable Airbnb Business to Quit Your Job and Stop Trading Your Time for Money Even With No Experience
Making money with Airbnb is a great way to build long-term wealth, but it’s not as simple as just signing up and listing your property. There are a lot of things to think about, like finding the right property and dealing with guests.

With so many guides out there, it’s hard to know which one is right for you. What if you make the wrong decision and end up losing your hard-earned money?

This book is filled with all the information you need to get started, including tips on how to manage and automate your business for maximum profitability.

Easily learn how to set up a successful and profitable Airbnb business that will run itself so you can finally achieve freedom from traditional employment.

With no experience necessary, this guide will show you how to quit your job and start making money through Airbnb without having to trade your time for money. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Pregnancy Survival Guide For Men

Pregnancy Survival Guide For Men
Let’s be honest, pregnancy is a tough ride for fathers, too. Acting as hunter, gatherer, AND fortress for your growing family is enough to drive most men to the brink of insanity – but it doesn’t have to be that way for you! This book will equip you with all the tools you need to confidently navigate the storms of pregnancy and new fatherhood. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: 10 Rules to Succeed Like a Marine – The Hard Price of Success

10 Rules to Succeed Like a Marine - the Hard Price of Success
It’s Time to Live the Life of Your DreamsTo Smash the Excuses! Have you ever wondered why some people are living the life of their dreams and others are not? Have you ever thought, “Why them and not me?” Have you wondered how you could get from a fantasy of what your life should look like to living the actual reality of your dream life? Well, wonder no more friend. With passion and insight gained from years of personal development and Marine Corps service as a Staff Non-Commissioned Officer, Henry Freidenberger equips you with the practical strategies you need to succeed, including

  • Defining what success is to you
  • Helping you to find your vision, or purpose
  • Providing a detailed roadmap to help you succeed
  • Giving you suggestions to help you customize your own battle plan
  • Real-life examples of how Marines have succeeded on the battlefield and how to use that to fuel your own success
  • Hearing from Marines themselves on what has made them successful
  • And more!

Here is everything you need to fight for your vision, your version of success so you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of. It’s time to turn that vision into reality. It’s time to learn THE 10 RULES TO SUCCEED LIKE A MARINE. Free on Kindle.
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Free: Spark Magic: How To Write A Multicultural Children’s Picture Book

Spark Magic: How To Write A Multicultural Children's Picture Book
What takes a book from good to great? And what moves that book from great to magical? The key is capturing the spark that transforms a simple concept into a story people love. In the modern world of literature, books by multicultural authors and/or covering multicultural themes are few. But the need for such books is exponentially growing, creating an opportunity in the marketplace for emerging authors who can write about different facets of the human experience in ways that amuse, educate, and delight readers.

In Spark Magic, How To Write A Multicultural Children’s Book, Donna Beasley takes you step-by-step through powerful storytelling elements. You will learn how to generate engaging ideas, outline your story, create the book you were meant to write, and learn to avoid the pitfalls that hinder story development. This amazing book covers:
• How to find your best idea
• How to establish your character and mission
• How to write a powerful story premise
• Utilizing core story patterns
• The difference between plot and story
• Exploring common story themes
• Incorporating character flaws
• Learning how to show and not tell
• Writing your first draft
• Integration of the Seven Essential Beats in a Storyline
• The role of illustration
• Revising and perfecting your story
• How to design and produce a book cover
• The basics of self-publishing

This book has everything you need to move from the blank page to the place where you hold your published book in your hand and beyond. Most importantly, it provides the inspiration you need to unleash the writer within and write the book you alone were meant to write. It’s time to spark the magic. Free on Kindle.
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Did You Even Read My Resume? Beat the HR Bots and Land Job Interviews

Did You Even Read My Resume? Beat the HR Bots and Land Job Interivews
The job market is a battlefield. Hopes, dreams, and aspirations compete against eagle-eyed hiring managers. If your resume is going to stand out, you need to know how to make an impression. Learn how to stand out from the crowd in this step-by-step guide that takes you from a blank page to a well-written resume. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Love, Dignity, and Parkinson’s: from Care Partner to Caregiver

Love, Dignity, and Parkinson’s: from Care Partner to Caregiver

If your spouse or loved one has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to best care for them without losing yourself. Seabury House Press’s new book, Love, Dignity and Parkinson’s: from Care Partner to Caregiver, offers a new approach to caregiving that can help ease the stress and anxiety that come with this diagnosis.

In this book, you’ll learn how to strengthen your caregiving capacity, maintain peace of mind, and live a less stressful, upsetting, or lonely caregiving life. You’ll also find practical tips on how to deal with common experiences like changes in mood, challenging behavior, and communication difficulties.”Most importantly, Love, Dignity, and Parkinson’s will serve as a constant reminder that you are not alone in this journey. With compassion and wisdom, Pease offers invaluable insights into the caregiver experience, drawn both from her extensive professional experience providing trauma-informed care and from her own years as a caregiver to her husband.

This book is an essential resource for any caregiver navigating the challenges of Parkinson’s Disease Free on Kindle.
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Free: Sales Mastery Essentials Made Simple: Your Master Class On The Inner Game Of Selling With 7 Keys To Becoming A Sales Machine

Sales Mastery Essentials Made Simple: Your Master Class On The Inner Game Of Selling With 7 Keys To Becoming A Sales MachineA Master Class in print to becoming a dynamic sales machine. This book will help increase your sales ability by teaching you the S3 method in a nutshell. Learn how to see, solve and satisfy your client. Access their hidden desires. Connect with anyone, anywhere, anytime. See the invisible, solve the puzzle, and satisfy the dream, theirs and yours. Learn to enjoy and embrace helping others. Always be connecting the wealth is greater than you know. Celebrate!
Free on Kindle.
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How To Talk To Anyone

How To Talk To Anyone
The only guide you’ll ever need to communicate effectively as an introvert. Start small talk, hold conversations and make friends with this step-by-step guide. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Super Speed Reading Learn How To Read 300 Pages In 1 Hour Fast Reading Mental Performance: Proven Speed Reading Techniques A Guide for Beginners on How to Read Faster With Comprehension

Super Speed Reading Learn How To Read 300 Pages In 1 Hour Fast Reading Mental Performance: Proven Speed Reading Techniques A Guide for Beginners on How to Read Faster With ComprehensionWelcome to the Online Speed-Reading Course. This is a program aimed at helping business professionals and managers to become proficient online readers who will enhance their reading skills through the use of proven speed-reading tactics and techniques.

Before we begin to get into the lessons and information provided through this courseware, it is a good idea to get a bit of background on speed reading and how it is far more than some kind of parlor trick or unproductive tactic.

Did you know that you can read (if you have not already attempted other speed reading courses or techniques) around 250 words per minute? This speed is also going to mean that you are reading as fast as possible and probably not understanding all that you have just scanned or attempted to take in.

What is interesting is that the reading habits you have developed over the years are what tends to put this “cap” or limit on the number of words your brain can take in at any given time.

For example, there is an eye movement known as “regression,” which is used by speed readers to describe one of the worst reading habits. It is the description of the way that a reader allows their eyes to return to previously read words, phrases, or entire sentences. Many people do this without being aware of it, and it drastically slows their reading speed and impacts their comprehension.

Applying speed reading techniques to such a habit can improve reading times and increase the reader’s understanding of the text. $2.99 on Kindle.
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The Successful Mindset – The Secret To Success, Happiness And Wealth: Master the Habits to Transform Your Business, Relationships, and Life

Finally, The Key to Having it All in One Place:

How to be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Spelled Out Just For You In One Step by Step Program That Will Lead You on a Journey To Ultimate Success!

Have you ever wondered and pondered over your life and business and worry if you could ever make it??You know what? You can!

You can discover your full potential and turn out to be more successful than you ever imagined possible, it takes just changing the way you think to change your life.

Unlock the secrets to success in life and business? With the tips and secrets shared in THE SUCCESSFUL MINDSET.

If you want to get the best, then this book is what you need!

It was written in a conversational and an easy-to-follow steps, showing you exactly what you will need to know to get the most of life and business.

The Successful Mindset gives you great ideas to have a positive and successful mindset. It is not a course of tricks or manipulations, but a course of genuine, honest examples that actually work. You will not only get great advice, but you also get practical examples to help you for better understanding of the content.

So put aside your fears of failure and give that business a second thought. With the power of a successful mindset, there’s nothing you can’t do!

So, if you are still struggling for inspiration or need help in having a more successful mindset, then this course will really open your eyes. It is a definitive reference for anyone looking for a fresh standpoint in life and in business. $2.99 on Kindle.
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