eReader Nation has partnered with JustKindleBooks and BookSliced to get your books in front of even more active readers. Combined JustKindleBooks and eReader Nation have more than 51,000 newsletter subscribers and 78,000 Facebook followers. We drive an average of 120 paid purchases and 2,300 free book downloads and 100s of KU download through Amazon each day. We accept all genres, including erotic romance. Scroll down to read our FAQs.
We’ve purposefully built our sites and promotions to be author-friendly, with the following:
* Easy 3-minute submission forms
* Next day promotions (if submitted by 5PM ET)
* Low-price budget option
* Personalized confirmation emails
Premium Book Promotion Plus – ($45) Our premium plus promotion guarantees maximum exposure. This promotion gives you:
- A top placement in newsletter & homepage for 1 day
- A top placement in newsletter & homepage for 1 day
- A top placement in newsletter & homepage for 1 day
- JustKindleBooks Facebook + Instagram post
- A post on our other social channels: Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Flipboard & more
- Extra two to three days of homepage exposure in our Hot Books section
- Option to add an eReaderNation + BookSliced Facebook post
- Option to boost your Facebook post to reach up to 20,000 additional readers
Premium Kindle Book Promotion – ($38) With this promotion your book will get all of the following:A top spot in JustKindleBooks’ newsletter & homepage for 1 day
- A top placement in JustKindleBooks’ newsletter & homepage for one day
- A top placement in eReaderNation’s newsletter & homepage for one day
- A top spot in BookSliced’s newsletter & homepage for one day
- Hand written JustKindleBooks Facebook post
- A post on our social channels: Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr, Flipboard & more
- Option to add an eReaderNation + BookSliced Facebook post
- Option to boost your Facebook post to reach up to 20,000 additional readers
Budget Book Promotion – ($22) Our budget book promotion is quick and affordable. With this promotion you’ll get:
- Placement in JustKindleBooks newsletter & homepage for 1 day
- Placement in eReaderNation newsletter & homepage for 1 day
- A post on our social channels: Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr, Flipboard & more
- Option to get your book in newsletter & homepage for 1 day
- Option to add a custom writtern JustKindleBooks’ Facebook post
Book Series Promotion – ($43) Promote all the titles your book series at once with this promotion. You’ll get all the services included in our Premium Promotion.
Bulk Submissions — Would you like to submit 25 books or more for promotions? We offer a special program for publishers – prepay for 25 or more promotions and get a 40% discount. Email us at justkindlebooks AT gmail dot com for more information.
What do I need to get started?
- You’ll need your Kindle book’s ASIN. That number can be found in your book’s url on Amazon. It’s 10-digits and begins with B00 or B01. It looks like this:
- You’ll need a Paypal account or a credit card to pay via Paypal.
How far in advance should I submit my book promotion?
We can schedule book promotions within 24 hours. We can typically get your promotion in the next day, if you submit it by 4PM PT/7PM ET. You’ll get a personal confirmation from us once the promotion is set up.
Do you accept erotic romance?
Yes. We accept erotic romance, but only if the cover is tasteful.
What form of payment do you take?
We accept Paypal for payment. If you don’tt have Paypal account, it’s not a problem. Simply select guest checkout and use your credit card. If you are in a country that Paypal does not operate in, then contact us and we can set up a credit card payment.
What are the benefits of running a book promotion?
- Sales: A promotion helps you reach a bigger audience.
- Reviews: A rule of thumb is that 1 in 100 people who buy your book will write a review. The more sales you get the more reviews you get.
- Future Sales: The more readers you attract to your book, the more you will have when your next one comes out. Running a book promotion now helps to build your fan base for the long term.
Contact Us
Got questions? Use the form below to ask questions about our book promotion service.