Looking for Clara

Looking for Clara

How did I get here? Clara asks. Was I influenced by something, someone, or just myself? A career in law, a path that seems predetermined, perfect from the outside, but filled with nonsense, the one only Clara sees. She feels unresolved, at times disoriented, almost anesthetized by the life at the law firm. Her apartment in L.A. is practically empty, with almost no furniture, and a clutter of boxes, books, random piles of sheet music, CDs, and a piano, the “silent witness to my temporary lack of commitment. To myself.” She would need to stop and think, but she can’t, or doesn’t want to. And then her law firm sends her to Siena, Italy, where she meets Mario, her eighty-year-old neighbor, who takes photographs for fun and writes stories on them. There, somewhere between dream and reality, Clara’s friendship with Mario will pull her into a journey filled with unexpected turns and discoveries. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Author: Simona Grossi